Hikind: Obama is Wrong For All The Wright Reasons; McCain Can Be The Only Choice

hikind.jpgFor 20 years, Barack Obama Did Not Right the Wrongs of the Reverend Wright’s Racist and anti-Israel Rants.  If Obama couldn’t stand up for what’s right, how is he going to be the president of the United States?

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) today endorsed Senator John McCain for President of the United States, saying, “It’s about character, and Barack Obama can not look the American people in the eye and say that he did not know that his Reverend was an unrepentant racist – the man who consecrated his marriage, who baptized his children, who was his spiritual advisor and confidante. It’s not plausible, it’s disingenuous, and it disqualifies him from ably serving as the president of the United States.

“The Reverend Jeremiah Wright repeatedly lauded Louis Farrakhan, conferring upon him honorific titles, often sounding like a devoted disciple of Farrakhan’s. Farrakhan called Judaism the ‘synagogue of Satan.’ And Rev. Wright echoed the anti-Semitism, blaming Israel for 9/11. Wright said, ‘You don’t see the connection between 9-11-01 and the Israeli Palestinian?…..something wrong?….You wanna buy my glasses?’

Obama did nothing.  He said nothing.  Not for one year.  Not for five years…not even after 10 years.  For 20 years, Obama did not protest his pastor’s racist tantrums.  That is a catastrophic error in judgement and brings into question whether he has the integrity, the strength of character and the discerning judgment to lead our great country.

Obama issued a disclaimer on Reverend Wright, contending he had not heard the virulent anti-America and anti-Israel sermons. How can he disclaim two decades of Wright’s disgraceful diatribes when he not only said nothing but in fact supported Reverend Wright’s church in word and deed?  For this alone, Obama disqualified himself for the presidency.  Obama was wrong on Wright and he is wrong for President.

Obama’s view on world politics is frightening.  “I cannot support Obama’s willingness to sit down personally with Ahmadinejad, or other leaders who call for the destruction of Israel, without preconditions. Our country needs a President with a backbone and the strength to face our enemies.  If Barack Obama didn’t have the courage and wisdom to denounce his racist reverend in Chicago, how on earth will he deal with America’s enemies who want to destroy everything America stands for?”

“As a proud American and a proud Jew, I will cast my ballot for President for John McCain.  Barack Obama has not done anything to deserve my vote.”

30 Responses

  1. Dov Heikind is a true Jew and a courageous Jew and a true leaderwho is not afraid to go against the main stream. Jews from all walks of life should listen to his advice and vote for Mc Cain Palin.

  2. Respectfully Disagree.

    (a) I know a number of fellow Orthodox Jews who have worked with Senator Obama (in the Illinois State Senate, the U.S. Senate, and as students of his at the University of Chicago Law School). All consider him highly intelligent, fair-minded, and very respectful toward Jews.

    (b) The current economic crisis, potentially high unemployment, etc., require new, creative leadership; definitely not more of the same.

    (c) Senator McCain is 72 and in relatively poor health (having had several cases of Oso Machlah [cancer]). If elected, there is a strong possibilty that Sarah Palin will become president.

    (d) The refusal Ms. Livni to guarantee that Jerusalem will always be 100% ours is obviously due to “pressure” from the Bush administration. As a candidate Mr. Bush made the same friendly promises as McCain; if elected McCain will follow Bush and favor the Arab oil interests.

  3. I couldn’t believe what my ears were listening to. My son showed me that on Kol Haolam there were Jews calling up and saying that they will vote for Barack Obama.

  4. re the prospect of a Palin presidency:
    I’m not terribly worried. Let’s assume McCain has a great cabinet, and she has the humility to consult, and will have had on the job training.

    And remember, she’ll have to choose a veep too.

    Either way it goes, we live in scary, momentous times.

  5. Americans will wake up on Wed morning in total disbelief that we have allowed an inexperienced leader of questionable charachter to hold the keys of power of this country simply because of his superior oratory skills and not because of his abilities or policies.On every issue he has proven to be wrong or at the very least inconsistent. He has little or no record of any achievement in the US Senate and because of his skin color, Sen. McCain went out of his way to ignore most of the troubling aspects of Mr.Obama’s character for fear of being accused a racist ie Rev Wright.This is called reverse discrimination.
    For so many reasons we must encourage our brethren to vote for our core beliefs and our values.Mr. Obama does not share the values of the Jewish community plain and simple.
    There is very little room for error and now is the time to stop this potential disaster before its too late.

  6. charliehall, you do not keep up with the news. I just watched yesterday on newsmax.com how Louis Farrakhan praised Barack Obama and called him a “beautiful man”. This is who you want to be your president. Du bist meshuga oyf toyt!!!!

  7. sad to say , if dov hikind says not to to vote for barak obama mabey we should vote for him.

    this is the same dov who said vote for kevin parker who does not have our intrest at heart.
    this is the same dov who likes to dance with the deval hillary clinton.

    this is the same dov who let boro park and flatbush get cut in to three voting districs so that that our votes don’t count as much.

    please keep this all in mind.

  8. remmber Mayor Dinkin (ehr hut zich farshtinkin).
    The Libs wanted to give the guy a chance just because of his color, that’s how this guy even got his name on the ballot. Now because of momentum he got all the way up. But in the end it will be Dinkins all over again gauranteed.
    Hashem Yerachaim.

  9. Why does everyone think that voting for someone solely on the fact that you dont like the other guy, is the way to go? There are more than 2 candidates running. Vote for a third party. Its not wasting your vote. It sends a message

  10. It seems to me that there is more at stake in this presidential election than in past ones. In past elections the worst a Jewish voter could do was make a foolish choice, for which there would be no repercussioons. In this election, given the record of Barack Obama someone who voted for him might be held accountable in heaven. Obama has surrounded himself with advisors who are anti-Isreal. He is a moral degenerate who wishes to impose his low standards on American society. The fact that someone has deluded himself into thinking that Obama’s policies make more sense is hardly an excuse. We are obligated to be rational and not let ourselves be fooled by a candidate’s rhetoric or good looks. Any Frum Jew considering voting for him should give it a long second thought.

  11. to number #16 if you are a rav hagoan as you clame to be , why don’t you tell us your name. a posek is not allowed to be scaired to issue a pesak.

  12. Harav HaGaon, you took the words right out of my mouth. Why else would Louis Farrakhan praise Barack Obama, because he knows where he stands concerning the Jews!

    And let’s remember, President Bush built internment camps in the southwestern portion of the United States for the purpose of housing illegal aliens until they are deported. The concentration camps of WWII started as prisoner of war camps or as army barracks!

  13. My dear Yossele: If I gave my name it would probably not stop your invective, and would only lead to more rabid remarks.
    Additionally the amount of spelling mistakes you made in one short sentence leads me to conclude that you are not to be taken seriously.

  14. You can blog and talk all you want but listen up..
    Obma is the next president. You don’t have to like it, it just the way it’s going to be!

  15. #8 charlie hall,

    Do you think that any of these are “his” proposals or are being fed to him by a very capable campain chairman and strategist.
    I judge him on HIS decisions only.
    Like being the biggest liberal spender and senator as voted on by his fellow senators.
    But even scarier is his 20 year relationship with jeramiah wright an anti american, jew and white.
    Wow. What a sensible guy with charachter and honesty. If that is what you want charlie then go for it. The fact that he pledges something is beyond non trustable.
    Lev melochim vesorim beyad Hashem.

  16. HELLO???? ANYONE THERE? Obama is going to turn this country into a socialist regime. As many Yidden fall under the “Rich” category (Having a full time paying, non-teaching, job may exclude you from the middle-class according to Obama), especially those who are lawyers, accountants, doctors, buisnessmen or other professions their salary will be taken away and given to those HE thinks are needy. He has pro-black sentiments regarding charities, will not give to Jewish organizations while will give to the racist, leftist Acorn.
    How will it be possible to increase spending, increase pork in bills, and still decrease taxes?!?!?!? He says he will cut taxes for 75% of people when 40% DONT PAY TAXES!!! How can you get a Rebate when you dont pay the bate? It is all hot air coming out of his mouth. It will not come about- mark my words.
    his health care plan is unreasonable. Canada has the same type of plan there and the President of Canada came to AMERICA for his hip surgery! See how good it is?
    ok, what defense plan does Obama have when his VP said that in Obama’s first term he will face an international crises. Why dont we vote for someone who wont get us into that situation to begin with??
    Have a brain- vote McCain!!!

  17. What would be so bad about Palin being president? She has more experience now then Obama has! She’s the VP at this point and he is running for President!!!
    #8- She is running one of the only states that has a balanced budget at this point and even issued refunds to many in her state since they had a surplus!

  18. For one reason alone we should not vote for Obama. The Supreme Court appointments. Obama is pledged to appoint a “progressive” judge in the mold of Ruth Bada Ginsburg to the court. We all know what that means. If you are a self respecting Jew to whom Torah values means something you cannot possibly vote for this man.

  19. illini07: it seem that ALL people with a jewish mind & heart disagree with you. YOU are deceiving yourself, my heart sincerely goes out to you- NEBACH

  20. are some of you really trying to use religion as an intimidation tactic? to threaten our own brothers and sisters into voting like you? to distort our faith through manufactured political opinion? that’s low.

  21. #4. Mr. Obama was attending Rev. Wright’s church during the time you say a number of frum Jews were working with him. I can’t imagine attending a shul for 20 years and declaring someone my spiritual leader and then being bewildered and dumbfounded when it is made public that my spiritual leader has expressed hatred for America and white people. (see: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Story?id=4443788)

    I’m curious how a frum Jew reconciles Obama and Biden’s rejection of a constitutional amendment to define legal marriage as between one man and one woman. Or Obama’s decision to vote in favor of prosecuting a person who would use a firearm to defend himself in his own home. Or Obama’s friendship with Rashid Khalidi.

    And how exactly does socialism work in a Jewish context? It doesn’t. We are supposed to give voluntarily to help those in need, not grab it from people who earn it and let government bureaucracies dole it out (with about 1/3 of benefits like food stamps being lost to fraud according to FBI reports.) Not surprisingly, Obama has a sad record of personal charitable giving (up until he decided to run for president.) Meanwhile, decent people like the Cheney’s give extraordinary amounts to charity but they are vilified by angry liberals.

    There is nothing in Obama’s scant record to indicate that he will do anything to help unemployment or the economy, unless you’d like to see another “New Deal” which prolonged the Depression and created government entitlement programs that are with us still.

    Regarding Israel, isn’t it interesting that if our elections were held there, John McCain would win in a landslide.

    If you know of ANY poskim or gedolim who have come out in support of Obama, please list them.

  22. #40 That is true that our grandfather thinks FDR was great, even though FDR called Stalin “Uncle Joe” and overlooked the Holocaust for quite a while. And even though FDR most certainly dragged out the Depression, according to many historians and economist including Paul Johnson, Amity Shlaes and most recently UCLA economics professors Ohanian and Cole. Putting people on the government dole doesn’t build an economy. It just creates dependence. It is a sad shame that there are yidden who have become dependent on the government and raise their children to do the same. Our community is supposed to help fellow yidden in need (as we do with many organizations) and we should not ever have the mentality that taxes is maaser.

    The more we are taxed, the less able we are to afford paying for our children’s private schools, our own mortgages, our own insurance.

    Hawaii just disbanded their “universal health care” because they quickly discovered that when you offer coverage on the government’s (taxpayers) tab, people who were paying for their own coverage will drop it in favor of letting other taxpayers pay for them.

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