New Realities At The Kosel For Women Of The Wall

koselJewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky announced on Monday, 8 Kislev 5774 that when Women of the Wall gather at the Kosel next rosh chodesh and read from a Sefer Torah there will not be any arrests made as has been the case throughout the years. Sharansky made his comments at the General Assembly Conference.

Sharansky spoke with Israel Radio as well, explaining the government and the Jewish Agency are working hand-in-hand and new policies exist that were not in place in earlier governments. For one thing, he explained “we are negotiating with the Conservative and Reform”, for he posits this is critical towards increasing the connection with those streams and the State of Israel or risk losing their Jewish identity entirely.

Speaking to Women of Wall representatives at the conference, entitled “The Global Jewish Shuk: A Marketplace of Dialogue and Debate”, Sharansky said “I can promise you there will be no arrests” regarding the women davening and reading from a Sefer Torah at the Kosel.

Sharansky remains an ardent advocate of recognizing the rights of non-Orthodox streams of Judaism and giving them official recognition in Israel. He feels by shunning the majority of the Jewish People, the Conservative and Reform Movements, most of Am Yisrael will assimilate as a result.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. the idea is to encourage them to keep their jewish identities. If they feel proud to be jewish then they are more likely to marry others who share their pride and not any random person

  2. Most of Am Yisrael will assimilate as a result of the Conservative and Reform movements,besides these people DO NOT know if they are really Jewish

  3. M.O.

    The “idea” sounds great in theory, but the reality is that reform and conservative aid and abet assimilation. They are responsible for the spiritual holocaust in America, and giving them recognition in Israel will only accelerate the decline of Judaism there.

    Eretz Yisroel
    Bli Torah,
    Bli Neshamah!

  4. Sharansky is the one who is responsible for bringing more than 100,000 Russian Goym to Erez Ysroel when he was minister of absorption. He is also responsible for signing Wayne Accord with the terrorists and other bad things he did for Erez Ysroel. He would server Jewish People better if he remained in Gulag.

  5. Sharansky ought to recall who were his benefactors’ when he was a refusenik.

    A few knocks to his head ,maybe.

    The seculars’ jumped on the bandwagon(as usual,of course) only after most of the work for him was accomplished

    But He was appointed and picked for his position,BECAUSE he obviously was completely of his league ,and hence a wonderful puppet for those behind the scenes..

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