Satmar Rebbe on Core Subjects and Gezeiros Against Bnei Torah

satmMarking the 34th yahrzeit of the Satmar Rebbe ZT”L, the Divrei Yoel on erev Shabbos Parshas Re’eh 5773, the Rebbe Shlita of Kiryas Yoel held a yahrzeit tisch.

The rebbe addressed the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the ongoing effort to compel bnei yeshivos to serve in the IDF, quoting the late tzaddik who stated “The day will come when bochrim will not be able to live in Eretz HaKodesh and they will not be able to study Torah”, a statement that today is viewed by many as prophetic.

The rebbe stated it has been 60 years since the rebbe zt”l made the statement, but for him it is engrained in his mind as the tzibur today faces the ongoing effort to uproot Torah in the holy land. He pointed out there is a very large tzibur in Eretz Yisrael, one which remains silent, for even those wishing to protest are met with opposition by those who will find any way to silence their voices.

The rebbe told chassidim that he tries to imagine what the late rebbe would do today, adding he would not remain silent but he would shake world to protect the bnei yeshivos and preserve torah.

The rebbe stated hundreds of thousands must come in protest and cry for “kovod Shomayim”, not just thousands or even tens of thousands. The rebbe explained there are enough chareidim in Eretz Yisrael and the United States to shake the world for kovod Shomayim.

Regarding the state’s ongoing effort to compel mosdos to include core subjects in their curriculum, the rebbe feels that ultimately, most schools will give in to the pressure. The rebbe stated it is not just pressure pertaining to the government holding back funds but the directors of most schools simply will not be strong enough to remain firm and turn away the funding. It will be a gradual process and the rebbe predicts first a quarter of the schools will give in to pressure, than a third and eventually, most will accept the money and compromise their syllabus R”L.

The rebbe quoted the Divrei Yoel who warned the state will not give money without strings attached and eventually, there will be demands made of those who accepted the funds for the entire goal is uprooting Yiddishkheit. The rebbe highlighted the gadlus of the late rebbe’s words that were stated so many years ago, concluding that who would have believed that the day would come that an arrest warrant is issued against those wishing to sit and study torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Thank G-d for Gedolim like the Satmar Rebbe zt’l who long ago predicted what we are today witnessing.

    Credit must be given where credit is due. And Satmar as well as Eida Chareidus and Brisk certainly put there money where their mouth is by refusing to accept legally entitled Israeli government funding. This gives them the ability to stick it to those reshoyim and refuse to implement zionist state mandates.

  2. Most of the Satmar Hassidim in Brroklyn NY WORK and are encouraged to work. Why all the fuss about those in Israel? Also learning math and basic skills is not a tragedy. Get over it. If you dont want to learn, by all means don’t, but do it on your own expenses and not the States expense.

  3. Gedolei Yisrael have Siyatta Dishmaya and are powerful. Things are b’H in progress (will be publicized soon) and iy’H the chilonim will coming running on all four to the government begging them to stop enforcing the conscription of charedim and attacking them. Just a bit more patience.

  4. Well maybe Rebbes should stop the fighting and the great machlokes that goes on between them. The Chofetz Chaim brings down a chazal which says that on three occasions HKB”H was mevater on Avodah Zorah but not on machlokes

  5. #2 Tzvi, big knakker. How many years did you and your friends in Brooklyn have to serve in a secular/non-Jewish army before going to work? Before criticizing and being motze shem ra on charedim in Israel find out the details why charedim in Israel cannot go to work as easily as you.

    Core subject does not only include math. Did you have learn Zionist apirkorsus in your yeshiva too?

  6. To #2
    In America they don’t have to go to army to work and get destroyed in process…get it ? if they are concerned about work, then let them banish the draft and you will see thousands of charedim working. and that is actually the point. they don’t want them to join so they can demonize them and have suckers like you fall for it…..STOP THE DRAFT AND LET THEM WORK !!!!!

  7. Machlokes is caused by regular people not by rebbes. So say the Seforim. Chafer Chaim didn’t talk about machlokes leshem shomayim.

  8. #4

    Do you desire to know what The Chofetz Chaim said about people that tried to make others even the slightest less religious..

    Or that the Chofetz Chaim would call the Maskil (Adam.S)who tried to influence him in his youth with ‘Yimach Shmo’..

  9. Most Charedi schools in Israel already teach the core curriculum of MATH & ENGLISH, they are arranging to teach CIVICS in after school clubs.

    If the Satmar do not want to teach these subjects, kol hakavod to them if this is there mesorah.

  10. #5 and #6 — who’s talking about army??? Once again just blowing hot air and making fools of both yourselves and the Torah you supposedly represent. The bill makes it clear that national service is an option. This includes working in places such as Yad Sarah. No shmad in that. Everybody, please! Stop overreacting!!!

  11. #10 — the bill does NOT allow national service except for a very select few selected by the army. ALL others who are forced out of the yeshivos are given no choice but to join the treife shmad army.

  12. The Satmar Rebbe leveled criticism against those who are opposed to demonstrations. Well, the reason for the opposition is not because they believe that their own position is weak or not worthy of fighting for. It is very different. It is a tactical decision to continue learning, not to compromise, and to take it on the chin. The goal is to sit it out and not feed the tiger. Do you remember that individual who spat at the girl in Bait Shemesh? That one incident gave Lapid at least 5 seats and drove them together with their allies in Bayit Hayedhudi to power. Lowering the profile, will dry them out as all will see that you can’t win seats by blaming all your troubles on the Chareidim. Rav Shteineman was correct about (not cutting any deals with Bayit Hayehudi during the elections for Chief Rabbinate.) He is correct about this too (as if my agreement has any value) and it’s only a matter of time before all will see his wisdom.

  13. Dear Rebbe- Stop machlokes with your brother which is causing sinas chinam between family and friends. Make shalom first- show the way- and then give mussar about Eretz Yisroel. Also- As Rebbe , focus on something positive not the negative innate anti-Zioist obsession. I may even become your chosid if you do that.

  14. #5 #6- Im not in Brooklyn. My point is that their is no “SHMADA” as you put it, and the only reason their actually would be is because of stubborn people like yourselves who make the situation impossible. I know ans you know their are special units such as Nachal Haredi. What they aren’t religious enough for you?
    Anyway the army and army service is not a luxury it is reality and practically needed or else their would be a REAL Shmada and holocaust by the Arab enemies. Are you comfortable with that?
    If they do not want to serve, others do not want to serve and almost no one serves what do you think will happen? Anyway the army is not because we want to its because we have to.

  15. Like I also said before no one owes you or anyone anything. If you want the public funds you at least do some things that will promote the public good in the long run. Haredi population is growing fast the younger generation NEEDS subjects such as Math (not too sure about English) and other skills (such as computers) to compete better in the job market and thus produce better for the economy instead of being a drain unto the system. When that drain is small it can be helped out, but that drain is getting bigger and bigger and it is expecting the rest of society to cover its bills. This situation is not sustainable and can lead to a total collapse of the economy with enough time (G-D forbid).

  16. And that is also not even taking into account the Hillul Hashem factor where you are expecting OTHERS to cover your bills while you dont even try to find employment. It is a Hillul Hashem and not sustainable.

  17. Watch that don’t choke on your hateful bile. Es vet eich gornit helfen. Israel is here to stay because it’s the ratzon of the Almighty. Hodu L’Shem Kki Tov , Ki Leolam Chasdo!

  18. All government money, in every country, come with strings attached. That’s why i’m against vouchers for private schools. (tax credits are better)

    This whole premise of learning core subjects, is utter nonsense. I remember in my high school days (long long ago), we were taking regents and a Satmar High School came to our school to take a Bookkeeping Regent because their school wasn’t accredited.

    For you Satmar who can’t figure out the point, more than 30 years ago, Satmar was teaching things, other than Torah, in their schools. Core curriculum subjects, plus subjects like bookkeeping (which is also math, a core subject), takes nothing away from Torah and often enhances Torah understanding. (BTW, how much is an Amah? How much water is needed for a Mikvah? That’s math. Can’t figure it out, you can’t keep Halacha)

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