VIDEO: American Jew Barred from Entering UK – Believes he was Racially Profiled


According to Kansas resident Louis (Chip) Cantor, 23, a student, he was racially profiled and as a result, barred from entering the UK due to a stamp in his passport from an entry into Israel.

According to a KMBC News report, when Cantor arrived in the UK on May 29, 2013, “he was thrown into a cell, eventually turned around, and sent back”. After being held for close to nine hours he was escorted to a flight, and officials would not give him his passport. When they boarded the flight, in front of all the other passengers, the official announced “here is his passport. Don’t give him the passport until you land in the United States.” The American Airlines official is quoted as saying in his 17 years of flying he has never seen such an incident.

Cantor has no explanation for the actions of authorities in Britain other than anti-Semitism.

Chip explains everything was more or less routine until he got to customs and then the agent began flipping through his passport. He came upon two pages with visa stamps from Israeli customs, explaining he spent his freshman year studying in Israel.

Chip explains that things turned sour and he feels the incident from this point was anti-Semitic in nature. “He started going through my wallet to see how much money I had. He went through my credit cards. He made a comment ‘I bet you will have a lot of money’ and it was then that I put one and one together and said this reeks of anti-Semitism.”

Despite earnest efforts by Chip’s dad to reason with custom officials, who in this case are not government employees but employees of a private company, but to no avail. Dad explains “at this point he walked over to Chip and said ‘your dad just hung up the phone on me. Typical of an American.’”

During the almost nine-hour detention in a cell, he was denied food and water, all the while trying to figure out why he was being detained to begin with.

For Chip’s dad, he chalks the incident up to prejudice, telling the media “it is very very troublesome as an American to have my son treated this way.”

Chip had more than enough documentation to enter the UK. Nevertheless, authorities felt the need to fingerprint and photograph him, sending a woman wearing a burka to carry out those tasks. He was also threatened, told if he changed any of the responses to their questions, he may find himself in prison. His repeated requests to be permitted to contact US Embassy officials were ignored. Although not detailed in the report, Chip told the press that the woman who photographed and fingerprinted him did make anti-Semitic remarks.

Before sending him back to the United States, Chip’s name was entered into a a database that will make entering the country or other European Union nations in the future more difficult.

For Chip, he laments the situation and how he was treated. He stresses however that this only increases his feelings for Israel. The family has contacted a congressman and other local elected officials but to date, it appears the State Department or other officials in Washington are uninterested.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. There are more than six direct flights a day from Tel Aviv to the UK, bringing hundreds of Israelis to the British capital. There must be comparable numbers of US citizens (Jews and non-Jews) with Israeli stamps in their passports entering the UK from the US every day. It’s impossible that there could be a policy that excludes such people from Britain.

    The most likely explanation for this incident is that he did not meet the criteria for working in the UK (they are very strict about this) and, in all innocence, told the immigration officer that he planed to work. That would lead to immediate deportation (the sharing of data with other EU countries is standard).

    Other reports of the incident I’ve seen describe various antisemitic comments by the local officials. If true they should be fired, but there is a world of difference between trash talking and a policy to exclude Jews.

  2. Forget the British Nazis. They were the ones responsible for many Jews slaughtered during the Holocaust as they sent ships back to Aushwitz instead of allowing them to enter into Israel. They also worked against Jews and in favor of Arabs! Were Esav and still are Esav.

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