Rav Amnon Bazak Opposes Rav Eliyah’s Candidacy for Chief Rabbi

icrRabbi Amnon Bazak of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion joins the list of outspoken opponents to the candidacy of Tzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu for the post of Rishon L’Tzion

In a Tuesday morning 24 Tammuz 5773 Facebook page posting, the rav praises rav Eliyahu, adding he has the utmost respect for his spreading of Torah and his courage to stand up and say things that are not always easy to state.

“While I support the psak of many poskim of recent generations, those who do not agree with Rabbi Eliyahu’s piskei Halacha, one cannot say his views are not representative of legitimate Halacha. Therefore I do not see the justification for the attorney general to disqualify his candidacy.”

“Now, following that introduction is my announcement. I do not feel that his [Rabbi Eliyahu] candidacy is suitable, certainly not as a candidate representing the dati leumi community.”

Rabbi Bazak cites two reasons; (1) his “extremist views regarding Jews and Arabs and (2) his harsh words against rabbonim who do not agree with his hashkafa.”

Rabbi Bazak speaks of the rabbi’s support of defying IDF orders in connection with the dismantling of outposts. He adds a quote from Rabbi Eliyahu, in which he spoke out against Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, adding he does not have a single sefer from the Gadol Hador in his home.

The posting continues, adding that in reference to Rabbi Dr. Yuval Sherlow, Rav Eliyahu says who says one should not adhere to his opinions since “they fail and at times cause others to fail on several issues, including matters of tznius and Eretz Yisrael… a great many rabbis of this kind have risen in Am Yisrael and have gained popularity and a large audience, but then they are eventually rejected.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I think that it would be much wiser for us not to get involved in speaking negatively about talmidei chachomim. Only those people that need to get involved for a legitimate “toeles” should get invloved.

  2. Rav Eliyahu is the best candidate for the Chief Rabbinate . He is the son of one of our Greatest rabbis of our generation – Rav Mordechai Eliyahu.
    He will continue his Father’s astounding legacy.

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