Amona Expulsion Set for the Coming Weeks

amonaState officials told Israel’s High Court that the residents of Amona will be expelled from their homes by the deadline, July 15, 2013 after the court ruled large areas of the community were built on private Arab lands. Amona, near Ofra, was founded in 1997.

The plight of Amona has been before the High Court for some time as numerous stays have been granted, but it now appears the community will be uprooted, as was the case with Migron and Beit El’s Ulpana neighborhood, all destroyed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

On Sunday, 22 Tammuz 5773 the state asked the High Court for an additional four days, explaining a number of people recently made land purchases in an area of Amona, purchases that are listed and recognized as legal by the Civil Administration. As a result, today, the owners of areas slated for expulsion are listed as the recent buyers, not the folks whose names appeared in the earlier paperwork submitted to the High Court. State officials explain they are also fearful regarding the safety of the land sellers.

Experts explain the new ownership of areas slated for expulsion complicates the expulsion from a legal standpoint and the court may have to grant another extension. The land sales are registered and recognized, compelling the High Court to reevaluate the situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. They should evacuate the illegal arab building on Har hazeisim and kick off the illegal arab buildings on state land instead—and not give them retroactive approval. He acts more like the prime minister of the PA than prime minister of Israel’s citizens–what a farce!

  2. This just proves that a Jew should not buy property, an apartment, or a house anywhere in the State of Israel.
    The deed that you hold means absolutely nothing to the government of Israel.
    If the rag heads complain that you stole their land you are on the outside looking in. Proving ownership doesn’t even help.
    Tel Aviv next?

  3. How symbolic. Erev Tish’a B’Av the state of Israel will expel Jews from another yet another portion of their land.

  4. The Arab Nations don’t have to fire a single shot at Israel. No need for any tanks, planes or ammunition. The Israely “Government” LOL will self distruct their Nation for you!

  5. HELP HELP, once again Jews are transferred from their legal homes to make room for fictious Land Deeds of our Yishmaeli brothers.

  6. If you read how they would call a person going after a chareidi soldier chasing him out of a shul “a nazi”, so I wonder what they would call a police officer stepping with a horse on a human being, or non chareidi soldiers throwing hundreds or thousands of people into the street with their children
    can any one tell me what is the proper name to use for them

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