Shachar Soldiers Have to do Miluim

idffMany chareidim entered the Shachar program in the IDF, serving in a technical capacity. Some of them are now being retrained to identify the dead in line with their assignment for reserve duty, in the IDF Rabbinate.

According to the Ynet report, tens of Shachar soldiers were taken by surprise when they were instructed to report for a course to certify them in identifying bodies. It appears the IDF is using these frum soldiers to fill the void as the military rabbinate is forced to send many of its personnel home due to budget cuts.

YWN-ISRAEL first reported on this back in April 2013, but it appears the program is now moving ahead.

Ynet adds that the soldiers all state that at no time during their enlistment or service were they told they are compelled to serve in miluim (reserves). Ynet adds that for most of them, there are no older brothers and sisters who served before them, so in actuality, they have no clue as to what awaited them prior to entering the military. This is true regarding miluim as well.

When asked to comment, the Office of the IDF Spokesman states “Shachar soldiers were never promised that they will not have to serve in miluim. They will be doing miluim like other soldiers. Many soldiers will serve in the same capacity in miluim that they served in Shachar while others will not, all in line with the needs of the IDF.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. As per Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Shlita’s psak: boiz yuvoozoo loi. and the family’s explaination: everything should be done to disgrace them. It would be proper for YWN to term them CHARDAKIM.

  2. As per Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Shlita’s psak: boiz yuvoozoo loi. and the family’s explaination: everything should be done to disgrace them. It would be proper for YWN to at very least term them CHARDAKIM.

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