Rav Shteinman Shlita Calls on the Women to Assist in Combating the Gezeira

shtmHaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita has issued a call to the women in his ongoing battle against the effort to draft bnei yeshivos. T he Gadol Hador recently called on bnei Torah to arrange for round-the-clock limud for five continuous days, now turning his call to the women.

It appears principals of girl’s yeshivos recently turned to the rav asking him what they should instruct the girls to do during this critical time. The Gadol Hador cited three areas; reciting chapters of Tehillim, to increase vigilance surrounding Shmiras Shabbos and to be extra careful regarding loshon hora and motzei shem ra.

בזכות השינוי לטובה בשלושת הדברים הללו ה׳ יעזור ותבטל הגזירה הרעה כנגד עולם התורה ובחורי הישיבה יוכלו להמשיך וללמוד בהשקט ובטח” the Gadol Hador is quoted as saying.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. chareidirbs, akuperma and I disagree on many issues but he has a valid point here. Clearly, as I predicted, the Torah learning by men is not fully working. Involve the women, and learn from this experience that teffillah, tefillim, Torah, shmiras shabbos is always important- not just during the period of time. We all have respect for a gadol but we can agree to disagree in a respectful tone- otherwise we are in perilous situation.

  2. Tehillim work up to a point, but I believe everyone knows that at a certain point more is required. Note another article on YWN about mass demonstrations. I believe the gadol was issuing a warning that the situation is gravely serious, and women need to be aware and involved – even if involvement at this point in time is limited.

  3. #3- I don’t think that is what is going on at all. I think it has to do with Nissan and the fact that it was in the women’s merit that we were redeemed from Mitzrayim.. and it’s not true that the IDF would be drafting women. The Dati Leumi would not go for that either..

  4. have the yeshivos been learning around the clock for the 5 days? i doubt it. when the yeshiva world takes it’s godolim seriously-things will change. you cant say, “i want to sit and learn and not go to the army”, but when push comes to shove, not do it.

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