Photos: Kaliver Rebbe Delivers Chizuk To Yeshiva Merkaz HaRav

YW-Kaliv At Merkaz Harav-03.jpg(Click HERE for photos) On Wednesday night, the Kaliver Rebbe Shlita visited and delivered Chizuk to a crowd of nearly 1,000 people in Yeshiva Merkaz Harav, in memory of the Kedoshim HYD murdered last week in cold-blood.

Speaking in Hebrew, the Rebbe spoke for nearly an hour, being Mechazek the students of the Yeshiva. With heavy sobs, the Rebbe concluded his speech by standing up together with the bachurim of the Yeshiva Ketana and Yeshiva Gedola, and reciting “Shema Yisrael”.

7 Responses

  1. We cannot bring back the eight bochrim who were killed…but we can show our achdus for all Jews by focusing on the eight captured soldiers – when we daven, when we say tehillim, when we give tzedakah – and hope that Hashem will have mercy and bring them back to their families. We need to show Hashem NOW that the achdus we presently feel is not temporary – but long lasting until Moshiach comes.
    Their names are:
    Guy ben Rena
    Gilad ben Aviva
    Eldad ben Tova
    Ehud ben Malka
    Ron ben Batya
    Zecharia Shlomo ben Miriam
    Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sara
    Tzvi ben Penina

  2. #5 stan the man
    I was witness to many ‘black hat’ Rabbonim being menachem the eight families. I’m sure there were alot more than the ones I saw when I went.
    Everyone did his thing his own way quietly, no pictures, no press, and no videos. They didn’t want it. They didn’t need it. That’s what makes a gadol. And that’s what really was menachem the families. Davar ha’yotzeh min halev – not photo ops.
    In one home, I walked in at the same time with a chashsva Rav. When the father spotted us sitting in front of him, he put his head in his hands & started crying. After composing himself, he said how much he appreciated the charedim coming.
    If only we can have some achdus without a tragedy – Moshiach would be here today. After all, achdus would prevent a tragedy from happening in the first place.

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