Schumer Calls On WalMart & Other Retailers To Suspend Assault Weapons Sales While Debated In Congress

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on the nation’s largest gun retailers to participate in a temporary moratorium on selling assault-style rifles until Congress has considered legislation to reduce gun violence. Since the Sandy Hook massacre, sales of assault-style rifles have skyrocketed, and are poised to grow even further during an upcoming “Gun Appreciation Day” organized by extreme pro-gun activists. Gun Appreciation Day, to be held later this month, encourages people to go to their local gun store or show and, among other things, purchase assault-style weapons. Schumer will say that while Congress is debating the best way to reduce gun violence and keep our children safe, he is asking the nation’s largest gun retailers, including Walmart, to voluntarily halt sales of these sorts of firearms.

“While Congress debates the best way to reduce gun violence and keep our children safe over the coming weeks, the nation’s largest firearms dealers should temporarily halt the sale of their most deadly products,” said Schumer. “If Congress ultimately passes measures to reduce the availability of assault weapons or high-capacity clips, those efforts could be undermined by the purchase of thousands upon thousands of these products in the coming weeks.”

Many retailers across the nation currently sell military style rifles like the those used in the Aurora movie theater and Sandy Hook shootings. This includes assault weapons like the AR-15.

Since the Sandy Hook massacre, many states across the country have seen consumer demand for guns skyrocket. According to the Associated Press, there were nearly twice as many background checks in the country for firearms between November and December of this year than during the same time last year. Law enforcement officials in Florida announced that on the day of the shooting, there were 4,805 background check requests for buyers as opposed to the 3,388 the day prior to the shooting. In Georgia, the FBI processed 37,586 background checks for guns in October and that number skyrocketed to 78,998 in December. In Alabama, the number went from 32,850 in October to 80,576 in December. In Connecticut, one gun store, ArmsX, located near Sandy Hook Elementary School noted that the AR-15 style rifle, which was used at Sandy Hook, accounted for more than 25 percent of their recent sales.

Recently, extreme pro-gun advocates announced “Gun Appreciation Day,” which will fall on January 19, 2013. The purpose of this day is to gather as many Americans as possible to go to their local guns store, gun range or gun show and purchase assault weapons. In fact, the website’s goal is to reach 50 million American signatures on their petition that protests a discussion of national gun laws.

Schumer is today calling on the nation’s largest gun retailers to temporarily suspend all sales, online and in stores, of modern assault-style weapons, like the one used at Sandy Hook. He noted that a moratorium on assault weapons would appropriately respect the Second Amendment and the safety of our nation’s children, while Congress debates the best way to implement gun safety laws.

A copy of Schumer’s letter can be found below:

Michael Duke
Chief Executive Officer

Thomas Millner
Chief Executive Officer

James Hagale
Chief Executive Officer
Bass Pro Shops

David Pratt
Chief Executive Officer
Gander Mountain

Darrell Webb
Chief Executive Officer
Sports Authority

Rodney Faldyn
Chief Executive Officer
Academy Sports and Outdoors

Steven G. Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Big Five Sports

Dear Mr. Duke, Mr. Millner, Mr. Hagale, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Webb, Mr. Faldyn, and Mr. Miller,

I write today with a heavy heart; the tragedy that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, has left an indelible imprint on our national psyche. As a parent, my heart goes out to all of those who lost loved ones in the tragedy as well as the survivors. The people of Newtown —and all our fellow Americans—will have a long journey to try to understand how such a horrific event could occur. On a national level, there is a thoughtful discussion underway about specific legislative approaches to prevent a senseless massacre like this from occurring again. In the meantime, I respectfully request that you temporarily suspend all sales of assault rifles such as the Bushmaster .223 assault rifle and AK-47 rifle.

The Bushmaster .223 allowed Adam Lanza to fire enough rounds to put multiple bullets in each of the twenty slaughtered children in a span of two minutes. It may be that there is an appropriate role for weapons like the Bushmaster in the hands of civilians, but today it is difficult to imagine what that might be. I hope to work together with you to evaluate our laws and identify the best way to balance the rights of individuals with our responsibility to protect the most innocent among us. I am disturbed, however, that while that conversation is ongoing, sales of assault rifles are reportedly skyrocketing and those resistant to change are planning events such as “National Gun Appreciation Day” to protest these conversations. I believe that these activities are counterproductive to the open dialogue we have begun.

As the President recently said, “Our first task [is] caring for our children. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.” I agree with the President and believe that every necessary step must be taken to protect innocent children. Therefore, during this time of grief, reflection, and sadness, I would ask that you follow the action of some of your peers and suspend sales on assault rifles both online and in your retail stores. I also hope that you will join in a conversation with the American people regarding these weapons and how to appropriately respect both the Second Amendment and the safety of our children.

Thank you,

Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. The way this article totally disrespects the u.s constitution is very sad . It’s very heart braking to see religious Jews that just don’t get it. If not for the second amendment we Jews would be being marched to the gas chambers again the only thing which ensures out freedom is the fact that 100 million people in America are heavily armed. There is a reason the second amendment is in there and yes shall not be infringed means all arms not just the ones the government wants you to have but especially the ones they don’t want you to have. Just like the 1st amendment is there to protect all religions not just the ones you like but especial the ones you don’t like. You wouldn’t tolerate anyone making even the smallest reference to putting restrictions on religion right? You can’t pick and choose what you like in the constitution it all or nothing. There’s nothing up for interpretation because if you start interpreting my 2nd amendment ill start interpreting your freedom if speech and freedom of religion and your freedom to a fare trial by jury. Yes sometimes people die in a free society I’d much rather have that then a government sending me to the gas chamber and 2000 years of history proves it. By the way over a 1000 children die I. Swimming pools every year I don’t hear anyone calling for any type of swimming pool laws to save lives and swimming pools are not even protected inter the constitution

  2. As a take out my handkerchief, hand it to Sen. Schumer, and let him cry his crocodile tears, I ask him: Chuck, do you have concealed carry, do you use armed guards, do you think your life as more precious than mine, so that I should be denied self-protection, while (at taxpayer expense), do you have such protection?
    Do not think HKBK (G-d) cherishes your life more than mine. And when, Sen. Chuckie, have you learned Torah, learned mussar, learned ahavas Israel? As for the tired argument, “We must protect our (elected) officials”, I note we can always elect a new senator or president, but we cannot elect a unique ME. “Register all firearms and their owners” – gun control – was used by Stalin, Pol Pat, Mao TzeTung, Hitler to disarm and subdue their populations.
    We need SELF-CONTROL, but we cannot expect it from the self-indulgent , egomaniacal childish people recklessly in control of our national government now. What say you, Sen. Schumer?

  3. Josh from Brooklyn…. quoting your post as it is right on the mark:
    “Chuck, do you have concealed carry, do you use armed guards, do you think your life as more precious than mine, so that I should be denied self-protection, while (at taxpayer expense), do you have such protection?
    Do not think HKBK (G-d) cherishes your life more than mine. And when, Sen. Chuckie, have you learned Torah, learned mussar, learned ahavas Israel? As for the tired argument, “We must protect our (elected) officials”, I note we can always elect a new senator or president, but we cannot elect a unique ME. “Register all firearms and their owners” – gun control – was used by Stalin, Pol Pat, Mao TzeTung, Hitler to disarm and subdue their populations.
    We need SELF-CONTROL, but we cannot expect it from the self-indulgent , egomaniacal childish people recklessly in control of our national government now. What say you, Sen. Schumer?”

  4. I wonder if Chucky even realizes that these are “defense weapons” when used by innocent law abiding Americans to DEFEND their families and homes. They love to use “assault” to imply that the weapon itself will assault you, when intelligent minds know that it takes a PERSON to assault you, not a weapon.

  5. I saw a great movie once about gun control and Jews.

    It was called “SCHINDLER’S LIST”…

    Pirkei Avot: “Be cautious regarding the ruling power. Because they only befriend a person when it serves themselves. They appear as friends when it suits them, but they do not stand by a man in his time of need.” (2:3)

    If you were to choose between an armed teacher,
    or a class full of dead students, which would you choose?

    Any Jew who supports “gun control”
    has either forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust,
    or never learned them in the first place.

    Schumer needs to be recalled before he gets more people killed.

  6. Let it be noted: It now appears the Sandy Hook Elementary Scool shooter (I refuse to use his name) did not bring an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle with him into the school. So Mr. Schumer’s call for prior “restraint” is premature.

    It has been almost a month and we still can’t get an accurate account of which weapons were used? How can law be formulated on these inaccuracies and shifting facts?

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