Shas’ First Ladies Follow Achdus Example

Shas’ first ladies met earlier this week deciding to begin acting to advance the Shas platform. The wives of Eli Yishai, Aryeh Deri and Ariel Atias met with the party’s First Lady, Rebitzen Yehudit Yosef, the wife of Rabbi Moshe Yosef, the youngest son of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, they plan to establish a women’s faction of the party to work alongside the men to advance Shas platform nationwide. The women have decided to follow suit and work together as Shas is now united under Chacham Ovadia’s new achdus leadership arrangement.

On this coming motzei shabbos, the eve of 19 Cheshvan, Shas will hold its election campaign launch in Binyanei Ha’uma, the Jerusalem Convention Center. Organizers promise Maran R’ Ovadia will participate in the event, and he will deliver his weekly motzei shabbos shiur at the event as well. The launching of the campaign will follow the shiur.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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