Greenfield & Felder Demand Bloomberg Apologize for Derogatory Comment About Orthodox Jews

Councilman David G. Greenfield and Deputy Comptroller Simcha Felder are demanding an apology from Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his insulting reference to Orthodox Jews during a recent interview with Atlantic Magazine. Bloomberg, during a discussion about his declining approval ratings, noted that he recently moved to regulate the practice of bris milah despite strong opposition from the city’s Orthodox Jewish community. Bloomberg used this example as proof that he supposedly does not care about his approval ratings. In the article in the November issue of Atlantic Magazine, Bloomberg said, “Who wants to have 10,000 guys in black hats outside your office screaming?” In light of this outrageous comment, Greenfield and Felder are requesting an apology on behalf of New York City’s Orthodox Jewish community.

“The Mayor’s comments were hurtful to the city’s half-million Jewish New Yorkers and should be offensive to all of the city’s 8.5 million people. For the mayor to identify an entire religious group by the clothes they proudly wear is the basest of insults. It is even more offensive coming from a secular Jewish mayor. I don’t judge the Mayor or his religious practice; surely he has no right to judge me or other members of the Orthodox Jewish community,” exclaimed Greenfield.

“First the Mayor moves to restrict our right to freely practice our religion. Then he uses offensive and derisive language aimed towards our community. I am asking Mayor Bloomberg to apologize for these insensitive words, which simply do not have any place in our society, especially from our political leaders. I am also requesting that he end his attack on metzitzah b’peh and on religious freedom,” said Felder, who is Deputy Comptroller of Budget and Accounting and a candidate for State Senate in the 17th Senate District.

“One has to now wonder if the Mayor’s sudden opposition to metzizah b’peh was done simply for the sake of political expediency so he could claim to be standing up to a minority religious community. It’s ironic that the Mayor appears to have respect for every other religion except his own,” Greenfield concluded.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Does anyone really think he’ll apologize? His ego is way too big for him to do that and besides, he doesn’t need us next year.

  2. Common guys…don’t have such a thin skin. “Who wants to have 10,000 guys in black hats outside your office screaming?” – This is humorous, and a testament to the political clout of the Chareidim. Why would anyone think its outrageous?

  3. They should’ve gotten non-Jewish/secular politicians to condemn bloombergs anti-semetic defamation. What about ADL?
    Imagine a mayor snarled about jalabiya clad Muslims. What kind of uproar that would create?!

    His comments here are also an important exposition of his strong subjective biases on this matter which can force him to back down.

    In any case, I personally think quiet behind the scenes lobbying would’ve been much more effective than making a whole scene and filling an impossible-to-win lawsuit.

  4. Could you imagine if he said “Who wants to have 10,000 guys in kaffiyehs outside your office screaming?”

    Then he WOULD have 10,000 guys in kaffiyehs outside his office screaming.

  5. Mayor Arrogance would never apologize much like the Joke-in-Chief in D.C. wouldn’t. These gifts to us mere mortals by G-D are perfect beings and never make mistakes so why apologize?

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