R’ Shteinman Shlita Warns Us About Bad Gezeiros

HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita has called on the tzibur “to learn and daven as there are bad gezeiros ahead for Am Yisrael”. These are the words the gadol hador shared with talmidim of the ארחות התורה yeshiva in Bnei Brak.

Chadrei Chareidim quotes the rav as being very concerned over the impending gezeiros, so much so that he called upon the talmidim to begin a learning marathon until Rosh Hashanah towards earning sufficient zchus Torah to cancel the gezeiros.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. WOW

    How about tzadacka, ahavas yisroel

    I am ammazed by these people who say learning alone will save the day

    Was there not great learning during the churban shani? Did they not much great people learning than today>

    time to wake up,try AHAVAS yISROEL

  2. Hamispallel B’ad Chaveiro Hu Nena Tchillah.
    We must be very careful, during our Teffilos, not to exclude any needy or sick person or child, from our Teffilos.
    We must include Yidden and Non-Yidden, and show HKB”H that we are a caring people and live up to the title, “A light onto all nations”.

  3. There was a clarification which stated that Rav Shteinman said no such thing.

    Chas Veshalom that he would be pose’ach peh on bad gezeiros that should not befall Klal Yisroel.

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