candle2.gifI regret to inform you of the Petira of the Gadol Hador, Maran Hagon Rav Shmuel Berenbaum ZATZAL – Rosh Yeshivas Mirrer Yeshiva.

UPDATE: The levaya will take place 8:45AM Monday morning at Mir Yeshiva (1795 Ocean Parkway). The aron will leave to the airport at 11:00AM promptly.

אוי לספינה שאבדה קברניטה

 נפלה עטרת ראשינו פאר הדור ותפארתו

הי גאון הי חסיד

 עמוד התורה והחסד

זקן ראש הישיבות משרידי הדור הישן

מורינו ורבינו מרן

הגאון האדיר רשכבה”ג

הרב רבי רפאל שמואל ברנבוים זצוק”ל

ראש הישיבה דישיבת מיר

 הלוי’ה יתקיים בבית מדרשו


ביום ב’ בשעה 8:45 בבקר

 ישיבת מיר

The levaya will be leaving the Yeshiva at 11 A.M.

to JFK, EL AL Cargo, Bldg. 23

 וכל בית ישראל יבכו את השרפה אשר שרף ד’

127 Responses

  1. Very sad news – he was my rosh yeshiva, mesader kiddushin, and sandek for my bechor. It’s definitely a kappora for this dor – I davened with extra kavana tonight by Slach Lonu Avinu…

    I’m in Eretz Yisoel now, awaiting the levaya which I’m sure will be in Mir here, as was the levaya of his brother-in-law Rav Shraga Moshe Kalmanovitz zt”l, the other Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva almost 11 years ago.

  2. I’m in Total Shock! I thought he will lead us to moshiach, my heart is crying.

    We LOST our AMOLIGA/Pre War Rosh Yeshiva, Who was great in learning as well as being a hidden Tzadik. His sweetness and love will never be forgotten, I already miss him. May he be a Meilitz Yosher for his family, talmidim and Klal Yisroel.

    I only was zoche to get to know the great Rosh Yeshiva relatively recently but his ahavas yisroel combined with his ahavas and cheshkas haTorah added to his super mental capabilities created the true odom hasholaym. His smile and honest care for each Yid will be sorely missed and his hasmodo and yiras shomayim will be a void that we all must try to fill. I cry….

  4. Reb Shmuel Our Rosh Yeshiva lives on (Yaakov Loh Meis), even his Levaya will be 8:45 AM as the rosh hayeshia himself always came early to Seder to learn, Yehay Zichroi Boruch.

  5. although i didn’t learn in mir, i once spoke to him in learning. in my life i have never heard someone male the most lomdishe and deep concepts so simple and understandable. by the way the sugya i discussed with him was not even from the mesechta that the yeshiva was learning. another thing was his joy in torah. any time i heard a shiur from him he was always jolly and elicited a few laughs. bd”e

  6. Burich Dayan HaEmes

    Rav Berenbaum was certainly one of the Torah Giants, and one of the most chushiv gedoilei hador. He was my rebbe for 2 zmanim, before I went back to the Chassidishe yeshivas. He was awesome. He was my brother’s rebbe also, and his name is on the teuda.

    I wish I had a way to getting them in time for the levaya.

    Here was a man loved and respected by all.

  7. Not just the Yeshiva World. All of klall Yisroel suffer this tremendous loss. I am a Satmar Chossid, and was also his talmid. We all respected him, and will miss him. He is everyone’s loss.

  8. i was in mir for my whole life. reb shmuel zatzel was the last of the giants in america. i feel like we live in a wasteland now. i just went to the yeshiva was able to get into the shir room where the rosh yeshiva is wrapped in a tallis the family is there and a few buchirim waiting to get in! everyone crying the rebbitzin and the rest of the family oy vey i cant believe it!! ek

  9. Although it is Tisha Bav today for the Oilum HaTorah, in Shomayim its Simchas Torah as they welcome the great R”Y Zt”l I can only imagine with simcha, niggun & rikud

  10. His name was Refoel Shmuel ben Ahron Leib for those wanting to learn Lzecher Nishmoso. Please do so immediately after reading this. Even for afew moments. For of you who knew the Rosh Yeshiva you knew that this was his reason for being.
    I am just coming from the Yeshiva 7:00 PM and I will update you and show you what a Kiddush Hashem the Mir Yeshiva under Reb Shmuel ZTLLH”H presents to the world…
    Firstly, the Levaya will begin promptly at 8:45 AM as they must catch a 1:30 flight to Eretz Yisroel. The flight will arrive in Eretz Yisroel k’nireh very early Tuesday morning. Currently the Rosh Yeshiva’s guf is in his shiur room where he gave shiur for over a yovel.
    Can you imagine not batulling for that amount of time. That is what the R.Y. always presented to us. Ameilus B’Torah and Hasmoda B’Torah. 2 children that were niftar R”L more than one heart attack. He flat lined and was in Yeshiva within 2 weeks giving shiur. How can we his Talmidim not come to Yeshiva if we complain of a headache etc. “Chazu Ureu Berya Sheborasi Beolami”. He was mechayev us just by his presence sitting in the Yeshiva day after day with his shtender and Gemora. Who can forget?
    The P’sak from the Gedolei HaYeshiva is to NOT ALLOW ONE MOMENT OF BATOLAH FROM THE ENTIRE YESHIVA K”TANA. All the Rebbeim, rubom k’kulom his talmidim will not be going to the Hespeidim because TALMUD TORAH KNEGED KULOM. That’s the way the Rosh Yehiva paskened for his brother in law Reb Shraga Moshe ZT”L and that’s what they will be doing. Can you imagine? Just leaving all the tzar and teaching Torah with the same geshmak as always. That was the R.Y.!! They will just be going to the levaya to give the kovod achoron.
    And that’s why there are no more people like our great R.Y. to be found so easily. “Torah ibber altz.”
    What do we sing by Hakofos in the Yeshiva? “Varf avek yedden yoch, lernen Torah noch un noch…” This is it.
    Let us all, all his Talmidim increase a bit of our learning. Not with “greisa zachen”, but rather with a kabola that we can keep that will be Lzecher Nishmoso. Maybe a seder before davening. Not only will we be learning extra, but we will be on time for davening! Or a short Halacha seder after mincha… Rabossai you know what to do. For those of us who can’t for what ever reason then remember the R.Y. beautiful smile. Seeing the R.Y. smile was Gan Eden alone. SO make it your goal to make someone happy today. A chaver, your wife, another Yid. The R.Y. was not only the world’s flag bearer for Limud HaTorah but also had a tremendous warmth. In was nikar in his later years so much more when he allowed the veil around his Ahavas Yisroel to fall away a bit and we glimpsed his Gadlus.
    It is hard for me to write more. I have never written before but this cuts so deep.

    Yehei Zichro Baruch.

    And we all know what he would tell us right now. “Why are you wasting your time with this, Go learn!” “Gei zich zetzen bei dei blatt gemorah”.
    Nu? So what are we waiting for? “Zugt de Gemorah, Omar Abaaaaaayeh…”

  11. Baruch Dayan Emes. The torah world has suffered a great loss. among the Rosh yeshiva ZtZ”Ls many many mailos hakdoshim was his hasmadah which on that level is very hard to come by.

  12. Oy vey… I was in school in middle of saying tehillim for him when our principal,R’ Newman, walked in with the terrible news.
    RAV SHMUEL BERENBAUM gave me my first gemarah when I was in 5th grade. He talked at my 8th grade graduation…
    I used to see him around the school, learning, or talking in Torah, his face ashine in the light of torah.
    He will truly be missed.
    Boruch Dayen Emes!

  13. the world has lost a tzadik there was no bitul torah first seder and second seder until the end of seder at 740 no leaving at all for any simcha or fundraising and with a smile for all

  14. who will be his succesor? I know that there are currently 3 other capable roshei yeshivah serving as roshei yeshivah in the mir. But I woulD assume that there will be a yoresh for RAV SHMUEL ZATZAL. We know that 2 of his childern tragically passed away when they were young. Since all his sons and aidim’s are all distinguished talmeday chachamim , i am sure it wont be a simple decision.

  15. We will miss his shining example of hasmodah. Even when he used to take walks that his doctor prescribed you could see he was araingetuhn in learning.
    One of the last of the shufra of that previous beautiful dor is no longer with us.
    The only way to have a ktzas nechama is for us to try to emulate his ameilus batorah.
    Yehi zichroi baruch – zechusoi yagein aleinu.

  16. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
    My deepest condolences to the family.
    Rav Shmuel Berenbaum was most photogenic person.
    I loved to take pictures of him.
    Ones he gave me a Broha. I still feel his hand.
    On the last day of Hanuka I came to his house to take pictures of him lighting the menora. He was very weak and sad. Unfortunately, no one came to help him that evening and the menora was not lit. He’ll remain in my heart forever. Shmiel G.

  17. i was once at a wedding where the chosen was a nephew to the the rosh hayishiva.i went over to the rosh hayishiva by the seduah at his table where many other rosh yeshivos were sitting.we began to speak in learning.than i asked him a question & i told him a whole list of gedolim that i had asked this question to & none of them had a answer.1st he turned to all the other rosh yeshivos at the table & said “du herst vus der yungerman fregt ehr fregt ayzin”& he repeated my question to them.he made feel like a millon dollars.than he told me a answer & said”sometimes you can go to all the biggest doctors in the world & thay cant help but sometimes you can go to a small local doctor & he can save you” bottom line he made bnai torah feel good about who they are & what theyre doing.

  18. Yeder ainer zuhl learnen mishnayos lezecher nishmas Maran Harav Hagaon R Shmuel Berenboim. Someone told me that if a person does not get better from their machla an extra name added is dropped.

  19. I learned in mir 30 years ago and the hadras panim of the RH is an image that will stay forever in my mind.
    The hasmoda that was/will be an eternal lesson for me and my family.

    The olam hatorah has lost its american crown- one never to be replaced.
    We all have serious learning to do to fill a huge vacuum that the world has suffered.
    May the Ribonei Shel Olam have rachmanus on klal yisroel

  20. My heart is still in major shock. I still can’t belive it.

    Baruch Dayon Emes,
    May he be a Mailitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

  21. This is what the Agudah in Baltimore sent out.

    We have heard that the lavaya will be broadcast on Kol Haloshon – free dial in

    The instructions are one of the following:

    1. Dial 212-444-1100 and then push option 8
    2. Dial 718-906-6400 and then push option *
    or if you do not have free long distance
    3. Dial 443-957-4610 and then push option *

    The levaya starts at 8:45 AM.

    There may also be a live hookup in the Agudah – please check for signs in the

  22. I shiver as I see the RoshYeshiva’s picture peering down at me as he’s giving a shmuez…
    Its staring at me… it’s glowing and emanating kedusha…. Oy the malachim are forsure tantzing up there… I’ll have to place that picture in a new special spot next to the other heilige gedolim of the past I have staring at me from the other wall. I can just imagine the reception in Shamayim as the Giants of our mesoirah greet R’ Shmuel with singing and welcoming him to his makom next to the kisai hakavod. And there stands R’ Shmuel beseeching on behalf of Klal Yisrael…. Let us all learn now and give simcha and comfort to his precious neshama! I am crying for us down here but I am sure they are happy to have him up there.
    Ain tzaddik niftar min ha’olam ad shenivra tzadik kemoiso- no we can’t replace R’ Shmuel but Hakadosh Baruch Hu has provided with Tzadikim to continue on in guiding us as R’ Shmuel has! Vezarach hashemesh u’va hashemesh- let us be zoiche to learn from the next generation and reach great heights as would make R’ Shmuel proud.
    R’ Shmuel please look down on the Olam Hahipuch and daven for us… bring our tzaros to the Ribono Shel Olam and be melamed zchus for us!!! May his petira serve as a kapara for gantz klal yisrael and may we be zoiche to the geula bimhaira v’yamenu where we can reunite with our late R’ Shmuel and all the Gedolim of our past!!!

    Learn Learn LEARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. He would have turned 88 on 11th of adar he was my rebbe this year i spoke to him after the last shiur he gave which was monday exactly two weeks ago from tomorrow and he was like fire and i was zoiche to speak to him a few other times after the shiur about the shiur.what a zechus to hear shiur from him especially when he was in such pain and had so much suffering.also to be from his last talmidim.and when i was part of the minyan in his house for maariv and i was davening shmoneh esrei right next to him and to hear him cry bitter tears by rifueinu.i got so much chizuk from just watching him as he was moser nefesh for torah and how he came everyday to say shiur with so much pain and can see whan i came into the room at 12:10 he was so out of it and looked like in alot of pain and sad once he started saying the shiur his face started glowing from the gemara and he was smiling and laughing with so much chius and such a gishmak.i remeber when he used to pull over guys at 10:00 by first seder for coming late and he cought me a few times and he made me be mikabel that i will come every day to first seder at 9:45 i will never forget that moment.may the chizuk he gave me and all his talmidim stay with us forever and the hasmodah that he showed us and the gishmak for learning that he instilled in us should remain with us forever and i will never forget as he used to make fun of gashmius “what do we have in this world besides for torah a pizza an ice cream how many steaks can u eat already in your life” may he be a meilitz yoisher for his talmidim and the whole klall yisroel yehi zichroi baruch.

  24. I never learned in the Mir. I did, however, have the opportunity to meet the Rosh Yeshva, ZTZ”L, when I was in high school and he came to speak. I have to say, that he was a true inspiration. Even though we weren’t in his yeshiva, he spoke to us and treated us as if we were his children…which we indeed were! I know that he is up there next to Hakadosh Baruch Hu right now beseaching Him on behalf of all of his children. Baruch Dayan Emes.

  25. I met the rosh yeshiva in Mt. Sinai a few years ago with his rebbeitzen. I was there for a serious test. I asked him to give me a brocho. He smiled, that warm smile of his, and said to me “du geb mir a brocho”. I was so touched….

  26. to simchabunim:

    Niskatnu hadoros!

    When I learned in the Mir in the 60’s and 70’s, we were require to be in bais medrash by 9:15.
    If you arrived after 9:30 you had to be ready to answer to the mashgiach zt”l!

  27. Kol Haloshon is carrying the levaya LIVE. Unfortunately, all our lines are taken at the moment. We hope to have hespedim divided by the individual speakers by about 2:30 pm today. To hear the hespedim, dial (718) 906-6400. Press 8 for Hespedim and Press 9 for the hespedim of Rav Shmuel Berenbaum. Baruch Dayan Emes.

  28. does anyone already know WHEN the levaya will be in E”Y? It will leave from mir, right? Please update asap when more info is known!! Thanks

  29. I was able to hear the hespeidim from my house several blocks away in Flatbush. There must have been THOUSANDS of people. There was a police helicopter hovering overhead!

  30. If you heard during the hesped from Harav Simcha Schustal a commotion it was because Chacham Yosef Shlita fainted. B’H he is fine.

  31. Just came back from the levaya. We’ve lost our Captain. The Rosh Yeshiva was the happiest person I’ve ever met. With all his tzoros, he was able to learn, & if he could learn what else did he need? Torah, Torah, Torah was his life & his reason for living. May he be a meilitz yosher for gantz klal yisroel, bilah hamaves lanetzach, umachah Hashem Elokim dimah me’al kol panim, Amen

  32. What a loss. I am not a talmid of the Rosh Yeshiva, but my sister was diagnosed with an almost completely damaged heart a little over a year ago and that she needs a heart transplant. She has 3 children and is only 34 years old. When she heard the news she was devastated. Even though she is very modern and is not used to going to big Rabbis, she agreed to go to the Rosh Yeshiva and he spent over 30 minutes with her. He went into great detail regarding his own heart condition to try to make her feel better and explained that Hashem is in control and can change things in a second and that he himself has had great heart problems and that you must put all trust in Hashem. He even pulled out his own defibulator card and showed it to her! At the end of the meeting he promised her that she would live to see all her children walk down the aisle. Everytime she calls me crying that she doesn’t know if she is going to make it, I always remind her of the Rosh Yeshiva’s bracha and that you have to keep believing. To be real honest here, this meeting with the Rosh Yeshiva was probably the most inspiring thing that has kept her going.

    Whats so crazy about this story is that my sister has been somewhat stable since then. But this morning at a routine appointment with her doctor he found that the cables to her defibulator have become damaged and she has to undergo surgery immediately, tomorrow to replace it. Her name is Shlomit bat Chaya Liba. I don’t know if it corrolates with the Rosh Yeshiva’s passing yesterday but I thought it was weird. I couldn’t bear to tell her today when she told me the news of her new surgery that she has to overcome that the Rosh Yeshiva was niftar yesterday. But I do believe along with my sister that his Bracha will live on. Its Tzaddikim like him that keep us all going.

  33. Dear Brothers,

    All of us who studied in the sacred halls of this bastion of Torah, were granted a piece of Eden on this earth. Every day, Harav Hagoen Shmuel Berenbaum ZTVK”L.
    the would sit in the last seat of the row closest to the seforim shelves, his hasmodoh (diligence) was unparallel. As a young student at Mirrer Yeshiva, I felt a deep kinship If i might dare call it that, with RH’Y. I would get up from my chair every now and then seder was in session, If i might say I was not “ligging in lernen” to say the least. On one such day, I get up from my chair which was a few rows in front of the RH’Y ZTVK’L in order to go the washroom, as I pass this giant of Torah learning, he grabs my hand and asks quizzically “where are you going”. I tell him “Rebbe, I am headed to the washrooms”. He looks at me and says, “zet zich” (sit down next to me) . At the point, I’m a bit nervous as you may well imagine. This great man, who spent his days totally engrossed in G-d’s work would take even a minute out of his day to chat with me? He looked at me and said, ” ich vil dertzalien a masseh” ( I would like to tell you a story). The soldiers of the great Russian army would train so hard, that they often would forget to go to the washroom, because they were so engrossed in their training. At that point the RH’Y ZTVK’L looks at me and says “if they can do it so can you”

    All these years later. One thing still resonates with me about this story, the RH’Y ZTVK’L saw no difference between me and hardened Russian soldier. All he saw was the burning everlasting desire to strive for a better understanding in a blatt gemorah. That is how he will be remembered as a commander of G-d who never stopped no matter what hardships he faced in life, no matter how many days he spent in sheer agony, there was and forever will be, a blatt gemorah by his side.

  34. sephardicpride (#82)
    Refuah Shleima to your sister. The story is indeed weird, however I have another angle in which to see it. Perhaps the Rosh Yeshiva ZT”L is now davening for your sister directly in shomayim and that is the reason this problem was caught before it caused any serious complications.

    Remember that he himself never had the power to heal – it is only Hashem who can do that. The Rosh Yeshiva was only able to daven on her behalf, and he can do that now as well, if not even better, than before. So there’s no reason to fear that now that he is no longer with us that his bracha expired. Keep davening to Hashem, and I am sure the Rosh Yeshiva is doing the same, that his promise will be fulfilled and she will indeed walk her children down the aisle in good health.

  35. According to the loudspeakers traveling around Yerushalayim right now, the levaya in Eretz Yisroel will take place at the Mir Yeshiva at 10:30 AM in Beis Yisroel.

  36. Today in e”Y there was a phone hook up and around 150 buchrim and yungerliet, mainly talmidim and family gathered together to listen to the hespaidim.The atmosphere in the room felt like the niftar was in the room and not a few thousand miles away.

  37. #78 Thanks for telling us that the CHACHAM is B”H doing well.

    #79 , PO CARRY told me an estimate of 13,000 people.

  38. coming back from the hespeidim I felt one point wasn’t stressed enough: he raised millions of dollars through limud hatorah! He would learn with gvirim and they would shell out for the kovod and aliyah they felt. Also, despite his hasmada he was oisek in chessed for Erets Yisroel and others. His heart was so great that after the tsunami he said he couldn’t sleep.

  39. THE LEVAYA IN ERETZ YISROEL will take place at 10:30 am at the Mir Yeshiva.
    It is unclear as to whether there will be hespedim, being Rosh Chodesh.

  40. In June, I took a group of modern orthodox boys from Los Angeles to visit gedolim and yeshivos on the East Coast. Of all the gedolim that we met, they all said that the visit with Reb Shmuel gave them the most chizuk. He almost never stopped learning, except to smile and warmly shake each of their hands. What a loss. Oy lanu ki chatanu!


    I was never pillaged enough to know Harav Hagoen Shmuel Berenbaum ZTVK”L and I definitely feel I lost out on that. The reason I am commenting here now is to state that even that I never met the Rav I still felt a great big loss today. I work at the Sephardic Community Center on the corner of S and ocean parkway and as the funeral took place today I was able to witness so many people of Klal Yishrael come together for the Levaya. Their is something to be said about a man that can effect so many people that they come from all over to honor him. I was moved to tears in watching everyone just keep coming to give him the honor he so greatly deserved it’s times like this I take extra pride in being Jewish. We definitely lost a great man today but we know have someone extra special looking out for us in Shamayim. My deepest condoles to his family, to all his student, to all his colleges, and to all of Klal Yishrael today is a very sad day.

  42. baruch dayan emes- i was by the levaya today I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Misaskim, (Flatbush) Hatzolah and NYC police for helping it run smoothly and thank you to the others which i/we dont know about.

  43. At a Bris, this morning, at approximately 9:00am, (during the Levaya) a baby was named after the R”Y ZTZ”L, (in Monsey).

  44. I attended the L’vaya today. It was very moving, and may the great niftar HRH”G Reb Shmuel ZT”L be a “meilitz yosher” for the Kllal Yisroel.

    However, I must add with great sadness, that as long as there is ‘Sinas Chinom’ amongst us, Moshiach will NOT come, no matter how abundant the flow of tears at funerals of this sort. The second ‘Beis Hmikdasah’ was destroyed because of ‘Sinas Chinom’ which is unfortunately prevelant ‘B’toch Acheinu B’nei Yisroel Ad Hayom Hazeh’ and has not been rectified!!

    There one cure, and one cure only to our ‘Golus’ “Do away with the Sinas Chinom now”!!!

  45. I am still in tears inside. We lost 2 super giants, Gaonim & Tzadikim in such a short time. First not that long ago, Maran, HaRav Avruhom Leitner, the Montevideo Rov, ZT’L, and now Maran Hagoen Shmuel Berenbaum. I was a talmid of the latter, and sort of a chossid of the former. I am still in tears over Avruhom Leitner, ZY’U, and now have to morn Rav Shmuel Berenbaum.

    The first shiur I heard from him was WAY back in….. 1962. I will never forget either of them, But Shmuel Berenbaum is the suject today, and I must say it is hard to even conceive of a more modest man, who loved teaching Torah..

  46. Years ago, my wife and I spent a Shabbos in a hotel in the mountains and Rav Shmuel Berenbaum ZAL was there as a guest. He blended in with everyone and you could almost not notice him. But then, Shabbos afternoon he gave a brilliant shiur and suddenly everyone knew who he is. Rav Smuel ZAL combined a great mind, with superhuman hasmada, maticulous ki’yum of mitzvos, humility, and a love of every Yid surpassing common madreigos. As we sing on Lag B’Omer about Rebbi Shimon: Ra’u pa’nav me’irim b’shivto im cha’vei’rim…His face shone as he sat and shared Torah thoughts and explanations. He not only lit up Mir, Brooklyn, the US, but bochurim the world over received chizuk from his “getli’che tzu’ra” thousands of miles from their home. Ze’cher tzadik li’vrocho!

  47. # 105: The Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Osher Kalmanowitz has been leading the Yeshiva for several years now since the passing of HIS FATHER, Harav Shraga Moshe Kalmanowitz (in 5758). Nevertheless, R’ Osher Birnbaum, in the context of his office job in the Yeshiva, will now also receive the official title of Rosh Yeshiva as a yerusha from HIS father… It would seem that Harav Osher K. will now be the senior Rosh HAYeshiva for all intents and purposes…

  48. #102 Mazel Tov! To give the RH”Y’s brachah, “Ehr zul horiven in lernen un zein ah lamdan!” May all of klal yisroel share only simchos and besuros tovos fom now on!

  49. Just returned from the levaya by the Mir. Maspidim were R’ Nosson Tzvi Finkel, R’ Shmuel Auerbach, R’ Aryeh Finkel, R’ Berel Povarski, R’ Boruch Shimon Salomon, R’ Yitzchok Sheiner, R’ Don Segal, R’ Shmuel Ya’akov Borenstein, R’ Dovid Yitzchok Shapira, and R’ Yisroel Kalmanovitch. (I might have missed one). I also heard that R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman & R’ Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz were maspid at the airport.

  50. The levaya at Mir Yerushalayim started today at about 10 am. there were thousands and thousands of people standing in pouring rain.

  51. While not a talmid directly, I, too, feel the loss of this pillar of Torah. Rav Berenbaum was a chavrusa and room-mate of my rebbe in Baranovich and his words of nechomah at the shiva for Rebbe u’Mori still ring in my ears.

  52. a correction to #111 it wasn’t pouring rain rather it was drizzling off and on, the levaya started more like 10:30 and yes maybe ther were a few thousand people

  53. 107 & 108: Kan hamokoim to mention the phenominal job Harav Osher Kalmanowitz (my Rebbe for a short period of time 18 years ago) has been doing for the Mir. Yaroich tomim al mamlachtoi.

  54. yes, i agree to the previous posts reb osher kalmonowitz who is already the rosh hayesiva should become even more involved besides giving an amazing shiur he is a great person to go speak to for advice!!

  55. I am trying to figure out why all the secular news sources are saying that “he will be suceeded by his nephue Rabbi Osher Kalmanowitz”
    who gave them this false information?

    Just to clarify for those who didn’t understand what Harav Chaim Epstien shelita said; Harav Rueven Shepansky and Harav Asher Berenbaum will be the next Roshei Yeshiva with Harav Hershel Kaminsky together with them(I am not sure what that means)

  56. #124: yes, for a Chochom b’fonov (in front of a great Chochom) we permit hespedim on Rosh Choydesh.
    I too just came back from Mir Yerushalaim’s levaya. What a kavod – thousands of people (maybe 10s of thousands) squished in the tiny streets of Beis Yisroel – like a sea of black. It started @ 10:30 and they finished hespedim around 1:30 – all were in Yiddish (surpised surprise) – and a number of elderly men were assisted by Hatzola due to either fainting or being nearly stampeded by the huge crowd.

  57. 118 anon101:
    Reb Osher was, is and will continue to be R’Y.That is not false info, as you wrote.
    If anyone else made a comment to the contrary, you should ask them why that comment was made.

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