BREAKING NEWS: Siyum HaShas WILL Take Place In MetLife Stadium Despite Weather Reports [UPDATED INFO]

FIRST REPORT 2:00PM EST: Despite the chance of rain in the forecast for Wednesday evening, the Twelfth Siyum HaShas which is scheduled to take place at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, WILL be taking place.

Sources tell YWN a meeting was held between the organizers, and the decision was made for the event to proceed as planned. The event is scheduled to start on time.

Event organizers, along with meteorologists and stadium officials, are all carefully monitoring the weather developments, and any updates will be published as they become available to us.

Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin, Siyum HaShas Chief Operating Officer spoke with YWN and stated that people are encouraged to bring along rain gear – and the stadium has made an exception – and WILL allow umbrellas into the stadium. You may want to bring along a hand towel to dry your seat, should it be wet. In case of any rain during the Siyum, tens of thousands of ponchos are prepared for attendees.

Agudath Israel of America, MetLife Stadium officials, and the New Jersey State Police are doing everything possible to ensure that the event goes as smoothly as possible, and that security is their number one priority.

Please leave yourself extra traveling time to get to the stadium.

All of the approximately 90,000 tickets for the massive event have been sold out, and the event will be the largest event to ever be held at the MetLife stadium.


PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos Of New York

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas For ‘Mifal HaShas’ In Homes Of Gedolei Yisroel

VIDEO & PHOTOS: English Dirshu Siyum HaShas at Binyanei HaUmah

Siyum HaShas WILL Take Place In MetLife Stadium Despite Weather Reports

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos In Bnei Brak

PHOTOS: Shas Siyum HaShas in Teddy Stadium

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Dirshu Siyum HaShas At Yad Eliyahu Stadium

PHOTOS: Siyum Hashas Concludes In Melbourne Australia

VIDEO & PHOTOS: London Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Lelov

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Moditz Brachfeld (JDN)

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Kehilos Shatz Vishnitz

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Bais Knesses Chevron (JDN)

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Preparations for the Yerushalayim Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Marking 30 Days To The Siyum HaShas At The kosel

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. With success, thank you Agudah for all preparations.

    Israel is always the best choice from Pesach till Succos for any outdoors event since the chance of rain is 1%.

  2. Its nice to get excited about the largest crowd in MetLife stadium however truth be told, its not much bigger than what they are used to (though the ‘dynamics’ are indeed different) because they draw 82000 about 20 times a year.

  3. Please let the people know about public transportation available for Siyum Hashasat at MetLife Stadium:

    On :

    Agudath Israel of America
    Wednesday, August 1-
    The Coach USA 351 Express buses to the
    Agudath Israel of America religious event will run continuously between 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm
    from Area X (41st Street between 8th & 9th Ave).
    The last bus will leave the New Meadowlands Stadium 30 minutes after the event ends. In the event of rain, the event will be moved to Thursday, August 2. Buses will run on the same schedule.

    Call (800) 877-1888 , Ext. 3 for more information.

    ( I called the above number and was told that buses leave from 42nd Street between 8 and 9 Ave – not 41st as stated on website).

    Check directions on :
    Coach USA Bus Service (Route Number 351)
    Coach USA provides the 351 Meadowlands Express bus service from the Port Authority to MetLife Sports Complex for NFL games and other large events at MetLife Stadium. The 351 bus service will begin two and one half (2 1/2) hours prior to the start of a game and will continue to run until one half hour (1/2) after the start of a game. The 351 bus line will be operational for approximately one (1) hour following the conclusion of the game. Drop-off and pick-up at the Sports Complex is located near Parking Lot K. A round-trip ticket costs $10 and a one-way ticket is $5.00. Please visit or call (800) 877-1888 , Ext. 3 for more information.

  4. I would strongly suggest that people rather bring their raincoats/ponchos and not use an umbrella! Using an umbrella will cause all kind of problems from poking out peoples eyes and blocking peoples views.

  5. Please rather bring raincoats or ponchos than umbrellas
    with umbrellas peole can get hurt and it will disturb the ones sitting in back of you to see and will also disturb all neighbors

  6. There’s also the Meadowlands Shuttle operated by NJ Transit. Take any train to Secaucus and change for the Meadowlands shuttle. The fare from Secaucus to the Meadowlands is $4.50 round trip. There will be extra trains after the siyum to Manhattan however other destinations will run per their schedule.

    Point to point schedules are avail at

  7. If people bring umbrellas how will the people behind them be able to see? I would like to personaly thank all that were involved in this massive event. and i bentch you and all of klal yisroel with arichas yamim ushanim and all the best.!!!

  8. L’TOELES HA’RABBIM- MANY TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE. Oorah in Lakewood has a lot of extra woman’s tickets available. Also is helping people buy or sell extra tickets.

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