Anti-Semite Barron Says Jeffries Will Need To ‘Pay Back’ Jews For Election Victory

Councilman Charles Barron said he’s already seeing incoming congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who he lost to in Tuesday’s primary, carving out a legislative agenda in order to pay back political supporters.

Calling into WBLS’s show “Express Yourself” Sunday afternoon, Barron said:

“They prefer—when I say they, the DNC—they want the Cory Booker, they want the Clarence Thomas, they want the Deval Patricks, you know, they want the [Adrian] Fentys that was in Washington D.C., and they want the Hakeem Jeffries types. These are non-threatening people. And then the Jews want all of those who will not criticize anything the state of Israel does. The assemblyman was on one radio program and they asked him about Israel and he didn’t even mention the Palestinians. And that’s not the kind of politics that’s going to bring peace to the Middle East. That’s the kind of politics that continues the war. And one of the first things he said the Wednesday after was that he was going to take care [that] us taxpayers should pay for private religious schools. He singled out the yeshiva students, they should get their burdens lifted. He’s going to have a lot of people he’s going to have to pay back.”


3 Responses

  1. stop crying….sore looser…. what did you think, that you would open your huge mouth and we all going to come out and vote for you…not a chance!!!

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