DEVELOPING: Hikind May Have Cast The Deciding Vote For Lew Fidler

As of this moment it appears that Councilman Lew Fidler is up by 1 vote over his opponent Russian David Storobin. Per the City & State Blog story by Chris Bragg below, Hikind may have single-handedly taken Fidler over the top!

From: City & State NY Blog

The mystery of whom Assemblyman Dov Hikind voted for in the Brooklyn Senate special election may have been solved!

There were only two voters who voted absentee in Hikind’s electoral district: Hikind, who was in Albany on the Mar. 20 special election day, and a man named Harry Weiss.

Vote tallies from that ED counted today show that one person voted for Councilman Lew Fidler, and one person voted for his Republican opponent for Senate, David Storobin. And reached by phone, Weiss confirmed that he had voted for Storobin — so we’re thinking that means that Hikind ended up voting for Fidler.

Hikind’s office didn’t return requests for comment, which I made yesterday in anticipation of the vote counting.

Hikind had been thought to initially be backing Fidler, but later publicly said he was not sure who he would support. He ultimately stayed neutral in the heated race, which currently has a 10 vote margin between Fidler and Storobin.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. Wow. So Hikind played his usual shtick he first endorsed Fidler then he backed off when there was too much heat but secretly he was rooting for Fidler. Pathetic.

  2. The re-canvassing isn’t over. Calm down, we still ned to count posts of borough park and midwood, not to mention all the Russian Fidler camp challenged because they have funny last names.

  3. Wow you will go to all lengths to bash Hikind warranted or not. Why havent you updated that he’s publicly said he didnt?

    Moderators Note: Have Hikind send us his statements and we’ll be more than happy to publish them.

  4. Ha, ha! Hikind was busted in another of his games. Just like he promised Yidel Perlstein that he was endorsing him and then told his staffer, Sharon Fuchs, to vote against Yidel.

    Dov we are on to you and we know that the next election is yours – in November. Believe me we know EXACTLY who to vote for.

  5. Nothing surprises me. YWN is conducting their usual hypocritical routine of preaching against Lashon Haroh and “attempting” to knock Dov Hikind on a regular basis. Of course, as evident in multiple posts, YWN is biased, which is why they did not post the latest standing of Storobin leading by one. Not surprisingly, they did not post Dov Hikind’s statement that he did indeed vote for Storobin, making YWN’s earlier posting meaningless. Of course, YWN will state something along the lines of not having time to correct their inaccuracies on Erev Shabbos, which would really be a lowly way of trying to cover their tracks-by now they know how to type faster than a novice, let alone delete an inaccuracy with the simple push of a button. Best wishes, and a good Shabbos!

    Moderators Note: “Not surprisingly, they did not post Dov Hikind’s statement that he did indeed vote for Storobin,”
    Have Mr. Hikind send us his releases and statements, and we’ll be sure to publish them.

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