Letters From Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky & Skulener Rebbe; Read At Asifa In Boro Park

Hundreds of people gathered this past Monday at an asifah in Boro Park, with thousands more listening live on the YWN Newsline (718-506-1111). The Asifa was called by Gedolei Rabbonim, due the critical threat from Iran and as a zechus for the gedolei Yisroel who are seriously ill.

Drashos were delivered by the Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Moshe Green, Rav Yosef Rosenblum and Rav Avrohom Schorr.

Attached are two letters, which were read at the event.

One is from the Skulener Rebbe who wrote that we should strengthen ourselves in ahavas chaveirim, and one from Harav Chaim Kanievsky, who said without a doubt we are in ikvesa d’Meshich. Rav Chaim wrote that as a zechus for his father-in-law Harav Yosef Shalom ben Chaya Musha Elyashiv, we should all come on time to davening, and learn mussar.


(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Where in R’ Chaims letter does it say to learn chumash?
    Can it be that the words ‘CHAMESH regaim shel limud mussar’ were misinterpreted?

  2. It doesn’t say coming on time is in honor of his father in law in R’ Chaim’s letter. It says that the terrible situation we find ourselves in must be ikvesa demeshicha (Holocaust is nothing compared to the tragedy of a 101 year old Rabbi not feeling well) Since davening FOR OTHERS is the biggest form of doing chesed we should come on time for our regular shacharis minyan. Without going into the quote itself which isn’t Torah based, the Raisha and saifa don’t seem to have any connection!
    It is also interesting that the hora’ah to say asher yatsar in honor of his father in law is not mentioned anymore. Is this an additional directive or did daas torah realize that asher yatsar didnt work?

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