Rav Amnon Yitzchak’s War Against Television

While his campaign against chareidi performers was not too successful, Rav Amnon Yitzchak appears to now be directing his energy against televisions in people’s homes. Apparently the rav is planning a major event next much, during which 1,000 televisions will be thrown into a giant dumpster, Chadrei Chareidim reports.

The event is planned to take place on 10 Kislev, Tuesday, December 6th, in front of Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in the Romeima area of the capital. The rav’s aides are taking care of arranging for dumpsters in which the TVs will be thrown and the rav is expected to address the crowd as well.

Shofar officials, Rav Yitzchak’s organization, report the event will receive a police permit and it will be aired live on the organization’s website. Shofar officials add the rav calls on supporters to refrain from distributing any insulting flyers for the event; not to defy police at the event by trying to block streets; and it will absolutely be forbidden for anyone to enter the IBA building for any reason or attempt to disrupt broadcast operations in any way on the day of the event.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Extremism is not the way. What do they expect to accomplish here?

    Enough with the crazy destruction of technology.

    Don’t they realize that extremism is what breeds “shawl women” and all the other kooks that have been showing up lately. Lets get back to authentic Judaism and stop trying to impress everyone with extreme actions.

  2. Rav Amnon Yitzchak is a blunt, no non-sense, very articulate spokesman for the chareidi camp. I am with him on chareidi performers, as well as TV which baruch Hashem never owned.

  3. I agree with #1,i think is Internet much worse than TV.On Internet You could watch TV from allover the world ! So why cut on TV, cut on all Internet and all technology…

  4. #’s 1 & 2. Welcome to the world. Our rabbonim haven’t the foggiest clue about internet, TV, iphone, ipad and the rest. They only listen to their gaboim who tell them tv’s bad for all and internet. BUT a website to promote our way(so called) holy work is not assur it permitted 1000%. That’s why every nutcase is a rav or rabbi today.

  5. number 3
    “Rav Amnon Yitzchak is a blunt, no non-sense, very articulate spokesman for the chareidi camp. I am with him on chareidi performers, as well as TV which baruch Hashem never owned”

    but yet you have internet?

  6. With every story that comes out like this, I find myself wondering if Orthodox Judaisim will be recognizable in 20 years.

    This drive and slide towards extremisim is causing irreparable harm to future generations.

  7. a yid does not need internet to know what is going on on the other side of the world. its a shaila of what madreiga he is on. the baba sali is one example. also in tractate nidda it says that an unborn child can see ‘from one end of the world till the other’ without a WIFI connection!

  8. Would it be cynical of me to ask what kind of financial interest Rav Amnon has in making sure there is no form of entertainment available to the Charadei public?

    Or what kind of financial interest there is in the destruction of 1000 televisions.

    Maybe I am too cyncial and should realize that what this really means is the leadership doesnt like it’s populace to have any access to information other than what they are told.

    10-1 odds that this sparks some sort of Chillul Hashem

  9. Ok, let’s be real. No one is actually going to throw a $400+ tv into the trash. They’re going to throw out their old tubes, get some smiles, and go back home to watch on the HD flat-screens.

  10. erbp; sorry to say you don’t know what you are talking about. Any one of them has more brains and uses them than you and 10 of your closest friends

  11. To its_me (#10): Yes, bur “kisheyatza l’avir ha’olam, ba mal’ach v’soser al piv” and he forgets all the Torah he learned, and loses the good eyesight he had.

    And, not all of us are on the level of the Baba Sali.

    It’s very easy to condemn the tools, when it’s the user of those tools that’s the real problem.

  12. #4- While that’s true, you can also control what you see on the internet. With a TV you just turn it on, sit back, and get served. You could have the internet your entire life and never see anything non-Tznius. You can’t say the same about a TV.

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