Minister Committed To Address Radicalization Of Dati Leumi Schools

In a meeting with parents who are active in the dati education system and Minister of Education Gideon Saar, both sides expressed their commitment to work together towards preventing the ‘radicalization’ of dati leumi schools, which basically means they are trying to prevent schools in the dati leumi network from becoming chareidi or chareidi-leaning in hashkofa.

The parents, who represent dati leumi schools around Israel presented the minister with their troubling statistics indicating the downward spiral of schools that were once thriving now becoming chareidi. The forum is headed by Dr. Avraham Lifshitz, who presented concrete examples in which schools changed. One such change would be the many schools that are more chareidi today, and as a result, no longer have special ceremonies on Memorial Day for fallen IDF soldiers. Other examples that were cited for the minister is schools that no longer observe Rabin Memorial Day or Torani kindergartens that will no longer accept students from Ethiopian homes.

Parents were also disturbed by the fact that in some of these kindergartens, girls are compelled to adhere to dress codes that they feel are simply extreme for little children or the fact the textbooks only have pictures of males, not females too. Another example is the omission of Independence Day from textbooks in schools turning more chareidi.

The issue of gender segregation was raised as well, with forum members explaining that in many cases, the segregation was ordered without even discussing the move with the school PTA. The list continued to include the extended hours for Torah studies at the expense of curtailed secular studies.

The minister was most attentive according to reports, expressing his “concerns” over the alarming trend, stressing the need to adhere to minimum ministry education requirements. The minister exhibited a willingness to work with the national parent forum towards halting extremism, explaining that there are regulation that most be adhered to for schools receiving state funding. A decision was made that they would not comply with dictates announced by ‘extremist elements’ in schools as part of an overall strategy to combat the trend.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. They are concerned about the schools becoming so nationalistic that they won’t do what they are told, or becoming so frum that they won’t assimilate well into secular society. The “state religious” schools were designed as a way to ease religious Jews into secular society, and facilitate them gradually freeing themselves from the yoke of Torah, and they have (ברוך השם) failed miserably.

  2. I think the radicalization of the secular left is more threatening to Israel. Most dati leumi people go in the army and then into the work force or into colleges and integrate into Israeli soceity with no problems; it is the fracture of the radical left which has no relationship with the traditional Jewish concepts and religious practice that idolizes the liberal America anti-Israel and anti Jewish groups that are pro Arabs that are the biggest problems today. Groups like Peace Now which are not for peace but for Arabs supremacy in Israel are the real danger.

  3. #1, on the contrary, the Mamad schools were created to keep modern Orthodox kids religious and strengthen kids from traditional families when secularists were claiming ownership of the pioneer spirit. The move to the right and oppsition to it mirrors a general trends in the National Religious.

    As for the Ethiopians, separate classes were instituted for new immigrants as half-way points towards integration (there a few similar schools and programs for Western immigrants – particularly teens, who have special issues). Those who were born here, at least from what I have seen, are as Israeli as the other kids.

  4. Typical movement of Yiddishkeit today the gradual shift towards the right in Torah Observances and Hashkafa. Noticeable in America, England, Canada and Israel.

    With the slow demise of the hashkafa of Rav Hirsch, Slabodka, Telse, etc.. the winning cards are in the hands of the more extreme followers of Hungry that is inching into all schools.

    Dati Leumi/Torani/Chardal schools are growing strong and producing new and strong bnei torah.

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