Rosh Hashanah Greetings From YWN – As It Enters It’s 7th Year

On this Erev Rosh Hashanah morning of 5771/72, we would like to thank our tens of thousands of devoted readers across the globe for visiting YWN each day, patronizing our advertisers, and continuing to make our website grow into your #1 stop for breaking news. We started YWN six years ago, and without your participation, we would not be entering our 7th year together.

Thanks to our entire staff of reporters, office personnel, our photo & video staff – including, Yehuda Boltshauser (the ENTIRE STAFF at Kuvien Images & YWN Israel), Hillel Engel, JDN, PhotoDynamics, Shimon Gifter, and the rest of the team – for capturing as many photos & videos as possible of anything of interest for the YWN readership. Thanks to them, our photo gallery has close to 400,000 photos!

This past year YWN was involved in the launching of the Scoop Network – local news websites for various neighborhoods. Boruch Hashem, the websites are seeing higher than expected traffic. So far, three sites have been launched:,, and They are read daily by so many of you, and we appreciate the continued support, and feedback on our content. A new site is expected to be rolled out within the next few weeks, with another one being launched shortly after that. Stay tuned! 

This posting would not be complete with a special thanks to the entire staff at Duvy’s Media. You guys go above and beyond what’s required 24hrs a day.

Just a year ago we launched YWN Radio which has B”H seen tremendous growth. YWN Radio gives you the latest Jewish music streamed to your computers 24 hours a day. Stay tuned to some exciting new features which will be added in the very near future, which will take YWN Radio to a level never before done in Jewish Internet radio.

We must thank the hundreds of advertisers that help us stay in business, and all of you who click on the ads, or the email blasts which we send out to our subscribers.

Last but not least, a debt of gratitude must be given to the dozens of people across the globe who constantly send us breaking news tips, photos, and other valuable information which we then share with YWN readers.

On that note, I would like personally to thank everyone once again for reading Yeshiva World News, and making this site “THE” largest Frum news website on the Internet.

May Hashem grant us all a year of prosperity, health, security, safety, and may we be Zoche to have the Zechus of reporting the arrival of Moshiach!

Kisiva Vachasima Tova to all!

!!ויהי רצון שתזכו לכתיבה וחתימה טובה לחיים טובים וארוכים בספרן של צדיקים גמורים

YWN Editor.

NOTE: YWN will not be updated from sundown 9/28 until sundown 10/01 in observance of the Jewish New Year.

7 Responses

  1. I appreciate ywn sticking up strongly for eretZ Yisroel and those who want to see it protected thriving and being developed and not supporting the naysayers which may also be sheepishly in our community

    Doing tashlich proudly At shiloach half a block from the kotel came with a price tag of animosity, gun toting sheriffs, and pigeon-holed proud Jewish “injuns” who live nearby

    The possuk says usheavtem mayim bassoon mimaayanei hayeshua

    This refers to may gichon the water of coronation of dovid nisuch hamaayim
    Pariah adumah
    Not a ordinary place to ask gd to hearken to memory over water

    And those in our community that provide soft core skepticism greases the skids of those that would would wish to ease the grip of prying hands on our land and ultimately our inescapable future

    EretZ Yisroel and its jewish inhabitants needs people that provide waves of energy that communicate steadfastness tenacity and intransigence in order to ensure safety of living at the end of the totem poles

    And not to be pogea in the connection of the torah am Yisroel and Hashem al eretZ Yisroel

    Which creates sefaykot of albeit sensitive nature in the nations which heretofore is determinedly chillul Hashem

    May we soon see the waters rise in eretZ Yisroel

    May Yiddishkeit and the kavod eretZ Yisroel grow. achdus am Yisroel and safety of all Jews everywhere

    May it be revealed this year that in a great way Hashem has his eye on the land from the begging of the year to the end for all Jews everywhere in all matters personal and communal

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