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Search Results for: kehillas

Beis Medrash of Kehillas Chaverim in Naclaot now Accepting new Talmidim

בס”ד Kehillat Chaverim, the anglo-centered community of young Olim in Nachlaot is proud to announce the opening of it’s new Halacha Beis Medrash. Kollel Chaverim has been the Beis HaMedrash program of the Kehilla for the past year. Since its founding, the Kollel has been primarily home to young avreichim from the community. With the Kehilla on a trajectory of growth, the Beis HaMedrash is excited to open its doors to additional talmidim.The aim of Kollel Chaverim is to create a center of high-level, committed Talmud Torah in the center of Yerushalayim with an emphasis on Halacha. The Kollel offers an in-depth curriculum spanning from early sources to contemporary Poskim. Each diligent member of the Kollel will בעזרת ה’ gain a comprehensive understanding of the relevant Sugyos and their practical application. “the dream and vision from the outset was to have a community, here in Yerushalayim, with Avodas HaShem at its center,” says HaRav Shimon Garbose, Rosh Kollel as well as Rav of Chaverim. “The Beis HaMedrash is a realization of this.”——————– For Ka’yitz Zman, the Kollel will have two possible programs running simultaneously, the first in Hilchos Shabbos, and a second in Choshen Mishpat. Those who are sucsuccessful in the Kollel’s curriculum will be able to take the exam of the רבנות הראשית לישראל. The programs’ learning schedules will be from 09:00 to 13:30, Sunday through Thursday and will begin on Monday Rosh Chodesh Iyar (6th of May). Registration to the Kollel will end on Thursday, the 27th of Nissan (2nd of May). Potential Talmidim are asked to contact the Kehilla for arranging a meeting with the Rosh Kollel. +972-50-248-7643 [email protected]

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Beis Medrash Of Kehillas Chaverim In Nachlaot Now Accepting New Talmidim

בס”ד Kehillat Chaverim, the anglo-centered community of young Olim in Nachlaot is proud to announce the opening of it’s new Halacha Beis Medrash. Kollel Chaverim has been the Beis HaMedrash program of the Kehilla for the past year. Since its founding, the Kollel has been primarily home to young avreichim from the community. With the Kehilla on a trajectory of growth, the Beis HaMedrash is excited to open its doors to additional talmidim. The aim of Kollel Chaverim is to create a center of high-level, committed Talmud Torah in the center of Yerushalayim with an emphasis on Halacha. The Kollel offers an in-depth curriculum spanning from early sources to contemporary Poskim. Each diligent member of the Kollel will בעזרת ה’ gain a comprehensive understanding of the relevant Sugyos and their practical application. “the dream and vision from the outset was to have a community, here in Yerushalayim, with Avodas HaShem at its center,” says HaRav Shimon Garbose, Rosh Kollel as well as Rav of Chaverim. “The Beis HaMedrash is a realization of this.” ——————– For Ka’yitz Zman, the Kollel will have two possible programs running simultaneously, the first in Hilchos Shabbos, and a second in Choshen Mishpat. Those who are sucsuccessful in the Kollel’s curriculum will be able to take the exam of the רבנות הראשית לישראל. The programs’ learning schedules will be from 09:00 to 13:30, Sunday through Thursday and will begin on Monday Rosh Chodesh Iyar (6th of May). Registration to the Kollel will end on Thursday, the 27th of Nissan (2nd of May). Potential Talmidim are asked to contact the Kehilla for arranging a meeting with the Rosh Kollel. +972-50-248-7643 [email protected]

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PHOTOS: Fire On Bnei Brak’s Kehillas Yaakov Street

The fire department and MDA responded to a Tuesday afternoon fire on Kehillas Yaakov Street in Bnei Brak. MDA and Hatzoloh EMS personnel were on hand to assist residents of the building to evacuate. There were no reports of injuries. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Levaya of Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Tzvi Beck ZATZAL; Rov of Kehillas Adass Yisrael, in Melbourne, Australia

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Tzvi Beck ZATZAL, the Rov of Kehillas Adass Yisrael, in Melbourne, Australia for nearly 30 years. He was 85. Just two weeks ago, the entire community participated in numerous events wishing their beloved Rov farewell, as he relocated to Eretz Yisroel due to a serious illness. Ever since his arrival in 1988, Harav Beck shlita was always held in the highest regard all over town for his accomplishments in Torah, avodah and gemilus chassodim. He taught and paskened in all areas of halocha, his tefillos were sought after internationally and brought many yeshuos whilst the genuine warmth and care of the Ruv drew many brokenhearted to him for chizzuk. He leaves behind his Choshuva Rebbitzen, three sons and four daughters – all serving as Rabbonim and daughters married to Rabbonim and Admorim. The Levaya will be held on Monday at the Vishnitz Monsey Beit Shemesh Bais Medrash on Rechov Rebi Yehoshua. Below is the letter Rav Beck wrote to the Melbourne community when he announced that he was leaving to Eretz Yisroel. Rav Beck told the community that he hasn’t been well for the last year, and that after seeing doctors he has been advised that if he wants to move to Eretz Yisroel, that now is the time to do so. Below are photos (courtesy of JDN) and a video that were taken just two weeks ago at the Preida for HaRav beck as he left Melbourne. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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Marking The Third Yahrzeit Of The Har Nof Kehillas Bnei Torah Terror Attack Victims HY’D

Hundreds of children attended the special third yahrzeit Avos U’banim held in Kehillos Bnei Torah in Har Nof this motzei Shabbos, marking the third yahrzeit since the bloody terrorist attack in that shul during shachris minyan. HaRav HaTzadik Rav Binyomin Finkel Shlita addressed the special event in memory of the kedoshim HY”D. Murdered in that attack were HaRav Moshe Twersky, Rav Aryeh Kupinsky, Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine and R’ Avraham Goldberg HY”D. Rav Yechiel Rothman, 55, was Niftar one year later from his wounds. The attack was perpetrated by two cousins, Uday Abu Jamal and Ghassan Abu Jamal from Jebl Mukaber in east Jerusalem on November 18, 2014. They entered the Shul shortly after 7 a.m. and attacked the men Davening Shacharis with knives, meat cleavers and a pistol. Policeman Zidan Saif, 30, died from wounds sustained when he was attacked by the terrorists after he arrived at the scene of the incident. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Cornerstone for Kehillas Chanichei HaYeshivos in in Memory of Avigail and Yael Gross A’H

The following photo essay shows the laying of the cornerstone  for Kehillas Chanichei HaYeshivos in the Givat Mordechai neighborhood of Yerushalayim. The shul is in memory of Avigail and Yael Gross a”h, the children who died of systemic collapse after their apartment was fumigated by an exterminator in 2014. Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos and public officials took part in the event, the laying of the cornerstone where the shul will be constructed. The event coincided with the two-year yahrzeit of the tragedy. The family returned home after it was fumigated and as the hours passed, the parents realized their little ones were getting sicker by the moment. B’chasdei Hashem their sons survived the event as did the parents, Rav Shimie and Michal Gross. Among the prominent rabbonim who took part in the event were HaGaon HaRav Moshe Mordechai Farberstein Shlita, a resident of the community as well as members of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Degel Hatorah HaGaon Rav David Cohen Shlita and HaGaon Rav Yosef Chevroni Shlita. Also present were Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita, Jerusalem Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar Shlita, Mir Mashgiach HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Aaron Chadash Shlita and community rabbonim including Rabbi Isser Klonsky Shlita, Rabbi Yosef Sharabi Shlita, and Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita. Gedolei Yisrael are among those who signed the Megillas HaYesod (Founding Charter). Names appearing on that document include: · מרן רה”י הגאון רבי אהרן לייב שטיינמן שליט”א, · מרן שה”ת הגאון רבי חיים קנייבסקי שליט”א, · נשיא מועצת חכמי התורה הגאון רבי שלום כהן שליט”א, · רבי ניסים קרליץ שליט”א, · רבי גרשון אדלשטיין שליט”א, · רבי משה הלל הירש שליט”א, · רבי אריה פינקל שליט”א, · רבי ברוך מרדכי אזרחי שליט”א, · רבי אליעזר יהודה פינקל שליט”א, ר · בי יצחק אזרחי שליט”א, · רבי שלמה פישר שליט”א, · רבי דב יפה שליט”א The kehilla has been in existence for forth year, utilizing two stores in the area. The shul is active throughout the day, and what is especially noteworthy is the achdus between the chareidim and dati leumi, as well as the Ashkenazim and Sephardim. Nine years ago, when the shul was too small due to the growing number of mispallalim, the gabbaim applied to the city for a new shul that can accommodate the mispallalim and the many guests who visit. Following years of discussion, lobbying and tenacious efforts, with the assistance of the Degel Hatorah faction in Yerushalayim including Rabbi Yitzchak Pindrus, Rabbi Eliezer Ruchberger and Rabbi Yisrael Kellerman, who worked tirelessly towards advancing the project, a few months ago an area was allocated for a new shul. Community members were ready to begin immediately and to start construction, and the foundation is to be poured in the coming days. Residents Rav Shimon Gross and his wife Michal wish to commemorate the lives of their daughters through the shul and are working to contact philanthropists to assist them. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: ברוך יערי)

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Kehillas Bnei Torah of Har Nof Celebrating a Bar Mitzvah And Seudas Hoda’ah

The mispallalim and families of the Kehillas Bnei Torah Shul in the Har Nof neighborhood of Har Nof will be celebrating a simcha, the bar mitzvah of Mordechai Goldstein, who was at his father’s side in the shul on the morning of the fatal attack a number of months ago The event will take place in the shul where four mispallalim and a policeman HY”D were murdered in the terror attack. The entire shul is invited to the bar mitzvah by personal invitation from the father, Shmuel Goldstein, whose life was saved by a miracle. “Your participation in the simcha and acknowledgement of the miracle will be most appreciated” he writes. The aliyah will be this Shabbos, parshas Nasso. A kiddush will follow for the entire neighborhood. The seudas mitzvah will be held next week. A family member is quoted by Kikar Shabbos news explaining “It marks closure for us, the celebration of the miracle that occurred that HKBH saved Mordechai and his father Shmuel. There were more than a few miracles here, that Mordechai escaped arm and that his father Shmuel was saved and now, we are celebrating the bar mitzvah and a father who was seriously wounded can celebrate alongside his son”. Shmuel was hanging between life and death and his recovery is viewed as a medical miracle by some of the doctors. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Bennett & Lipman were Among the Mispallalim at Kehillas Bnei Torah Wednesday Morning

Bayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett was in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim on Wednesday morning 26 Marcheshvan, taking part in the minyan, the site of the shul massacre in Kehillas Bnei Torah one day earlier. Zaka completed its work of chessed shel emmes and the shul was clear for returning to regular activities. Also attending shachris in the shul was MK (Yesh Atid) Dov Lipman. The two wished to join mispallalim, with Lipman telling the media “It was important for me to come today, particularly to this shul and this minyan to give support to the mispallalim and to send a message to the terrorists, that their acts of terrorism will accomplish nothing”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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TERROR IN JERUSALEM: 4 Dead in Terror Attack in Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof, Yerushalayim [UPDATED 8:52 AM IL]

[EARLIER UPDATES BELOW] 08:52: Channel 2 News reports one of the terrorists involved in the attack was a resident of the Jabil Mukhaber neighborhood of the capital. His brother is currently serving a life sentence in an Israeli prison. Hamas applauds the attack, calling it a “quality attack inside the capital to avenge the murder of the Egged driver”. It should be noted the autopsy of the Arab bus driver proved conclusively that he took his own life as the evidence at the scene indicated. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita calls on Muslim leaders to clearly condemn the murder and to stop the incitement. 08:25: Jerusalem hospitals are calling on the public to donate blood, especially Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. 08:07: According to Nir D’vori, Channel 2 News correspondent, a total of four people were murdered in the attack R”L. Two terrorists, residents of the eastern capital entered the shul armed with axes and at least one handgun. They opened fire and began swinging indiscriminately. Two policemen nearby heard the gunfire and ran over, engaging the terrorists. They got into a shootout and succeeded in killing the terrorists. One policeman was wounded, possibly seriously. It remains unclear. At total of six people were transported to area hospitals. At least one is listed in serious condition. 07:58: Two of the seriously wounded were transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital trauma center. One seriously wounded victim was taken to the trauma unit of Shaare Zedek Hospital. MDA reports the initial call came into the dispatch center shortly after 7AM. EMS units were on the scene in minutes. It appears that once again, the terrorists were residents of the eastern capital, as has been the case in recent vehicular terror attacks. 07:46: MDA reports five persons in serious condition and four in moderate-to-serious condition. First on the scene was Hachovesh Har Nof which is the community based EMS unit connected to MDA. It is now reported the terrorists were armed with at least one gun, knives and axes. Ichud Hatzalah is reporting six bodies at the scene. It is believed two of them are the terrorists, but this is unconfirmed. Police are not certain the area is secure. A third terrorist may have fled and still be at large in the community. 07:40: Police fear a third terrorist succeeded in fleeing the scene and is at large in the community. Residents are instructed to lock their doors and remain inside. 07:38: The attack occurred in Kehillas Bnei Torah. The mora d’asra is Rabbi Yitzchak Mordechai Rubin Shlita, the mechaber of the sefer Orchos Shabbos. 07:31: It is unknown if the dead are victims of the terrorists YS”VZ. At least three bodies are on the scene. Others are injured, apparently some in serious condition. Terrorists entered the shul and someone reportedly fired at them. There is a great deal of confusion as police continue to secure the area which is a residential block in the heart of the chareidi community. It is entirely possible the terrorists entered with knives and axes and someone fired and that gunfire could have struck mispallalim. Once again, it is too early for confirmed information as police have not yet begun analyzing the scene. They want to be certain there are no more terrorists at large. It does appear two terrorists are

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Two Toronto Shuls Vandalized In Latest In A String Of Antisemitic Acts And Attacks

A shul and synagogue in Toronto were vandalized on Sunday in what police are calling “hate-motivated” attacks. The Pride of Israel Synagogue, which is conservative, and Kehillas Shaarei Torah were both targeted, with rocks thrown through their windows and stained glass panels shattered. The first incident occurred at the Pride of Israel Synagogue, where congregants arrived Sunday morning to find several windows broken and stones scattered on the bimah. The suspect, caught on security camera, was seen getting off a motorcycle and throwing rocks at the building before fleeing the area. The second incident occurred at Shaarei Torah, which has been targeted twice since April. A vandal threw a rock through a window, and the suspect was seen fleeing the area on a motorcycle. Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw said that the Hate Crime Unit is investigating both incidents, which are being treated as suspected hate-motivated offenses. The police have increased their presence in the targeted areas. The Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned the attacks, writing, “These two incidents come amid a dramatic upsurge in antisemitism in Canada, including many antisemitic shootings, firebombings, bomb threats, and vandalism attacks on Jewish institutions and businesses since October 7.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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HaGaon HaRav Landau Adds 3 New Members To Vaadas HaRabbanim Of Degel HaTorah

Over eight years ago, HaGaon HaRav Yehudah Leib Shteinman, z’tl, established a Vaadas Rabbanim of Degel HaTorah order to serve as an advisory board to municipality representatives and neighborhood askanim. HaGaon HaRav Yosef Efrati was appointed to the board along with Rosh Yeshivas Chevron HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen and Rosh Yeshivas Toras Ze’ev HaGaon HaRav Baruch Soloveitchik. However, HaRav Soloveitchik moved his yeshivah and place of residence to Ramat Beit Shemesh several years ago, leaving only two members on the board. In recent days, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau made a decision to add three new Rabbanim to the board from three different neighborhoods, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. The Rabbanim who were appointed to the board are HaGaon HaRav Yisrael Goelman, a renowned posek, the Rav of Kehillas Shaarei Tevunah in Ramot and the head of the Bnos Elisheva high school for girls, HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Weber, a Rav in Neve Yaakov and one of the Rabbanim of the Badatz Shearis Yisrael, and HaGaon HaRav Avraham Weg, a Rav in Bayit Vegan. The first meeting of the expanded board was held at the home of HaRav Cohen on Monday evening. A a letter from HaGaon HaRav Landua was read, stating that the newly expanded Vaad will be headed by HaRav Efrati and HaRav Cohen and that “all the inyanim of Degel HaTorah in Yerushalayim will be conducted according to them and in particular regarding the shemirah of Yahadus and its character. They should be zohech to siyata dishmaya in all their actions to increase kavod Shamayim.” The Rabbanim then met with the Degel HaTorah representatives in the Jerusalem municipality to discuss the needs of the public for the upcoming term. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Unprecedented Achdus and Adulation as South American Jewry Participates in Largest Torah Event

The floodgates opened!  It happened during the drasha of HaGaon HaTzaddik, HaRav Raphael Abuchatzeirah, shlita. Some seven thousand Yidden from Argentina packed into the Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires. The standing room only crowd, both the more than 5,000 men and the nearly 2,000 women in the ezras noshim, were listening as the venerated mekubel began talking about what is happening in shomayim. He said, “Chazal teach that when a large group of Jews gather in honor of Torah to make a siyum on Torah, the power of Torah coupled with the power of so many Jews coming together creates a tremendous, powerful eis ratzon, opportune time for tefillos to be answered.  “There are so many things that we need from Hashem. Our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael are involved in a war against a cruel, implacable enemy. The Jewish people all over the world are in danger. So, so many people have their own personal difficulties. Even since arriving here in Buenos Aires, so many wonderful Jews have come to me begging me to pray for them. This one needs a child, the other needs parnassah, the third needs nachas from the children, the fourth needs a shidduch and the fifth needs shalom bayis. We all have so many things to ask from Hashem. NOW is the time to daven. It is an eis ratzon…” This was one highlight during a night of highlights on a scale never previously experienced by South American Jewry. Earlier this month, the South American Jewish Community celebrated its largest Torah event in history with the inaugural siyum on Masechta Brachos in the Amud HaYomi. The event was graced by HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, HaGaon HaRav Raphael Abuchatzeirah, shlita, and Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita Nasi of Dirshu.  Wall-to-wall achdus permeated the siyum through the enthusiastic participation of Rabbanim and members of virtually every Torah observant kehillah of Argentina along with a large contingent from Brazil led by the Rav of Kehillas Mekor Chaim of Brazil, Rav Yitzchak Dishi, shlita. Later that week, an large well attended Amud HaYomi siyum was held at the large Safra shul in Sao Paulo Brazil.  The powerful, pervasive message at the siyum, said Rabbi Cohen-Talgam was that Dirshu is here for every person at every level. “We want to help YOU learn Torah! If you are someone who learned in yeshiva and have a background in learning, we have a program for you! If you are a beginner, we have a shiur and a program for you. If you want to learn halacha, we have a program for you at multiple levels. If you want to learn Gemara, we have a program that fits. If you want to learn the works of mussar and ethics, we have a program and a shiur for you. And if not, we will make one!” The aftermath of the siyum, more than anything else, has attested to the fact that Dirshu has succeeded! There has been an exponential increase in limud haTorah, in new participants throughout South America. “Indeed,” said Rav Cohen-Talgam, “the ultimate purpose of the siyum wasn’t just to celebrate the past, the fact that we had completed Masechta Brachos with the Amud HaYomi or Masechta Bava Kama with the Daf HaYomi. It was

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COMMUNITY ON EDGE: Gang Robs Jewish Man On His Way To Shacharis In Baltimore

Nerves are frazzled in Baltimore’s Jewish community, as a recent crime wave impacting local neighborhoods crested with the armed carjacking of a Jewish man on his way to shul Tuesday morning. The incident occurred in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood of Ranchleigh shortly after 7 a.m., when a dark-colored Kia Optima sedan pulled up. Two black teens sporting ski masks proceeded to steal a vehicle on Clarington Road, then brought it to Pebble Brook Road, where they abandoned the vehicle near Kehillas Meor Hatorah. The teens then spotted a Jewish man, Eli Neuberger, heading to shul, and began chasing him. Neuberger fled, but then watched in horror as the gang targeted another Jewish man, Dovi Ziskind, who had just parked his SUV as he headed to Shacharis. The thugs forced Ziskind out of his vehicle and shoved him to the ground, stealing his wallet. The thieves then fled the scene in the vehicle in which they arrived. Several other similar incidents were reported Tuesday morning in other nearby neighborhoods, with law enforcement suspecting the incidents are related. Police and Baltimore Shomrim are now searching for a black Kia Optima with tag 4BA3705. As the circumstances surrounding this incident remain under investigation, detectives with the Pikesville Precinct are asking anyone with information about the case to please contact 410-307-2020. Callers may remain anonymous. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Bringing Hope to a Father With Als

Rav Dovid is a beacon of hope amidst his own personal adversity.   2010 Tests and more tests 2011 The devastating diagnosis, ALS 2012 A new reality – Confined to a wheelchair, but still teaching Torah. 2014 Totally paralyzed and on life support, although fully cognizant. 2024 How does he do it? Where does his strength come from? Especially during these difficult times, R’ Dovid, with his unbending faith, reminds us never to give up, that Hashem’s love is present and we can turn to Him, asking for miracles. This Purim bring HOPE to Rav David and his family by helping to support a father battling with ALS!   Use the DONATE BUTTON on this page to give your lifesaving donation… OR for a tax-deductible receipt, press on the following link to Kupat Hair: קופת העיר For additional donation options scroll down below the line.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE Please help us by sharing this campaign with family and friends and by posting on social media. Endorsed by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. View recommendations: click here. Donate to receive the eternal and powerful Bracha of Harav Hagaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita, given during the Rav’s memorable visit to R’ Dovid, “Donate generously and in this merit you will never be sick, not you or your families for all generations!”   I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our family, friends and supporters. I have not been able to thank you personally, but you are always in our hearts. May you be blessed from Above with joy, prosperity, good health and success in all your endeavors. A Freiliche Purim, Rochel Frid  CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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Inaugural Amud Hayomi Siyum on Masechta Brachos One of Many Highlights at a Dirshu Shabbos Convention Packed With Inspiration

HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei got up and grabbed the microphone. It was a totally spontaneous moment that left tears of emotion in the eyes of the thousands in attendance. It was in the middle of the Amud HaYomi Siyum at the Armon Hotel in Stamford. Hagaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, had just finished speaking when suddenly, before the MC, Rabbi Leibish Lish, could step in and introduce the next speaker, the gaon and tzaddik, Rav Galei, grabbed the microphone and exclaimed, “Rabbosai! I want to tell you something very important. A siyum masechta is a time when there is a great eis ratzon in shomayim. If this is said about any siyum, how much more so, a siyum being made by thousands! Now is the time for all of us to daven for Klal Yisrael who are undergoing great difficulty and for all our personal tefillos as well.” Rav Shimon then began singing, “Shaarei shomayim pesach,” a song where we beg Hashem to open the gates of heaven and shower us with bracha from His infinite otzar, treasure house of bracha. The tangible emotion and feeling of Rav Shimon reverberated throughout the hall and the crowd joined him, raising their voices in song. Soon, everyone was on their feet singing, davening. The emotion reached a crescendo and it was clear to anyone there that they were indeed tapping into a unique eis ratzon. The emotion, the tefillos, the tears that were shed, defy description.  The truth, however, is that this exalted moment at the Amud HaYomi siyum was a microcosm of the eis ratzon that characterized the entire Shabbos Dirshu Convention this year. Every believing Jew knows that there is nothing that invokes rachmei shomayim more than the koach haTorah. Over the course of Shabbos Dirshu, not only was Torah celebrated by more than a thousand lomdei Dirshu and their families, Torah was being learned in every free minute! As HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Mechel Steinmetz, shlita, the Skverer Dayan of Boro Park, so eloquently highlighted during his shalosh seudos drasha, “I must confess, I have never seen anything like it! I woke up on Shabbos morning at about 5:00a.m. I went downstairs and couldn’t believe my eyes! There were people learning all around the lobby and in the large room designated for learning. Where do you have a Shabbos convention where the program ended the night before at close to 1:00a.m. and then, by 5:00a.m. the next morning people are horeving over their Gemaras? Only at a Dirshu convention where limud haTorah with goals and tests never stop for anything!” Throughout the Shabbos, the extended Dirshu family reveled in spending time with like-minded people traveling the same exalted road of life where their homes and every waking minute is influenced and shaped by goals of learning, reviewing and constant accountability through testing that so exemplifies a Dirshu Yid.   The inaugural Amud HaYomi siyum on Masechta Brachos, held on Thursday night in the Armon Hotel’s main ballroom, was a self-contained event that was open to the public, and the public came en masse. The standing-room only crowd was permeated with a profound sense of simcha. This was especially evident after HaRav Shlomo Eliezer Katz, a prominent Amud HaYomi maggid shiur delivered the hadran and entire assemblage burst into song and dance.

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HaRav Rubin Of Har Nof: “We’re In Serious Danger, Gov’t Is Planning For Unprecedented Scenario”

The known Posek HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Mordechai HaCohen Rubin, the Rav of Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof  wrote a special letter in light of the delicate security situation and the fear of another war front in the north, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. In the letter entitled: “לכו ונשובה אל ה’ כי הוא טרף וירפאנו יך ויחבשנו,” HaRav Rubin wrote: “It’s written in Hoshea ‘לכו ונשובה אל ה כי הוא טרף וירפאנו.’ And the mefarshim explain that the enemy doesn’t gain power through its own strength but everything is from Hashem Yisbarach and only He has the power to bring a cure.” “It is years and years that Am Yisrael has been surrounded on all sides by Bnei Yishmael who plot to destroy Yisrael and wipe them off the face of the earth. And anyone who has a little understanding realizes what our end would be if it wasn’t for Hashem Eloekinu helping us.” “And in recent months, to our dismay, we’ve seen the unbridled outbreak of the Yishmaelim. And what happened in the south could chas v’chalilah happen in the north, but according to security officials, the situation in the north could chas v’chalilah be far worse and far more catastrophic. “In the last few weeks, and especially in the last few days, the government has been covertly preparing for an extremely different period, Hashem Yeracheim, and they have already contacted families with patients who are connected to generators [to prepare for an extended period without electricity], and in general, they are preparing in every possible way to prepare for an emergency scenario.” “And here in every generation, the word of Hashem is given to the leaders of the generation, and they are the messengers of the King of the World to transmit His word to the people. Last week, HaGaon HaRav Landau held an emergency meeting in his home to request that everyone gather in every location for tefillos since we are in real danger, rachmanah latzlan.” “Therefore, now that we feel more and more strongly that this is an Eis Tzarah L’Yaakov – what can we do more than seize the craft of our forefathers, to tear the gates of Shamayim with tefillos and pleas. But we need several basic preparations. 1. To understand that we’re in terrible danger. 2. To believe that everything is from Hashem Yisbarach 3. To believe that Hashem can change everything to the good, b’ezras Hashem, via the koach of our tefillos and the improvement of our ways.” “Tefillos that come from the depths of the heart have the power to tear the gates of Shamayim, especially with tears, and therefore it would be beneficial if each one of us would set certain times for himself during the day to pour out his heart and supplications, and a little bit with kavanah is better than a lot without kavanah. It’s especially good if a person davens together with the members of his household and it’s preferable to daven b’rabim [and all this is in addition to the mizmorim that are said at the end of tefillah.] “ובזכות תפילות היחידים והרבים ישמע ה’ את שוועתנו ויאמר לצרותינו די ויחיש פדיון נפשנו מיד כל שונא וישלח תשועה לכל אחינו בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה במהרה דידן”. Kikar H’Shabbat added that the building of the Kehillas

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HaRav Landau To Klal Yisrael: “Situation In North Is Perilous, Cry Out Like At Ninveh”

Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, held a gathering of Rabbanim at his home on Monday in order to transmit a message to Klal Yisrael about the perilous situation in Israel and the dire need for fervent tefillos. “The tzibur doesn’t know how dangerous the situation is in the north,” HaRav Landau said. “They [Hezbollah] have the abilities and we need Rachamei Shamayim.” “They are also rising up from afar [Iran and its proxies] to eliminate, destroy, and murder us. We’re obligated to cry out with a great and bitter cry [זעקה גדולה ומרה], like in Ninveh, to increase our tefillos and to cry out to Avinu ShebeShamayim that He have mercy on us. I request from you – wake up and cry out in tefillah.” The Rabbanim who participated in the gathering included HaRav Avraham Tzvi Margaliot, the Rav of Karmiel, HaRav Shmuel Montag, the Rav of a kehilla in Netivot, HaRav Meir Kessler, the Rav of Modiin Illit, HaRav Yitzchak Mordechai Rubin, the Rav of Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof, HaRav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, a Rav in Bnei Brak, HaRav Yechiel Bamberger, a Rav in Haifa, HaRav Yaakov Yisrael Pincus, a Rav in Ofakim, and HaRav Zalman Dovid Zuckerman, a Rav in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Jerusalem. The Rosh Yeshivah conveyed a similar message last week to several askanim from the south. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Amud HaYomi Spreading Across the World

Rav Hillel David: The Unique Maalos of Amud HaYomi  It is barely two weeks since the launch of the global Amud HaYomi program and the Amud HaYomi is spreading across the world!  Hundreds of shiurim and night kollelim began learning the Amud HaYomi this past Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan starting Masechta Brachos daf beis amud aleph. Thousands of chavrusos began learning the amud together across the world from Melbourne to Buenos Aires, from Lakewood to Bnei Brak, from Antwerp to Texas, and from Johannesburg to Caracas, Venezuela.   In addition, pesicha shiurim were delivered on the first amud in Brachos by Gedolei Yisrael from all over. HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Yoshev Rosh of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and Rav of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, gave a live, practical lesson on how one can learn the amud and simultaneously cite wonderful chiddushim from the rishonim and acharonim and seamlessly weave them into the amud.   At the conclusion of his shiur, Rav Hillel spoke about the unique maalos of Amud HaYomi. He explained that it goes without saying that an Amud HaYomi shiur should be given for the same amount of time as a daf yomi shiur. “A maggid shiur,” he explained, “can have the opportunity to point out the way Rashi learns the Gemara and cite the opinion of Tosafos that differs with Rashi. He has the luxury of being able to explain why Tosafos argues on Rashi. If he prepares well, he can truly convey the underpinnings of the sugya.   Rav Shlomo Eisenberger: “The Last Amud Hayomi Shiur That I Attended was Given by Rav Shach!”   Another pesicha shiur was given by the venerated Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Eisenberger, shlita. Rav Eisenberger reminisced that the last time he attended an Amud HaYomi shiur was in the Ponovezh Yeshiva and the maggid shiur was the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shach! He said, “When I learned in Ponovezh many decades ago, Rav Shach delivered a blatt shiur. That zeman we were learning Masechta Kesubos. When the Ponovezher Rav, Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman suggested to Rav Shach that he learn five blatt a week in the blatt shiur, Rav Shach protested that it was too much. In the end they each compromised, and Rav Shach began delivering shiur on one amud a day.   “I think the Amud HaYomi is an amazing idea! Not everyone can do a full blatt. In an amud, there is so much more that the maggid shiur can speak about. I remember how much Rav Shach spoke about on each amud. It is a real toeles…”  The Rachmastrivka Rebbe: “The Amud HaYomi is a Wonderful Opportunity!”  The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlita, of Yerushalayim, was extremely pleased when informed of the establishment of the worldwide Amud HaYomi program. He said, “The fact that Dirshu has established a new daily learning program, the Amud HaYomi, is a wonderful opportunity.”  There are many who find it difficult to learn the daf yomi. There are others who would rather learn less every day but want to still have time to review the previous days’ learning.   To join Amud HaYomi or to find a shiur near you, please contact Dirshu at 1888-5Dirshu or [email protected]

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Amud HaYomi To Begin on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Monday, October 16th

By Chaim Gold  It is an eis tzarah l’Yaakov. The murderous barbaric attacks on Acheinu Bnei Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael have cast a pall of mourning upon Jews all over the world. As maaminim bnei maaminim we know that we who are not fighting at the front must do our part in this milchama. We know that Hashem is the ish milchama and the way to invoke rachamei shomayim is through Torah and tefilla. Whether it is taking on a new kabbalah to join the new worldwide Amud HaYomi program that begins on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan or to increase Torah learning in any other meaningful way, that is the response that is needed for Klal Yisrael. All Torah learning brings down a shefa of rachamei shomayim and indeed, on Motzoei Simchas Torah, the venerated senior posek, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch, shlita, called on all yidden to increase their Torah learning.  The Launch of the Amud HaYomi Initiative  Rabbi Shalom Yachnes, one of Dirshu’s coordinators overseeing the opening of new Amud HaYomi shiurim, commented, “When I speak to rabbanim, and talmidei chachomim who have undertaken to deliver shiurim, there is a great sense of excitement and anticipation.”  Just in Florida alone eight shiurim have already been established. In Los Angeles, as well, several shiurim have been set up as well as shiurim in locales including Providence, Rhode Island; Dallas, Texas; Toronto and Montreal, Canada; Highland Park, NJ; and Philadelphia, PA!  This is of course in addition to the hundreds, yes, hundreds of shiurim established in major centers of Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael and America, such as Brooklyn, Lakewood and Monsey.   In Lakewood there all already more than ten Amud HaYomi shiurim that will begin on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan including shiurim given by such prominent maggidei shiur as Rav Chaim Weg, Dayan at the Beis Havaad, who will be giving the shiur in the vibrant Torah center of Lutzk and Rav Eliezer Ralbag, Rav of the Lakewood Courtyard and Rav Abish Zelishovsky who will be delivering a shiur in Khal Zichron Yaakov.   As of this writing, over twenty shiurim have been established in Brooklyn with many more to come. A sampling of the maggidei shiurim in Flatbush are Rav Michel Spitzer in Khal Tiferes Tzvi, Rav Elliot Jemal at Congregation Ketter Torah and Rav Shlomo Cynamon at Kollel Bnei Torah. In Boro Park, some of the maggidei shiur are Rav Yitzchok Zalman Gips, Rav of Khal Birkas Avrohom, Rav Sender Rechinitzer, Belzer Dayan, Rav Chaim Meir Friedman in Klausenberg, Rav Gershon Fleishman in Rachmastrivka and Rav Yechezkel Landau in Williamsburg.   In Monsey, Rav Daniel Field will be delivering a shiur at Khal Mevaser Tov, Rav Yeshaya Zelig Shapiro at Beis Tefillah, Rav Gabi Fried will be delivering two shiurim one at Chayei Olam Community Kollel and one at Kehillas Ateres Rosh, Rav Chaim Meir Tabak will say a shiur at Vizhnitz on Francis Place, and Rav Mordechai Stresser at Klausenberg.   According to Rav Avigdor Berenstein, a senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala, Dirshu’s offices has already signed up some 6,000 new learners of Amud HaYomi in Eretz Yisrael alone. In addition, hundreds of shiurim have already been established across the length and breadth of Eretz Yisrael, ready to begin daf beis amud aleph of Masechta Brachos this coming Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.   Numerous Gedolei

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Rosh Yeshiva On Motzei Yom Kippur Neis: “It Teaches Us The Koach Of Tefillah”

It took a long time for the bochurim of “Yeshivas Nesivos Chachmah -Wolfson” to regain their equanimity after the unbelievable neis that occurred outside the yeshivah on Motzei Yom Kippur when an out-of-control bus rolled down the street, narrowly missing wreaking injury or death on those in its way. The bus crushed three cars in its path and knocked down an electrical pole while bochurim on the street fled for their lives. The Rosh Yeshivah, HaGaon HaRav Doniel Wolfson, wrote an emotional letter the next day to the bnei hayeshivah in which he shared his emotions about the great neis and what the bochurim should be mechazeik in to ensure that their zechuyos weren’t decreased by the magnitude of the neis. Rav Wolfson wrote: “We all have the zechus and obligation to thank Hashem Yisbarach in a kahal rav on the wonderous hashgacha that we were zocheh to last night -the wonderous shemirah and protection. ‘רבות עשית אתה ד’ אלוקי נפלאותיך ומחשבותיך אלינו צדקתך לא כיסיתי בתוך ליבי.. לא כחדתי חסדך ואמיתך לקהל רב’”. “The bnei yeshivah have a great zechus that through them it was made known to all of Yisrael – what happened at the gates of yeshivah, mamash in a rare timing, right after the signing of the din of the Yom Kodesh – to see how effective the tefillah of the tzibur kodesh is, how beloved the tefillah of each individual is, and how much all of us are in need of tefillah and protection and hissorerus, chesed and rachamim.” “And when the incident was so soon after the end of the Yom Kodesh, at a time when hearts were open for chizzuk of emunah and tefillah – there’s no doubt that it happened in order to teach us and awaken us to the greatness and power of tefillah,  as our Rosh HaYeshivah, HaGaon HaRav Baruch [Neubert] already emphasized.” “A very similar incident not so long ago ended in heavy and very difficult tragedies, r’l, Hashem Yisbarach should heal all the injured, and Baruch Hashem that last night everyone returned home without harm and not chalilah….” “And as mentioned, on one hand it was truly a great zechus that such an incident occurred right outside the yeshivah and at a such a special time. But on the other hand, in order that there shouldn’t chalilah be a fear of ‘מנכים לו מזכויותיו’ and like Rav Ada Bar Ahava feared in Taanis 20 when he was brought into a makom sakanah against his will…and in the passuk ‘דקטונתי מכל החסדים’ about Yaakov Avinu, like Rashi says…Therefore it’s incumbent on each one of the dear bnei yeshivah…to be mechazeik from this koach [of the neis], from the magnitude of the protection of the bracha of “מגן אברהם” like it says ‘אל תירא אברם אנוכי מגן לך שכרך הרבה מאוד.’” “The kavanah [in the bracha of Magen Avraham] is crucial…as well as in the bracha of Modim ‘על חיינו המסורים בידיך וכו’ – like it says in Kehillas Brachos … that one who doesn’t have kavanah in Birchas Avos [in Shemonah Esrei] should be extremely cautious that at least he should have kavanah in Modim and according to the סמ”ק – if one can’t have kavanah in all the brachos [of Shemonah Esrei], at least he should have kavanah

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Historic Launch of Amud HaYomi Program in the Same Hall that the Original Daf HaYomi was Introduced 100 Years Ago

The new Amud HaYomi program that will begin its first machzor this coming Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan/October 16, will gift Klal Yisrael with a unique opportunity to learn an amud every single day, seven days a week. This will enable those who do not learn the Daf HaYomi to participate in a limud that will enable them to complete Shas in fifteen years while learning at a slower pace and with more depth. For those currently learning the Daf HaYomi, it will serve as an amazing chazarah tool to review what they have learned during the last three years since the beginning of the current machzor of Daf HaYomi. Lomdei Amud HaYomi will also have the opportunity to take tests on what they have learned and receive stipends for excellent results. The inspiring, grand launch of the program will take place at the same historic hall, the Sofiensale Hall in Vienna, where the original Daf HaYomi was launched one-hundred years ago by Rav Meir Shapiro at the first Knessiah Gedolah. It is scheduled to take place on motzoei Shabbos Parshas Bereishis in conjunction with a siyum marking the completion of half of Shas in the current Daf HaYomi machzor. Leading Gedolei Yisrael to Grace Event  The melave malka will be graced by leading Gedolei Yisrael from all over the world including HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Yoshev Rosh of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and Rav of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah; HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron and member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz Yisrael; HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita; HaGaon HaRav Messoud Ben Shimon, shlita, Sephardic Rav of Bnei Brak and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ohr Elitzur; HaGaon HaRav Avrohom Salim, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Meor Torah and member of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah; HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Eisenberger, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe; HaGaon HaRav Binyomin Finkel, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Mir; and HaGaon HaRav Nissan Kaplan, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Daas Aharon, amongst others. “There is a tremendous amount of excitement among the public and also among the many talmidei chachamim who have committed to delivering a daily shiur. Multiple shiurim will be starting in Lakewood, Boro Park, Monsey, Williamsburg, and Flatbush. In addition, new shiurim will be opening in Toronto, Philadelphia, Miami Beach, Jackson, Toms River, Staten Island, Chicago and Los Angeles,” said Rabbi Moshe Fisher, Dirshu’s North American Co-Director. A comprehensive and marvelous kuntress called Iyun Ha’Amud, compiled by great talmidei chachomim, will be published and disseminated among the lomdim of Amud HaYomi throughout the world. The kuntress, which includes the pages of the Gemara, explanations and supplements, marei mekomos and practical applications of the halachah, is intended to assist the lomdim of Amud HaYomi with their learning and it will be part of the curriculum for the advanced tracks. The historic launch of the Amud HaYomi is almost upon us. Now is the time to make a kabbalah to join. You won’t regret it! For more information or to establish or access a shiur in your community please contact Dirshu at [email protected] or 732-987-3948 x 106

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New Amud HaYomi Program to Begin on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5784/October 15, 2023, will be a date that will go down in history as a day that transformed Klal Yisroel. It is the day when the new Amud HaYomi will begin Masechta Brachos. One hundred years ago, this month, Daf HaYomi was established and changed Klal Yisroel. The new Amud HaYomi will almost certainly have a similar impact. When the senior members of Dirshu’s hanhalla told HaGaon HaRav Berel Povarsky, shlita, senior Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponovezh Yeshiva, about the idea at his home in Bnei Brak, the smile that wreathed his face from ear to ear said it more than anything else. “Moredig, gevaldig, gevaldig!” he exclaimed. “An excellent idea! Amud HaYomi is something that each person can learn in accordance with his own level of learning.” HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel in Lakewood, displayed great simcha when he heard about the new Amud HaYomi program. His primary joy was aroused by the realization that this program would increase limud haTorah and the numbers of lomdei Torah. “The Torah needs yodei Torah, people who don’t just learn Torah but understand and know what they learned.’ I think therefore that the Torah is makir tov to you. The Torah wants people to be busy with learning Torah, to encourage limud haTorah. I think that, without a doubt, you Rav Hofstedter and Dirshu are shelucha d’rachmana, emissaries of Hashem to ensure that the Torah always has customers…” The official launch of the Amud HaYomi will take place motzoei Shabbos Bereishis, at the historic Sofiensäle Hall in Vienna, the same concert hall where the groundbreaking, world-changing concept of the Daf HaYomi was proposed at the first Knessiah Gedolah. The launch will be held in conjunction with a siyum on seder Nashim and half of Shas in the Daf HaYomi machzor and will be graced by leading Gedolei Yisrael from America, Eretz Yisrael and Europe. HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Yoshev Rosh of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and Rav of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, will lead the delegation of Rabbanim coming from America. The very distinguished delegation of Gedolei Yisrael from Eretz Yisrael who will be participating in the historic launch will include HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron; HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Wosner and one of Eretz Yisrael’s leading poskim and dayanim; HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Peretz Berman, shlita, a Rosh Yeshiva at the Ponevezh Yeshiva. The European delegation will be led by HaGaon HaRav Gavriel Knopfler, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Manchester. For further information or to join, please contact Dirshu at 1-888-5-Dirshu or e-mail, [email protected] 

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100 Years Later History to be Made Again in Same Hall in Vienna Where Rav Meir Shapiro Proposed Daf HaYomi

Some locations are so historic that they defy the imagination. One such place is the historic Sofiensäle Hall in Vienna, a concert hall where, during the month of Elul one-hundred years ago the groundbreaking, world-changing concept of the Daf HaYomi was proposed by the young Rav of the Polish town of Sonik. This year on motzoei Shabbos Bereishis, history will once again be made in that very hall in Vienna. That same hall will be filled to capacity once more, graced and led by leading Gedolei Yisrael and leading Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbanim, and maggidei shiur, as they celebrate a siyum on Seder Nashim and half of the present Daf HaYomi cycle. Even more exciting, a new Klal Yisrael learning initiative that promises to have a transformative impact on Yidden and Torah learning the world-over will be proposed in that very location where Rav Meir Shapiro with his booming voice and optimism launched the Daf HaYomi. The siyum will be the climax of a Historic Mission spearheaded by Dirshu and led by Gedolei Yisrael that will begin with a visit and special tefillos on behalf of Klal Yisrael at the kever of the Chasam Sofer in Pressburg within three days of his yahrtzeit, and continue with Dirshu’s International Shabbos Convention in Pressburg. The climax will be the celebration, the siyum, will be held at the historic Sofiensäle Hall in Vienna where the first Knessia Gedolah was held in Elul of 1923, when Rav Meir Shapiro proposed the Daf HaYomi. Among the leading Gedolei Yisrael who will grace the Shabbos and the siyum will be HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron; HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Wosner and one of Eretz Yisrael’s leading poskim and dayanim; HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita; HaGaon HaRav Chaim Peretz Berman, shlita, a Rosh Yeshiva at the Ponevezh Yeshiva; HaGaon HaRav Gavriel Knopfler, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Manchester, and numerous other Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva from Eretz Yisrael and abroad. Leading the delegation of Gedolim from America will be HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Yoshev Rosh of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and Rav of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah. The inspirational pinnacle of erev Shabbos will be the special maamad tefillah on behalf of lomdei Daf HaYomi and Klal Yisrael led by Gedolei Yisrael at the kever of the Chasam Sofer. Klal Yisrael is so in need of shemirah, in ruchniyus and in gashmiyus, in yeshuos, refuos and shidduchim, and at the makom Kadosh the burial place of the Chasam Sofer, around the time of his yartzeit is the opportune time to invoke rachamei shomayim. At this year’s European International Dirshu Convention there will be a return to history; but perhaps even more importantly new history will be made. Stay tuned.

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Flatbush Tisha B’Av Program – LIVESTREAM

For More Information Please Visit The Last Tisha B’Av Program Rav Shmuel Dishon began his Drasha at last year’s Tisha B’Av Program in Flatbush with a sigh, “I was hoping that last year would be the last time that we would be getting together on Tisha B’Av to mourn the Churban. (The destruction of the Bais HaMikdash).  The response to Rav Dishon was, “The roots of Tisha B’Av go back to the forty days that the spies sent by Moshe Rabbeinu investigated the Land of Israel. They came back with a report that caused the Jews to cry and question the viability of entering the Holy Land. HaShem responded by decreeing that we, the Jews, would wander in the desert for forty years  — before entering the Land. Forty years. Last year was the fortieth year of the Tisha B’Av Program of Flatbush; We had hoped that IT would be the last year that we would be fasting and mourning on Tisha B’Av. Alas, 1953 years later, the Golus continues.  The Tisha B’Av Program goes on. We pray that by the time you read this, we will have experienced the final Geulah (Redemption). In the meantime, the world-renowned Tisha B’Av Program is scheduled for Wednesday night, July 26, and all day Thursday, July 27. The program begins with Maariv at 9:00 PM, Wednesday night at the ground floor of the Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin Elementary School, 911 East 13 Street (Corner Ave, I), Brooklyn NY. Eicha and Kinnos follow with the noted mechanech, Rav Baruch Rabinowitz, speaking on “Rebuilding with Fire” at 9:45 PM. The day session begins with Shacharis at 8:00 AM followed by “Kinnos with an introduction and explanation of selected Kinnos” by Rav Ephraim Levine until 1:00 PM. Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein, Director, Publications/Zechor Yemos Olam, Torah Umesorah, will present: “Emunah (Faith) — The Key to Geulah.” Mincha follows at 1:45 PM. The afternoon session features Rav Daniel Glatstein, renowned author and speaker and Rav of Kehillas Tiferes Mordechai, Cedarhurst at 2:15 PM, speaking on “Tisha B’Av: From Time Immemorial until Today.” Rav Yosef Veiner now of Kehillas Shaar HaShamayim, Monsey, will be returning to Brooklyn at 3:00 PM to speak “Of Cavemen and Shmad: Facing Challenging Golus Conditions,” (can’t wait to hear what this is about). At 3:45 PM, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff of the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin, Flatbush, will then challenge us with the question, “What about rebuilding yourself?” The Program continues with Rav Moshe Yosef Scheinerman of Kehilas Kollel Bnei HaYeshivos, Flatbush at 4:30 PM asking, “How Much do we Really Want the Geulah?”    Rav Akiva Zweig, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva v’Kollel Bais Moshe Chaim, Talmudic University of Florida, will be flying in from Miami Beach to address the intriguing topic “Destruction of Distraction: The Sin of the Spies,” at 5:15 pm. Those of us who remember his father Rav Yochanan Zweig (may he be well) speaking for us on Tisha B’Av’s past, look forward to hearing his son, Rav Akiva. Closer to home, Rav Shay Tahan of Beit Hora’ah, Arzei HaLebanon, Flatbush, will stay closer to the text in his “Explanation of the Churban, Based on the Maharal,” at 6:00 pm. Rav Akiva Stolper, formerly Rabbi of Cong Ohr Chaim, Miami Beach will speak at 6:45 PM on: “Binging Moshiach with

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WATCH: Bochurim Dance & Sing As Leftists Protest In Front Of Deri’s Home

Left-wing protesters carried out an unannounced protest in front of Shas chairman Aryeh Deri’s temporary home in Bayit Vegan on Thursday morning as part of another national protest day dubbed National Paralysis Day. Despite the fact that the protests are ostensibly against judicial reform, they are actually protests against religion and tradition, as testified by the protesters’ signs with slogans against religion and Chareidim, including “we must oppose a halachic state.” Bochurim from Wolfson Yeshivah and Kehillas Noam responded by dancing and singing Achas Shaalti, Ashrei HaAm, Lev Tahor and Lev Tov Bara Li Elokim. One protester, seeing that they were failing to provoke the Chareidi residents, resorted to an antisemitic trope of throwing money at the bochurim, hoping they would stop dancing to grab it and he could video the scene. However, his provocation failed and the bochurim ignored the money. The protesters resorted to trying to outshout the bochurim – a losing proposition. Many reports testify to the fact that protest organizers are paying people to show up to the protests. One protester danced together with the bochurim, as seen in the video below. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Transatlantic Dirshu Kinyan Halacha Siyumim Mark Transformative Impact on the World of Psak

Both Europe and America will be celebrating an incredible milestone this coming week with two major siyumim that promise to have a transformative impact on the future halachic observance of their respective communities.  The first of the momentous milestone events will be the Dirshu Kinyan Halacha siyum in London on Sunday, 8 Teves/January 1 at the prestigious Hall of the Aviation Suite, Thistle London, Heathrow. The special guest speakers at the exclusive event in London will be HaGaon HaRav Aharon Schiff, shlita, Rav of the Machzikei HaDas community of Antwerp and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Wosner, a member of Rav Wosner’s Beis Din and Rav of the Kehillas Yaakov kehillah of Bnei Brak.  The following day, on motzoei Asara B’Teves, the American event will be held in the Eminence Hall in Boro Park. That event will feature special drashos from among America’s most preeminent poskim, HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Mechel Steinmentz, shlita, Skverer Dayan of Boro Park and HaGaon HaRav Hillel David, shlita, Rav of Khal Shaarei Orah of Boro Park and a member of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, shlita, talmid muvhak of Rav Shmuel Wosner, a member of Rav Wosner’s Beis Din and Rav of the Kehillas Yaakov kehillah of Bnei Brak.  These two siyumim will be coming in the wake of a gala Kinyan Halacha siyum in the Binyanei Haumah Convention Center in Yerushalayim.  Kinyan Halacha is a rigorous program to which 3,000 avreichim applied more than five-and-a-half years ago. From among the 3,000 that applied, only 1,800 avreichim were deemed worthy of being accepted into such a demanding program. From that 1,800 only 400 persevered until the end becoming true bekiim in halacha and achieving outstanding results on very rigorous, comprehensive tests on hilchos Shabbos, Niddah, bassar v’chalav, taaruvos, safek sefeikah, melicha, shemitta v’yovel, brachos, sefer Torah, tefillin and mezuzah, eiruvin and ribbis. All the material was learned by beginning with the Gemara, proceeding through the Rishonim, the Tur and its mefarshim, then Shulchan Aruch with its mefarshim until the poskim of our time.  Before the program’s inception in 2006, when HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, was presented with the details of the Kinyan Halacha program by Dirshu’s hanhala led by its Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, he was extremely impressed saying, “…Learn [halacha] with Tur and Shulchan Aruch, for these are the essentials of [gufei] Torah.” The upcoming siyumim in three continents, Eretz Yisroel, Europe and America, will be outstanding demonstrations of kavod haTorah, as Klal Yisroel, led by the Gedolei Yisroel welcome a cadre of Klal Yisroel’s future morei horaah and poskim to the fold. 

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Israel’s Chevrei Kadisha: “We’re On Verge Of Collapse & Haven’t Reached Peak Of Deaths”

Israel’s Chevrei Kadisha are staggering under the load of the high COVID death rate this month amid an unprecedented infection rate spurred by the Omicron variant, with the number of COVID cases confirmed in three weeks in January surpassing all the cases confirmed in 2021. Since the start of January, 468 COVID fatalities have been buried through the Religious Affairs Ministry, which connects hospitals to Chevros Kadisha throughout Israel, as compared to last month, when only 38 COVID fatalities were buried, Yisrael Hayom reported. “It’s extremely difficult to deal with the situation right now,” Rav Avraham Mendla, the director of the Chevros Kadisha Forum and head of the Chevra Kadisha in Tel Aviv, told Yisrael Hayom. “We’re almost completely out of manpower. We’re recruiting more volunteers. We barely survived the previous wave with similar numbers but now we still aren’t even close to the peak of fatalities. What will happen if there will another 50% of the fatalities that we have today? I daven that we won’t reach such a situation.” Another member of the Chevra Kadisha Forum told Yisrael Hayom: “The number of fatalities is insane and now we’re also beginning to see children who were niftar [from COVID]. The pediatricians’ protests against the end of students’ quarantine stem from the fact that the pediatric emergency departments are beginning to fill up – and they’re also coming to us. It’s horrible.” Moshe Shimon, the director of the Kehillas Yerushalayim Chevra Kadisha, which tends to over 50% of the kevuros in the capital every day, said: “Our workers are working with mesirus nefesh, day and night, around the clock. We’re used to about 7 levayos a day and now we have 14 levayos a day. It was absolutely terrible last Motzei Shabbos – another levaya every half hour. We’re approaching a catastrophe.” On Motzei Shabbos, the Health Ministry confirmed another 58 COVID fatalities, raising the death toll to 8,657. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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The Rebbe’s Son: “I Said Shema With The Teen Aside Me, He Didn’t Have Time To Finish”

Several days have passed since the Meron tragedy and more and more testimonies of the unfathomable moments of that night are being told. The youngest son of the Shotzer Rebbe, Rav Menachem Mendel Moskovitz, the Rav of Kehillas Azamra in Tzfat, survived those terrible moments. He was found unconscious by rescue services and due to his precarious condition, was flown to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. From his hospital bed, he told the media what he experienced. “We were there by the hadlalka and there was terrible crowding so we wanted to leave,” he told Channel 13 News. “I was with my son and we pushed our way to the exit. We knew that after two minutes we’ll exit into the open air and everything will be okay.” But instead, Reb Moskovitz and his 13-year-old son were pushed into the narrow walkway right when the disaster began. “People were screaming that they’re falling. I also fell in a pile of people and the moment you fell, there was no way of getting up.” Rav Moskovitz said that as he was fighting for every breath of air in the narrow passageway, he could hear his son screaming but there was nothing he could do to help him. “My son was screaming: ‘Abba, Abba, don’t go!’” The Rav told how he began to say Shema Yisrael together with the teenager lying next to him but the latter didn’t manage to finish before he took his last breath. He described how he lay there for long moments while all around him he saw people taking their last breaths. Slowly, the calls for help stopped and the silence of death prevailed – “the most frightening silence,” he said.  During those moments as he was fighting for a breath of air, he davened that he and his son would be saved. “I felt them [rescue services] beginning to remove people from on top of me and then I hear someone scream: ‘Be careful of the bodies.’ After the Rav heard that, he began panicking about what happened to his son. Rav Moscovitz then lost consciousness and was flown to the hospital by rescue services.. He woke up after 24 hours but initially, he wasn’t able to speak yet. He motioned for someone to bring him a pen and paper and asked whether his son was alive. When he received a positive answer, his recovery began. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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HORROR IN SOUTH AFRICA: Thieves Tie Up Rav With Tallis Strips

A disturbing incident took place on Thursday morning in a shul that houses a kollel in South Africa when thieves ripped a tallis into strips to tie up the Rav and two avreichim, leaving them on the floor of the Ezras Nashim as they stole their belongings and ran off, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. There were only three men left in the Kollel in Kehillas Shomrei Emunin in Johannesburg on Thursday morning when the armed thieves entered. After they tied up the men, they stole the men’s phones, the kollel’s laptops, and a car belonging to one of the avreichim. The building is guarded by a private security company whose guards regularly patrol the area but for some reason, the guards somehow missed the incident. While the men were trying to free themselves from their restraints, the non-Jewish cook who prepares the food for the Kiddush on Shabbos discovered them on the floor and called for help. Only two days before the incident, a Jew who lived close by to the shul was murdered during a robbery, so despite the traumatic incident, the men were fortunate to have escaped with their lives. “What happened only strengthens the belief that the Torah protects us,” one of the mispallelim told B’Chadrei. “The thieves could have shot them – it was mamash a neis.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israeli Avreich Removed From ECMO After 72 Days

Reb Dekel Levy, a 35-year-old Lubavitcher chassid from Rechovot, was finally removed from an ECMO machine 72 days after he was attached to it due to coronavirus complications. Despite the good news, Levy is still in serious condition and has a long road ahead of him before he will be fully recovered. “Hodu L’Shem Ki Tov Ki L’Olam Chasdo,” a statement by the Kehillas HaTzirim of Chabad in Rechovot said. “Together with the great simcha we request that everyone continue davening for his full recovery.” Reb Levy, a father of three small children, was diagnosed with the coronavirus in January. After his condition deteriorated he was hospitalized in Kaplan Hospital in Rechovot, where he was sedated and ventilated. His condition deteriorated further and he needed to be attached to an ECMO machine. However, since it was the height of Israel’s third coronavirus wave, with a record-high number of seriously ill coronavirus patients, there were no ECMO machines available at Kaplan and in fact, there was only one machine available in all of Israel – in Poriya Hospital in Tiveria. Levy was transferred there and attached to the life-saving machine. At the instruction of Rabbanim, the name Chaim was added to his name. The public is asked to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Reb Chaim Dekel HaLevi ben Vered. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Toms River, NJ: Tragic death of Bashie Rand A”H, young mother of 3

As a Kehilla, we have endured overwhelming tragedy over these many months. Again a tragedy of unbelievable scope, a young wife and mother plucked from her family. READ MORE Bashie Rand was just 37 years old and in good health just two weeks ago. With no warning or ability to plan she leaves behind a husband and three children. Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family The family only recently moved to the East Coast from Henderson, NV. While they accomplished so much in Henderson and were pillars of the community, they left the community they loved out of pure mesiras nefesh in seeking out a high school for their oldest child and yeshivos for the other two children. Bashie, a true aishes chayil, was her husband’s greatest fan, standing by him in all his endeavors. The quintessential mother to her children they were the apple of her eye. In addition, as was recounted many times throughout the levaya, Bashie was a speech therapist by profession. Through this role she was able to help hundreds of children struggling with their speech, however, with her passing, it leaves not only a loss for the community at large and all the many children’s lives she has impacted through her work but also a significant loss of income for the family. Somehow, Bashie’s husband and children will need to begin the process of picking up the broken pieces. They cannot do this alone. Mi K’amcha Yisrael! At a time of need is when we as a kahal are at our finest. With three young children to raise, no income, and a home to maintain we ask that you open your hearts and contribute. Help to carry them through this most difficult time, help to give them what they need. No longer do they have their mother but they have us, Klal Yisrael! ​ Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family This charitable endeavor has been personally endorsed by: ​ Harav Dovid Tzvi Schustal, Rosh HaYeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood NJ ​ Harav Mordechai Wolmark, Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey NY ​ Harav Shmuel Tendler, Rav Kehillas Bnei Yisroel of Lakewood NJ ​ Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, founding Rav of Ahavas Torah Center and Rosh Yeshiva Foxman Torah Institute of Cherry Hill and Greater Philadelphia ​ Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rav Khal Zichron Yechezkel of Toms River NJ ​ Please donate generously. Checks can be made out to: Khal Zichron Yechezkel 1779 Kathleen Ct Toms River, NJ 08755 Tax ID 82-1530789 Make sure to put “Rand Family Fund” in memo. All contributions are Tax-deductible 501(c)(3)

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Video: Father of 8 with ALS, Your Kindness and Generosity Will Save His Life!

Dear Friends, This winter, as Covid-19 swept through our household the biggest worry was, of course, keeping R’ Dovid safe. Kent, his caregiver, valiantly volunteered to stay by his side for eighteen days straight, despite the risk of contracting the disease. His kindness and heroism, along with the help of friends and neighbors, brought home how much we are dependent on caring and compassionate people. We are forever indebted to our many supporters, some of whom we will never meet, but who have given of their time and money to sustain R’ Dovid and our family. Although the purpose of this appeal is to ask for your continued support, I want to thank each and every one of you for staying by our side and keeping R’ Dovid alive. Each one of you is a precious messenger from Above, sent to give us the strength to face the future and whatever challenges it may bring. Surely this outpouring of kindness will hasten the salvation we all so desperately need. CLICK HERE TO DONATE In the merit of your support, may you and yours be Zocheh to the powerful and timeless Bracha of the venerable Tzadik of Jerusalem, HaRav HaGaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita who personally visited R’ Dovid: “Donate generously and in this merit you will never be sick, not you or your families for all generations!” Wishing everyone a safe and happy Purim! Warm regards, Rochel Frid SPREAD THE MITZVA! PLEASE BE SO KIND AS TO SHARE THIS APPEAL BY SENDING TO 5 FRIENDS. Endorsed by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Rav Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Rav Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. CLICK HERE TO DONATE R’ Dovid’s ALS History: In the year 2011 Rabbi David Frid was diagnosed with ALS, which causes complete deterioration of the muscles in the body. In the beginning, he heroically fought to function on his own, even after he was confined to a wheelchair. At present, the disease has progressed to the point where he is now fully paralyzed, on a breathing machine and although fully cognizant, can only communicate with his eyes. He needs 24-hour surveillance to survive. The ongoing costs are mind boggling.The family cannot continue without your support! Please pray for the Refuah Shlaima of Dovid Yehoshua Ben Leba Malka and all those who are struggling with illness. Tizku Le’Mitzvot. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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Video: Father of 8 with ALS, Your Kindness and Generosity Will Save His Life!

Dear Friends, This winter, as Covid-19 swept through our household the biggest worry was, of course, keeping R’ Dovid safe. Kent, his caregiver, valiantly volunteered to stay by his side for eighteen days straight, despite the risk of contracting the disease. His kindness and heroism, along with the help of friends and neighbors, brought home how much we are dependent on caring and compassionate people. We are forever indebted to our many supporters, some of whom we will never meet, but who have given of their time and money to sustain R’ Dovid and our family. Although the purpose of this appeal is to ask for your continued support, I want to thank each and every one of you for staying by our side and keeping R’ Dovid alive. Each one of you is a precious messenger from Above, sent to give us the strength to face the future and whatever challenges it may bring. Surely this outpouring of kindness will hasten the salvation we all so desperately need. CLICK HERE TO DONATE In the merit of your support, may you and yours be Zocheh to the powerful and timeless Bracha of the venerable Tzadik of Jerusalem, HaRav HaGaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita who personally visited R’ Dovid: “Donate generously and in this merit you will never be sick, not you or your families for all generations!” Wishing everyone a safe and happy Purim! Warm regards, Rochel Frid SPREAD THE MITZVA! PLEASE BE SO KIND AS TO SHARE THIS APPEAL BY SENDING TO 5 FRIENDS. Endorsed by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Rav Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Rav Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. CLICK HERE TO DONATE R’ Dovid’s ALS History: In the year 2011 Rabbi David Frid was diagnosed with ALS, which causes complete deterioration of the muscles in the body. In the beginning, he heroically fought to function on his own, even after he was confined to a wheelchair. At present, the disease has progressed to the point where he is now fully paralyzed, on a breathing machine and although fully cognizant, can only communicate with his eyes. He needs 24-hour surveillance to survive. The ongoing costs are mind boggling.The family cannot continue without your support! Please pray for the Refuah Shlaima of Dovid Yehoshua Ben Leba Malka and all those who are struggling with illness. Tizku Le’Mitzvot. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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BDE: HaGaon HaRav Chaim Meir Wosner, Z’TL, Is Niftar From COVID-19

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Meir Wosner, z’tl, Av Beis Din of Zichron Meir in Bnei Brak, was niftar on Sunday at the age of 82 after being hospitalized in serious condition for the past two weeks in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital due to the coronavirus. When the bitter news arrived, the paroches in Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Bnei Brak was removed, where the Rosh Yeshivah was marbitz Torah and yiras Shamayim for many years. The niftar was born in Vienna, Austria to his father, the Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, z’tl, the Ba’al Shevet Levi. As a toddler, HaRav Chaim Meir’s parents escaped the Nazis to Eretz Yisrael prior to World War Ill and he was separated from them for six years. HaRav Chaim Meir stayed with his maternal grandparents and B’Chasdei Hashem survived the Holocaust with the help of Chassidei Umas HaOlam. When he was eight, he reached Eretz Yisrael via Czechoslovakia and was finally reunited with his parents. As a bochur, HaRav Chaim Meir learned most of his Torah from his revered father, z’tl. As an adult, his father appointed him to serve as the Rosh Mesivta in Chachmei Lublin in the Zichron Meir neighborhood of Bnei Brak. Later, he moved to London, where he served as the Rav of the Kehillas Yeitav Lev -Satmarin London for 18 years and authored Shailos U’Teshuvos Simchas HaLevi. Six years before the Shevet Halevi, z’tl, was niftar, he instructed HaRav Chaim Meir to move back to Bnei Brak, laying the ground for him to take over as Rosh Yeshivah of Chachmei Lublin and serve as the leader of the community. In the Shevet HaLevi’s last years, he made it known that he wants HaRav Chaim Meir, who was known as a tremendous Talmid Chacham and Posek, to be his successor. During the levaya for the Shevet HaLevi, z’tl, HaRav Chaim Meir was appointed as Av Beis Din, Rosh Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin and the Rav of Zichron Meir. HaRav Chaim Meir, z’tl, left behind 13 children. His oldest son, HaRav Yosef Binyamin served as the Rosh Yeshivah of Chachmei Lublin alongside his father. His son HaRav Akiva serves as a Moreh Tzedek of the Eidah Chareidis in Yerushalayim, HaRav Aharon serves as the Moreh Tzedek in the Beis Din Netivot Chaim and as the Rosh Kollel Shearis Yosef, HaRav Mordechai Zeev serves as the Rav of Khal Machzeh Avraham in New York, HaRav Moshe Shimon, serves as a Rav in Chateau Park in Lakewood, and HaRav Yisrael is the Mintzker Rebbe in New York. Yehi Zichro Baruch. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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