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Search Results for: harabonim

Support a Widow’s Last Hope: Help Her Daughter Build a Future – Endorsed by Vaad Harabonim

Eighteen years ago, tragedy struck a devoted family when the father, a revered figure in the community, passed away after a long battle with illness. He left behind a widow and ten young children, the youngest just two years old at the time. Since then, this courageous widow has shouldered the immense responsibility of raising her children with dignity, faith, and resilience. Against all odds, she has successfully married off seven of her children. But each wedding, while a source of great joy, has also brought significant financial burdens, leaving her family with mounting debts. Now, as her youngest daughter prepares for her wedding, the widow faces an insurmountable challenge. This daughter, who never knew her father, dreams of a modest but honorable wedding, yet the family’s resources have been exhausted. Despite her strength and determination, this widow is unable to provide the necessary means for her daughter’s marriage. She has always been self-reliant, never seeking public assistance, but now she is left with no other choice. Her plea is simple yet heartfelt: **”Help me marry my daughter.”** This family is well-known and respected within the Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh communities. Many owe their spiritual lives to the late father, a man who dedicated his life to the Torah and to uplifting others. Yet, in keeping with her humility, the widow wishes to maintain her privacy and not reveal her identity. On Tu B’Av, a day known in Israel as one of joy and unity, this young bride will stand under the chuppah, eager to build a home filled with faith and love. But the joy of this occasion is tempered by the widow’s fears and financial worries. We cannot allow this day, which should be the happiest of this young woman’s life, to be overshadowed by financial strain. The widow has done everything in her power for nearly two decades; now, it is our turn to support her.  The Talmud teaches us that one of the questions asked in the heavenly court will be, “Did you engage in acts of kindness, especially in helping the orphaned and widowed?” Today, we have an opportunity to answer that question with a resounding “Yes.” **Click here now** and be a part of this mitzvah. Let us ensure that this widow’s last daughter can celebrate her wedding with the dignity she deserves, and help this family experience true joy on this sacred day. Together, we can turn tears of worry into tears of joy.

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PHOTOS: The Rabbinical Alliance Of America/Igud HaRabonim Presents An Educational Workshop For Rabonim On ‘Bridging The Generation Gap In Our Community’ (Photos by JDN)

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] March 29th the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Nisan more than sixty Rabbis gathered at Khal Ahavas Achim Lvov, where Rabbi Yechiel Malik is the Rabbi to partake in the monthly Seudas Rosh Chodesh and Torah convocation organized by the Rabbinical Alliance of America the Igud Horrabonim. The host Rabbi Yechiel Malik, a Vice-President of the RAA/IGUD offered inspiring words of Torah and insight. Rabbi Yechiel Malik besides being a Rov and a Mechanech is a highly sought after Life Coach guiding those in the Frum Community who need Chizuk with their marriage, children and personal development. Rabbi Malik is also the Director of the Orthodox Jewish Division of the New York State Chaplains Task force. Rabbi Zehnwirth besides being the Menahel of the Klausenburg Yeshiva is also a renowned speaker and consultant for Eitzah, a Community Chinuch Hotline. As part of the RAA/IGUD’s focus on professional Rabbinical development and training, both Rabbi Malik and Rabbi Zehnwirth presented a most informative presentation on the topic of “Bridging the Generation Gap” and how Rabbonim may recognize the problem and the protocols’ to help alleviate this problem in the Frum community. One of the toughest challenges Rabbonim face today is counseling parents in how to better communicate with their children. The threat of our kids going off the derech is real and Rabbonim need to master the tools of effective communication to combat this problem. This problem is especially exasperated during the Bain Hazmanin period when our children come home from Yeshiva and during this Bain Hazmanim period we see the worst in generational clashing. It is during these vacation periods when time off and tempers causes a flair up of emotions. It is during Bain Hazmanim when Rabbonim must have the solutions to this problem. Chairman of the evening was Rabbi Hanania Elbaz, Presidium Member of the RAA/IGUD and Rov of the Achai Ezer Congregation, Brooklyn, New York. Rabbi Elbaz presented a wonderful Dvar Halacha on Pesach.

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Vaad Harabonim Of The Five Towns Paskens To Leave Radio On For Shabbos

The following email was sent from the Achiezer Organization to residents of Far Rockaway and the Five Towns on Thursday evening. Dear Resident of Far Rockaway and the Five Towns. We understand that many in the community may be scared, concerned, or simply unsure of what should or should not be done in anticipation of the predicted Hurricane Irene which potentially might hit our neighborhood this weekend. We have been working over the last several hours with community leaders exploring all possibilities which we may face during this storm. NOTE: MAKE SURE TO VISIT THE YWN STORM CENTER FOR THE LATEST COVERAGE Below are some the key points which were discussed on an emergency conference call with participants from Achiezer, Hatzolah, 101 Precinct, Nassau County Precinct, JCC, Office of Emergency Management, and local Rabbonim. Over the next few hours, once the significance of the storm is further clarified, we will announce potential evacuation procedures and other urgent advisories. 1) Please identify any elderly or handicapped people in your vicinity who may be unable to move on their own, should an evacuation be ordered. Once we have a roster of these individuals we can work together with community agencies to ensure that this population is cared for. 2) Although the storm is not projected to hit until Sunday morning/afternoon, those who will feel more comfortable avoiding the storm should make plans to be away for Shabbos. This is the safest measure which can be taken in the event of a real Hurricane. 3) The Vaad Harabonim of the Five Towns has paskined that it is permissible, and strongly encouraged, that you leave a battery powered radio set to a news channel over Shabbos. Again we stress that the foregoing is a conglomerated effort of the Office of Emergency Management, the Police Department, Hatzalah of the Rockaways and Nassau County, Achiezer, The Vaad of the Five Towns, the JCC, Local Rabbanim & many of the community organizations who will decide the best course of action to ensure that community members are safe and informed as developments occur. We wish to reiterate that these plans are preliminary and precautionary. As soon as we have a more clear directive of the forecasted path of this storm, we will immediately pass this information along. Mark Gross Hatzalah of the Rockaways & Nassau County Rabbi Boruch B. Bender ACHIEZER Rabbi Tzvi Flaum Vaad Harabonim of Far Rockaway & The Five Towns Richard Altabe JCC Natan Mandelbaum & Alex Glucksman NYC OEM (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka Los Angeles Event

Hundreds of people from the Chareidi community in Los Angeles including the local Rabbonim, attended a special reception that took place Sunday night. The evening was the peak of a broad campaign in aid of Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka that has been taking place throughout the local Chareidi communities during the last few weeks. A heartful Tefilas Mincha opened the event and soon after the participants enjoyed light refreshments while seated around beautifully arranged tables. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Dr. Irving (Shmuel) Lebovics, the chairman of Agudath Yisrael in Los Angeles, who introduced Rabbi Gershon Bess Shlita, the Rov of Cong. Kehillas Yaakov, to give a short introduction about the importance and credibility of the Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka. The hall was packed with participants from the Greater Los Angeles. There were a notable amount of women from the community that participated in the event. Especially impressive was the sight of the head table that seated many Rabbonim of various Los Angeles communities who devoted the entire evening, in order to express their solidarity for this worthy cause. Later on during the evening, a video presentation was shown demonstrating the outstanding activities of the organization.  Included in the presentation was a video clip of Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman Shlita with a special message for the Los Angeles community. After the presentation, the administrative director of Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka – Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gafner gave a moving speech. The highlight of the evening was the powerful and moving speech given by Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas “Meor Yitzchok” in Monsey, NY.  Rabbi Wachsman reminded all those attending of the great Zechus and moral obligation of every Jew living outside of Eretz Yisroel to support their brothers in need. Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka has the outstanding support of all the Gedolei Hador and is under the personal supervision of Maran Hagaon Harav Yosef Sholom Elyoshiv and is managed by a committee  that includes some of the most important Rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel. The committee meets periodically to discuss the correct method of distribution according to Halacha and the details of needy families. For this reason the Vaad has also received the trust and support of Rabbonim worldwide that have seen the extent of the wonderful activities of this organization and their meticulous accounting methods. The event that took place in Los Angeles is part of a worldwide campaign being held according to the explicit request of Gedolei Yisroel in order to raise the awareness of Chareidi communities worldwide about the importance of the Vaad Harabonim Leinyonei Tzedaka.

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Hisachdus Harabonim calls for protest in NYC

Hisachdus Harabonim is in the process of organizing a protest sechduled for Thursday afternoon outside of the Israeli Counselate in NYC. The location is 800 2nd Avenue and is scheduled to take place at 3:00PM.

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Hatzolah Of Central Jersey’s Vaad Harabanim Sound The Alarm Over Hatzulas Nefashos Risking Critical Delays

The Vaad Harabonim of Hatzolah of Central Jersey has issued a public warning to the communities of Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River, Howell, Manchester, and Brick regarding a rival organization, Hatzulas Nefashos, promoting unsanctioned emergency services. This group, previously condemned by rabbinical authorities across these towns for offering unnecessary and unapproved services, has ramped up its marketing efforts. Hatzulas Nefashos has been aggressively advertising its hotline number, using attention-grabbing tactics aimed specifically at children. The group has distributed stickers, magnets, and other paraphernalia that are finding their way into homes, raising the possibility of confusion in emergency situations. The Vaad Harabonim expressed serious concerns about the way this organization is branding itself, noting that its visual marketing closely mimics that of Hatzolah of Central Jersey. Such similarities could lead to dangerous confusion in moments of crisis, potentially delaying the appropriate medical response and putting lives at risk. The statement emphasizes that the resources, experience, and medical oversight of the rival organization are unknown, and the Vaad strongly cautions against calling this alternative hotline in emergencies. They reiterated that Hatzolah of Central Jersey has no affiliation with this group and stressed that dialing their number will not connect callers to Hatzolah responders. In light of this, the Vaad Harabonim urged community members to remove any magnets or materials related to the rival organization from their homes. They reminded residents that in an emergency, only Hatzolah’s official 24/7 hotline numbers—732-370-3600 or 732-888-3000—will guarantee fast, professional medical care, including advanced life support services.

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Misaskim Makes a Breakthrough at the NYC Medical Examiner’s Office

When it comes to tragic and unusual deaths r”l, Misaskim has always been at the forefront of advocating for kedushas hames.  Before Covid, Misaskim was allowed to be present during a visual exam or autopsy to ensure the niftar would be buried according to Jewish law. However, since Covid, no one was allowed into an autopsy or visual exam, and Misaskim was unable to perform this vital task. While the protocol changes were necessary for health and safety during the pandemic time, the Jewish community was distressed about the lack of rabbinic supervision during an autopsy.  Meyer Weill of Misaskim and Rabbi Elchonon Zohn of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens held numerous meetings with the Medical Examiner’s Office to discuss the importance of rabbinic supervision for the community during an autopsy or visual exam. Baruch Hashem, the Medical Examiner’s Office has agreed to once again allow Misaskim to supervise autopsies and visual exams. Various other protocols changed during the Covid era, and Misaskim is working in partnership with the Medical Examiner’s Office to address the remaining concerns of the community. Misaskim extends a tremendous thank you to Dr. Jason Graham, MD, Chief Medical Examiner of New York City, and his staff. Dr. Graham has always been there for the Jewish community, displaying exceptional kindness, receptiveness, and respect for Jewish traditions. Dr. Graham consistently demonstrates incredible sensitivity, doing whatever he can to ease the plight of families during this tragic time. Misaskim is incredibly grateful. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Rabbi Yitzchok Sladowsky a’h:  An Appreciation

Every once in a while, a neshama comes down from shamayim  that not only makes the world a palpably better place – but, step-by-step, creates revolutionary transformations.  Last month, Klal Yisroel lost one of the most dedicated, likeable, and capable Rabbis in the New York area in almost seven decades.  Rabbi Yitzchok Sladowsky a”h was just such a person – in so many ways. Rabbi Sladowsky was a true talmid chochom who helped bring the teachings of his illustrious Rebbe, Rav Yosha Ber Soloveitchik a”h to scholar and layman alike. For twelve years, he taught the mechina shiur in MTA.  His unique talents helped his young charges bridge the gap between a public school education and advanced Gemorah study. The Queens community and beyond are a different place because of Rav Sladowsky’s indomitable spirit and his non-give-up-ism.  He was a firm believer in if it does not work one way, try another – and always do it B’Shalom without machlokes. Rav Sladowsky served as the Executive Director for the Vaad Harabonim of Queens for close to a quarter century.  He helped ensure the development of Kosher Eruvin in Queens and helped develop consensus and communal unity in that regard.  He looked out for young people’s careers. The Rabbonim of Queens in the late fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties nurtured each other.  brought familyhood to the Rabbinate. He was essential in bringing Rav Moshe Feinstein a”h to a meeting in Queens, where the Posaik HaDor delineated the differences between Queens and the communities of Manhattan and Brooklyn and explained why Queens was different.  These Eiruvin were essential in the Torah growth of Queens as well as Far Rockaway. Rabbi Sladowsky’s method of guidance was to build and not to tear down. His subtle form of leadership was imbued with a firm belief in the capability of  individuals.  He believed in people and helped build them up so that the world could be blessed with their contributions. He never took credit for things himself, always hiding behind the scenes.  He once saw a young Rabbi of whom he detected extraordinary potential – both in terms of his dedication as well as administrative skill.  He placed him in charge of the Queens Chevra Kadisha and let him run with it.  Slowly but surely, Rabbi Elchonon Zohn took a neglected area of observance and got people and entire institutions on board.  Soon the Queens Chevra Kadisha took a leading role in the Bronx, Manhattan, and helped set up similar organizations across the country. Rav Sladowsky’s role in establishing the Queens Vaad HaKashrus and ensuring it’s integrity and trust among all members of the community – helped set the pattern for so many other communities.  He insisted for the Vaad of Queens to have in person meetings once a month.  This helped create a bond that was essential in building the Queens Torah community.  His vision and hard work in this area, helped establish Queens as a Torah base.  He would make visits to the Kosher establishments under the Vaad himself.  Restaurant owners offered him food but he refused to take anything, explaining that it would be a breach in the integrity of the Hechsher. In his zeal to help build Torah, Rav Sladowsky arranged for leading Rabbonim and Poskim to give weekly shiurim in

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SEE THE PHOTOS: Temech’s Important Mission to Gedolim

In 2005, a group of philanthropists embarked on a profound question: If given $100, what is the most impactful way to utilize it? Should it be a one-time gift or an investment that transcends its initial value, expanding far beyond its core? Their inquiry persists as the years unfold and times evolve. With unwavering focus, they seek to address a pressing concern: How can we effectively assist the thousands of financially struggling Charedi, Bnei Torah families in Eretz Yisroel? Traditional acts of Tzedakah might offer short-term relief, but they risk perpetuating a cycle of dependency. Seeking a transformative solution, the answer materialized in the form of Temech—an extraordinary organization with a vision to provide sustainable and dignified employment for Charedi women, ensuring their spiritual values remain intact. From Obstacles to Revolution: Temech’s inception in 2005 faced formidable hurdles. The vast cultural divide between secular and Charedi Israelis made the prospect of Charedi women entering culturally insensitive workplaces unimaginable. Furthermore, the economic landscape in Eretz Yisrael was dire, with studies indicating that less than 50% Charedi women were employed. Most of them in low paying jobs. Now, after 18 years, an extraordinary revolution has taken place. Recent statistics reveal that a staggering 80% of Charedi women are currently part of the workforce. The Power of Temech: Temech, driven by its profound belief in the potential of Charedi women to support their esteemed families while upholding their spiritual values, embarked on a mission to forge partnerships with Israeli companies. These partnerships involve training and employing groups of Charedi women in workplaces that adhere to Halachic and Hashkafic guidelines. The journey that began with employer-based training has evolved into a multifaceted approach. Temech now offers the Jerusalem Hub, a shared workspace for Charedi women, internship programs, networking groups for freelancers, conferences, professional courses —all with a focus on monetizing skills while nurturing spiritual growth. A Strategic Mission Trip: This week, American philanthropists R’ Avi Schron, Chairman of Temech, R’ Itche Rosenbaum, and R’ David Simkowitz, representing the American board of Temech, embarked on a strategic mission trip to Eretz Yisroel. Together with Temech’s Israel board members, including founder R’ Shmuel Bloom, board member Mrs. Aviva Weiss, and CEO Mrs. Gvira Milworm, they worked tirelessly to reinforce Temech’s goals, ideals, and achievements. During the mission trip, the delegation engaged in meaningful discussions with government officials, professionals, seminary principals, and revered figures such as Gedolei Yisroel Harabonim Hageonim Rav Dov Landau shlita, Rav Boruch Soloveitchik shlita, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita, and Rav Shraga Shteinman shlita. These conversations delved into important questions: Should Temech continue its mission? How far does our responsibility extend in guiding Charedi women entering the secular workforce? How can we navigate the technological challenges of today? The Gedolim offered their blessings and reaffirmed their support for Temech’s mission. A Touching Dedication: A highlight of the mission trip was the touching dedication ceremony of Temech in memory of the esteemed Mrs. Marta Schron, mother of Temech’s chair, R’ Avi Schron. The event gathered friends, family, ministers, and Knesset members, with Rav Yaakov Hillel shlita delivering a poignant speech on the importance of hachzakas haTorah through Temech’s work. R’ Avi Schron expressed his gratitude, emphasizing his mother’s commitment to supporting Torah and her pride in Temech’s accomplishments. Continued Commitment to Sustainability: Temech’s pursuit

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SEE THE PHOTOS: Temech’s Important Mission to Gedolim

In 2005, a group of philanthropists embarked on a profound question: If given $100, what is the most impactful way to utilize it? Should it be a one-time gift or an investment that transcends its initial value, expanding far beyond its core? Their inquiry persists as the years unfold and times evolve. With unwavering focus, they seek to address a pressing concern: How can we effectively assist the thousands of financially struggling Charedi, Bnei Torah families in Eretz Yisroel? Traditional acts of Tzedakah might offer short-term relief, but they risk perpetuating a cycle of dependency. Seeking a transformative solution, the answer materialized in the form of Temech—an extraordinary organization with a vision to provide sustainable and dignified employment for Charedi women, ensuring their spiritual values remain intact. From Obstacles to Revolution: Temech’s inception in 2005 faced formidable hurdles. The vast cultural divide between secular and Charedi Israelis made the prospect of Charedi women entering culturally insensitive workplaces unimaginable. Furthermore, the economic landscape in Eretz Yisrael was dire, with studies indicating that less than 50% Charedi women were employed. Most of them in low paying jobs. Now, after 18 years, an extraordinary revolution has taken place. Recent statistics reveal that a staggering 80% of Charedi women are currently part of the workforce. The Power of Temech: Temech, driven by its profound belief in the potential of Charedi women to support their esteemed families while upholding their spiritual values, embarked on a mission to forge partnerships with Israeli companies. These partnerships involve training and employing groups of Charedi women in workplaces that adhere to Halachic and Hashkafic guidelines. The journey that began with employer-based training has evolved into a multifaceted approach. Temech now offers the Jerusalem Hub, a shared workspace for Charedi women, internship programs, networking groups for freelancers, conferences, professional courses —all with a focus on monetizing skills while nurturing spiritual growth. A Strategic Mission Trip: This week, American philanthropists R’ Avi Schron, Chairman of Temech, R’ Itche Rosenbaum, and R’ David Simkowitz, representing the American board of Temech, embarked on a strategic mission trip to Eretz Yisroel. Together with Temech’s Israel board members, including founder R’ Shmuel Bloom, board member Mrs. Aviva Weiss, and CEO Mrs. Gvira Milworm, they worked tirelessly to reinforce Temech’s goals, ideals, and achievements. During the mission trip, the delegation engaged in meaningful discussions with government officials, professionals, seminary principals, and revered figures such as Gedolei Yisroel Harabonim Hageonim Rav Dov Landau shlita, Rav Boruch Soloveitchik shlita, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita, and Rav Shraga Shteinman shlita. These conversations delved into important questions: Should Temech continue its mission? How far does our responsibility extend in guiding Charedi women entering the secular workforce? How can we navigate the technological challenges of today? The Gedolim offered their blessings and reaffirmed their support for Temech’s mission. A Touching Dedication: A highlight of the mission trip was the touching dedication ceremony of Temech in memory of the esteemed Mrs. Marta Schron, mother of Temech’s chair, R’ Avi Schron. The event gathered friends, family, ministers, and Knesset members, with Rav Yaakov Hillel shlita delivering a poignant speech on the importance of hachzakas haTorah through Temech’s work. R’ Avi Schron expressed his gratitude, emphasizing his mother’s commitment to supporting Torah and her pride in Temech’s accomplishments. Continued Commitment to Sustainability: Temech’s pursuit

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FAKE NEWS: OU, CRC Issue Joint Statement Regarding Kashrus of Birdsboro Meat Products

The Orthodox Union (OU) and the CRC have issued a joint statement assuring consumers that meat from Birdsboro – Bingo Supermarket’s meat manufacturer – is completely kosher and still under their hashgacha. The statement comes after unsubstantiated rumors were spread across social media platforms on Sunday. The statement, in English and Yiddish, states that Birdsboro meats “continues to be certified by the Orthodox Union and CRC, and that the beef is glatt kosher l’mehadrin.” Birdsboro meats are supervised by both the OU and CRC, and both kashrus agencies “confirm that it is produced at the highest standards of kashrus.” Birdsboro also released a statement after receiving multiple inquiries over the baseless rumor regarding its meat that was spread across social media on Sunday: A rumor has been spread of an imaginary michshol that supposedly occurred with our meat. This story is fabricated. Consequently, we feel an obligation for the sake of our customers to ascertain the simple truth, which is that this never happened. The rumor is a complete fabrication from beginning to end. There was neither a story nor a scandal. Not even a trace of suspicion of any wrongdoing. The Birdsboro meat is under the excellent supervision of the CRC (Hisachdus Harabonim) and OU, and absolutely nothing has occurred now except that someone has spread a false rumor. It is an unforgivable sin to spread the falsehood that a michshel has occurred under the auspices of the respected rabbonim shlita, who supervise carefully to protect against any possible blemish. We protest the shaming of Torah. All this is besides the terrible offense in terms of the public. To spread a falsehood created out of thin air, thereby scaring Yidden who are ultra-cautious about kashrus, especially now at this tense pre-Pesach time, is appalling. Boruch Hashem, people are aware that Birdsboro meat is under excellent supervision, the best of the best, and they respect that. The meat department of Bingo, too, boasts a special advantage, as they are the only butcher in a store that does not bring in any meat besides our own, which is under the strict supervision of Hisachdus Harabonim every step of the way, from the slaughtering to final packaging. In addition, they have a mashgiach temidi at every location. It would have been impossible for this false rumor to have occurred. With Hashem’s help, we are protected against such sorts of michsholos. We will continue to provide superior meat for the public, and we stand at your service. The Birdsboro Management

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GOOD NEWS: Hatzalah South Florida Receives First Ambulance In Boca Raton

After much effort, hard work and communal support, the Boca Raton community has reached an incredible milestone, as Hatzalah of South Florida has now added their first ambulance to service the communities of Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach. Thursday saw a flurry of activity as Hatzalah was in the process of launching Ambulance service in Boca Raton and finalizing the last details and transport protocols when a critical call came in Thursday evening. Hatzalah immediately responded with a fully stocked ambulance and transported their first emergency patient in Boca Raton. HSF gave YWN the following statement: With tremendous gratitude to Hashem, Hatzalah South Florida is proud to announce the official launch of ambulance transport in Boca Raton/ Deerfield Beach with the arrival of our first ambulance this past Thursday in advance of the busy Yamim Nora’im season. Hatzalah launched emergency first response services in Boca Raton this past January and has experienced extraordinary demand for our emergency services. Ambulance transport was the next logistical hurdle and HSF is deeply grateful to the Vaad Harabonim of Boca Raton, the local Boca Hatzalah leadership and the 30+ Hatzalah volunteers in Boca who have worked tirelessly to build a top-tier professional Hatzalah operation which the Boca Raton and surrounding communities can be proud of and rely upon. Dedication & sponsorship opportunities are available and very much needed. For more information please email [email protected]. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Rav Shulem Landau, Head of Badatz Igud Rabbonim Kashrus Agency Welcomed in New York

The passing of legendary Kashrus authority, Rav Osher Yaakov Westheim, zt”l, has left a gaping void in the world of Rabbonus, which has lost a venerated figure—but his groundbreaking work in the field of kashrus has been continued by his son-in-law, Rav Shulem Landau, who has spent decades working alongside his illustrious father-in-law. This week, Rav Landau paid a visit to New York, where he was greeted with reverence by the rabbonim and kashrus experts throughout the Tri-State Area. Rav Westheim had served as the Rosh Av Beis Din of Badatz Igud Rabbonim, and was renowned as a foremost kashrus expert in the world. Rav Osher Yaakov was one of the most prominent rabbonim in Manchester, a close confidante of the Minchas Yitzchok, Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss, zt”l, of Manchester, and later the rov of the Eidah Hacharedis in Yerushalayim. In the field of kashrus, he was a great innovator—fusing his vast knowledge of halacha, and his mastery of evolving technology, with a real world practical approach in order to make lasting positive changes that continue to be felt to this very day. Some examples of this include the ability to certify matzos made of oats (based on the psak of his rebbi, the Minchas Yitzchok), the indication of which brachos to make on foods inscribed on the food wrappers, and the introduction of certain hiddurim to the kashrus of meat in England. Countless stories abound of his sharpness and his ability to cut through the complexities of so many challenging situations—finding solutions that continue to be replicated to this day by his own organization, as well as kashrus agencies around the world. While he made many long and arduous journeys to visit the factories and plants on his own, as he grew older, he placed his trust in his son-in-law, Haga’on Rav Shulem, and named him as his eventual replacement. Rav Shulem is the son of Ha’gaon Rav Ephraim Landau, author of Shevet Ephraim, and was a prominent Dayan in Kedassia, (Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, the umbrellas organization of England’s Charedi community). Having served for decades as a marbitz Torah in Manchester, and a Rosh Kollel with a specialty in the laws of Yoreh De’ah, he was brought in by Rav Westheim to oversee all of the meat certification throughout Europe as well as various kashrus operations. In this capacity, he served as the right hand of his illustrious shver in these massive undertakings, while the latter placed his full trust in him. With Rav Westheim’s sad passing in the early stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Rav Shulem was asked by the heads of the Kashrus agency to take over and be the new Rav Hamachshir. In this capacity, he has built upon the incredible work of his father-in-law, and also his insistence on travelling himself to each & every factory enables the continuation of the high Kashrus standards for which the Badatz Igud Rabbonim is famous for. Working under him are a staff of extremely-qualified, hand-selected high calibre mashgichim who are likewise great talmidei chachomim and experts in this field. During his visit to America, he met with some of the greatest trailblazers in shechitah & kashrus here, Rabbonim and Admorim who have themselves revolutionized the level of shechitah & kashrus in America, including the Admorim of

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YWN EXCLUSIVE: Rabbonim Of Boca Raton Unanimously Announce Expansion Of Hatzalah of South Florida Into Boca

In a vote taken today by the Rabbonim of Boca Raton, Florida, a unanimous decision was reached to invite Hatzalah of South Florida to expand their services into the Boca Raton community. In a letter provided to YWN, the Rabbonim wrote: “Upon our request and invitation, Hatzalah of South Florida will be the only Hatzalah organization operating in Boca Raton, recognized and supported by the Vaad Harabonim of Boca Raton. We are deeply appreciative of all the efforts that have taken place to bring Hatzalah to our community and are very grateful that we now have the opportunity to proceed in a united fashion.” Important: Until all preparations and plans are finalized, community members are instructed to continue calling 911 in the event of an emergency. The Hatzalah of South Florida emergency number will be published widely when Hatzalah is 100% prepared and fully operational in Boca Raton. As YWN reported this past summer, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law announcing Hatzalah of South Florida as a full fledged EMS provider. Hatzalah of South Florida was launched 13 years ago in Florida, and will be expanding their services into Boca Raton. Plans are being made to have at least one – and possibly two – ambulances parked in Boca, along with volunteers available 24 hours a day to service the community. Hatzalah of South Florida currently has a state-of-the-art radio, dispatch and computer system in place, and will be expanding this system to cover the Boca community. Additional information will be published when it becomes available to us. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Batei Din Call For Stricter Background Checks, Will Open Special Office

The directors of three Batei Din in the US sent a letter on Monday to Chabad shluchim across the country regarding the alarming story of a Lebanese man who masqueraded as a frum Jew and married a Jewish woman. The Rabbanim, Rabbi Chaim Sperlin of L.A., Rabbi Sholom Shuchat of Brooklyn, and Rabbi Moshe Liberow of Boston, wrote that they held a conference call to discuss the situation and formulate guidelines to prevent such a situation from occurring again in the future. Read the letter below: To the Rebbe’s Shluchim Sheyichyu, Greetings and Blessings, In light of today’s news, whereby a certain Rabbi officiated a wedding without properly researching the genealogy (“Birur Yahadus”), and afterwards a suspicion arose that the Groom might not be Jewish, and pictures of the wedding have been published which caused some to condemn a Chabad Shliach who relied on the officiating Rabbi thinking he did proper research – A conference call took place today to discuss the situation and decide how to prevent such occurrences from happening, and thus strengthen the holiness of the Jewish nation, in line with the Rebbe’s Sichos about the importance of correcting the terrible damage done with allowing Non-Jews to enter the fold of Am Yisroel. Participating in this conference call were the undersigned Rabbis, who serve as directors of veteran and renowned Batei Din across the American continent (which are also recognized by the Israeli Rabbinate), who deal on a daily basis with matters of Birur Yahadus, Birur Yuchsin, Geirus and Gittin, and who are in constant contact with Rabonim across the world. After discussing the matter at length we have decided as follows: 1. In the upcoming weeks, after consulting with Rabonei Anash, we will (with G-d’s help) publish a clear set of guidelines regarding Birur Yahadus, Birur Yuchsin, Sidur Kidushin, Gittin, accepting Geirim, and other topics related to preserving the purity of Am Yisroel. 2. Any person who officiates a wedding must be well-versed in the Halachos of Birur Yahadus, Birur Yuchsin, Sidur Kidushin, etc., and should receive approval from a renowned Rabbi to officiate at weddings. Without this prerequisite, one shall not officiate at a wedding nor certify someone’s Jewish status, so he should not be causing the masses to stumble, Կ”ח . 3. One may not rely blindly on Geirus certificates, even from Orthodox Rabbis, without first researching properly the integrity of the Rabbis who performed the conversion, about the integrity and sincerity of the converts, and about their acceptance of Mitzvos. To assist the Shluchim, we will (with G-d’s help) set up an office to help and assist the Shluchim in the above matters, to connect the Shluchim with Batei Din, etc. And to facilitate a registry of Birur Yahadus, Birur Yuchsin, Kidushin, Gittin, etc. which are performed by Shluchim. May it be G-d’s will, that in the merit of preserving the sanctity of Am Yisroel, and specifically in an area which is crucial to the existence of Am Yisroel, we will merit the true and complete Redemption speedily in our days. Rabbi Chaim Sperlin Los Angeles, California Menahel Beis Din Agudas Yisroel of the West Coast Rabbi Sholom Shuchat Brooklyn, New York Menahel Beis Din Union of Orthodox Rabbis-Agudas Harabonim Rabbi Moshe M. Liberow Boston, Massachusetts Menahel Beis Din Rabbinical Council of New

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EXTREMIST VIOLENCE: Bnei Brak “Didi-Phone” Cell-Phone Store Owners Assaulted For Selling Smartphones [VIDEOS}

In the ongoing saga of extremist Charedim attacking cell phone store owners, the violence was raised to another level yet again, as hooligans, who were among those protesting against cell phone stores in Bnei Brak rampaged and attacked people, even in broad daylight. Another attack took place in Jerusalem. These attacks took place both in secret and on major thoroughfares in front of crowds of people. The most recent incident took place on Thursday when Dovid Davidoff, the owner of Didi Phone in Bnei Brak, was attacked right next to his store. The attacker was a ruffian who was participating in the protest against the store after Davidoff refused to surrender to edicts from the self-appointed “Va’adat HaRabbanim” who have decided to put themselves in charge of communications for the populace of the city. Davidoff was punched in the face on Rabbi Akiva Street. Police officers who were nearby, arrested the attacker, took his details, and then released him. “I got punched in the face. It was incredibly powerful. It seemed like he wanted to kill me,” Davidoff told reporters afterward. The attacker claimed that he was sprayed with pepper spray in the face and that prompted his attack on Davidoff. Davidoff refuted the statement and said that he has no idea who used pepper spray. “The assailant had no sign of pepper spray on his face and saw that I had none on me, he came to attack me anyway,” Davidoff added. “I’m happy to go to a Din Torah in front of his Rav or Admor. I want to see this man lie to his Rebbe and say that I attacked him. There are lots of witnesses who saw what happened who testify against him. I’ll go to his rebbe or to the police.” Davidoff was also ambushed on Tuesday while he was working in the store. Davidoff recounted that a different assailant was waiting for him outside the store in an area where there was no camera. “At around 7:00 p.m. I went to go to the bathroom. Someone was waiting for me there and hit me. I sustained the blow and fell backward on the floor. I was hit in the face, and it broke my lips. At first, Davidoff refused to publicize the incident, but now that his attackers are marching in the streets in front of everyone, he is coming out with the whole story. A similar but separate incident took place in Jerusalem this week, just a few hours before Davidoff was ambushed. Extremists were protesting against the store “Anak Cellular” in the capital. During the protest, a young Charedi man who wanted to enter the store to purchase a phone was viciously assaulted. The store, which is located in the Geulah neighborhood, has seen its fair share of violent attacks and incitement. Over the past few weeks, the store has faced countless violent protests outside of its doors. Once again the reason for the protests is that the store refuses to give in to the demands of the so-called “va’ad Harabonim” which is attempting to force all cellular stores in Charedi neighborhoods to only sell phones that are okayed by them. Store owners told BChadrei Charedim that they are used to seeing potential customers being attacked by the mob whenever protests are

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Rav Reuven Feinstein: During COVID-19 “One Of The Greatest Mitzavah’s We Have”

The term “meis mitzvah” is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a mitzvah that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the chevrah kadisha who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case. The Hebrew Free Burial Association is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary zechus of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status. Astoundingly, the Hebrew Free Burial Association buries approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day! These are individuals who don’t have family or lack the funds to pay for a proper kevurah, as well as niftarim that may have been lying in a morgue with no one stepping up to perform this chesed shel emes.  In almost all these cases, if not for Hebrew Free Burial Association’s intervention, these bodies would be cremated or deposited in a city cemetery or potter’s field. The association’s work is always daunting, but the coronavirus pandemic presented unprecedented challenges.“Unfortunately, we were inundated with an unprecedented number of niftarim due to the virus,” says one of the organizers. The association had no choice but to purchase a refrigerated trailer to place on-site to hold the niftarim. With each niftar costing about $5,400, the additional cases handled this year cost the organization over $1 million. The Hebrew Free Burial Association covers the costs of the taharah, the tachrichim, the casket and the actual burial. The association owns a cemetery in Staten Island, where the entire process is carried out by a team of dedicated men and women in an incredible display of selflessness and care.“In some cases,” said a volunteer, “the niftarim we deal with passed away weeks, months or even over a year ago. It is vital for the neshamos of these deceased men and women for the taharah and kevurah process to be carried out as soon as we are notified.”For over 130 years, the Hebrew Free Burial Association has provided this vital service to the Jewish community, yet, amazingly, it has flown under the radar, garnering little attention, as it conducts its activities discreetly. HFBA Needs Your Help More Then Ever! The association has never before held a wide-ranging fundraising effort, but the additional costs it has incurred has compelled it to reach out to the wider community for vital assistance. Endorsed by Rav Reuven Feinstein, Rav Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many prominent Rabbonim. The organization’s rabbinical advisor is Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens Chevra Kadisha and founder and director of the Association of Chevros Kadisha. 
To contribute to the Hebrew Free Burial Association and have a zechus in this priceless mitzvah, Click Here!

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Rav Reuven Feinstein: During COVID-19 “One Of The Greatest Mitzavah’s We Have”

The term “meis mitzvah” is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a mitzvah that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the chevrah kadisha who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case. The Hebrew Free Burial Association is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary zechus of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status. Astoundingly, the Hebrew Free Burial Association buries approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day! These are individuals who don’t have family or lack the funds to pay for a proper kevurah, as well as niftarim that may have been lying in a morgue with no one stepping up to perform this chesed shel emes.  In almost all these cases, if not for Hebrew Free Burial Association’s intervention, these bodies would be cremated or deposited in a city cemetery or potter’s field. The association’s work is always daunting, but the coronavirus pandemic presented unprecedented challenges.“Unfortunately, we were inundated with an unprecedented number of niftarim due to the virus,” says one of the organizers. The association had no choice but to purchase a refrigerated trailer to place on-site to hold the niftarim. With each niftar costing about $5,400, the additional cases handled this year cost the organization over $1 million. The Hebrew Free Burial Association covers the costs of the taharah, the tachrichim, the casket and the actual burial. The association owns a cemetery in Staten Island, where the entire process is carried out by a team of dedicated men and women in an incredible display of selflessness and care.“In some cases,” said a volunteer, “the niftarim we deal with passed away weeks, months or even over a year ago. It is vital for the neshamos of these deceased men and women for the taharah and kevurah process to be carried out as soon as we are notified.”For over 130 years, the Hebrew Free Burial Association has provided this vital service to the Jewish community, yet, amazingly, it has flown under the radar, garnering little attention, as it conducts its activities discreetly. HFBA Needs Your Help More Then Ever! The association has never before held a wide-ranging fundraising effort, but the additional costs it has incurred has compelled it to reach out to the wider community for vital assistance. Endorsed by Rav Reuven Feinstein, Rav Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many prominent Rabbonim. The organization’s rabbinical advisor is Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens Chevra Kadisha and founder and director of the Association of Chevros Kadisha. 
To contribute to the Hebrew Free Burial Association and have a zechus in this priceless mitzvah, Click Here!

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URGENT WATCH: Rav Feinstein: JEWISH CREMATIONS MUST STOP! 500 Jewish Bodies And Counting!

The term “meis mitzvah” is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a mitzvah that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the chevrah kadisha who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case. The Hebrew Free Burial Association is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary zechus of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status. Astoundingly, the Hebrew Free Burial Association buries approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day. These are individuals who don’t have family or lack the funds to pay for a proper kevurah, as well as niftarim that may have been lying in a morgue with no one stepping up to perform this chesed shel emes.  In almost all these cases, if not for Hebrew Free Burial Association’s intervention, these bodies would be cremated or deposited in a city cemetery or potter’s field. The association’s work is always daunting, but the coronavirus pandemic presented unprecedented challenges. “Unfortunately, we were inundated with an unprecedented number of niftarim due to the virus,” says one of the organizers. The association had no choice but to purchase a refrigerated trailer to place on site to hold the niftarim. With each niftar costing about $5,400, the additional cases handled this year cost the organization over $1 million. The Hebrew Free Burial Association covers the costs of the taharah, the tachrichim, the casket and the actual burial. The association owns a cemetery in Staten Island, where the entire process is carried out by a team of dedicated men and women in an incredible display of selflessness and care. “In some cases,” said a volunteer, “the niftarim we deal with passed away weeks, months or even over a year ago. It is vital for the neshamos of these deceased men and women for the taharah and kevurah process to be carried out as soon as we are notified.” For over 130 years, the Hebrew Free Burial Association has provided this vital service to the Jewish community, yet, amazingly, it has flown under the radar, garnering little attention, as it conducts its activities discreetly. HFBA Needs Your Help More Then Ever! The association has never before held a wide-ranging fundraising effort, but the additional costs it has incurred has compelled it to reach out to the wider community for vital assistance. Endorsed by Rav Reuven Feinstein, Rav Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many prominent Rabbonim. The organization’s rabbinical advisor is Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens Chevra Kadisha and founder and director of the Association of Chevros Kadisha. 
To contribute to the Hebrew Free Burial Association and have a zechus in this priceless mitzvah, Click Here!

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WATCH: R’ Reuven Feinstein Speaks 500 Jewish Bodies Will Be Cremated

The term “​meis mitzvah”​ is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a ​mitzvah​ that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the ​chevrah kadisha​ who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case. The Hebrew Free Burial Association​ is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary ​zechus​ of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status. Astoundingly, the ​Hebrew Free Burial Association​ buries approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day. These are individuals who don’t have family or lack the funds to pay for a proper ​kevurah​, as well as ​niftarim​ that may have been lying in a morgue with no one stepping up to perform this ​chesed shel emes. In almost all these cases, if not for Hebrew Free Burial Association’s intervention, these bodies would be cremated or deposited in a city cemetery or potter’s field. The association’s work is always daunting, but the coronavirus pandemic presented unprecedented challenges. “Unfortunately, we were inundated with an unprecedented number of ​niftarim d​ ue to the virus,” says one of the organizers. The association had no choice but to purchase a refrigerated trailer to place on site to hold the niftarim. “One some days, we were performing ten ​taharahs​ in a row, for ten hours straight, ​r”l​,” said a member of the association’s staff. “It was unlike anything we’d experienced before.” With each ​niftar​ costing about $5,400, the additional cases handled this year cost the organization over $1 million. HFBA covers the costs of the ​taharah​, the ​tachrichim​, the casket and the actual burial. The association owns a cemetery in Staten Island, where the entire process is carried out by a team of dedicated men and women in an incredible display of selflessness and care. Endorsed by Rav Reuven Feinstein,Rav Hershel Schacter, Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many leading Rabbonim.​ The organization’s rabbinical advisor is Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens Chevra Kadisha and founder and director of the Association of Chevros Kadisha.   The association has never before held a wide-ranging fundraising effort, but the additional costs it has incurred during the pandemic period has compelled it to reach out to the wider community for vital assistance. “We know that even a ​kohein gadol​ can be ​metamei​ for a ​meis mitzvah​,” says a senior staff member of the organization. “Supporting Hebrew Free Burial Association offers a triple ​mitzvah opportunity: ​chesed shel emes, meis mitzvah ​and​ tzedakah​. This is a tremendous ​zechus.​” To contribute to the Hebrew Free Burial Association and have a zechus in this priceless mitzvah CLICK HERE

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New Crown Heights Kolel Renews An Old Concept

A new kolel aiming to train aspiring Lubavitcher rabbonim in practical halacha will be subsidized by local donors. It will be led by Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat and Rabbi Shraga Homnick. By COLlive reporter An innovative idea, born during a birthday Farbrengen for local Crown Heights resident Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, will create the first-ever “Yisachar Zvulun” partnership for local businessmen, whereby each businessman sponsors one Yungerman of the Kolel for a year. The new “Kolel L’Horaa Maasis – Crown Heights” is named after a Kolel bearing the same name which operated in Crown Heights in the ’70s, directed by the Skulener Rebbe and Rabbi Chaim Krieger, Av Beis Din of Agudas Harabonim, both of blessed memory. The Kolel aims to teach, educate and train Lubavitcher Yungeleit who seek to dedicate their lives to practical Rabonus, thus the Kolel will not only study the Halacha, but also the practical applications of Halacha. Each of the students of the Kolel will be sponsored by one of 14 donors from Crown Heights, who have committed to supporting this new institution of learning. The Kolel staff will be sponsored by Rabbi Greenwald, who serves as the Rov of Beis Gimpel Shul in Crown Heights, where the Kolel will take place. The Kolel, which will officially launch on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, is currently accepting applications for 14 members, and will be paying $1,250 per month to official members. The Rosh Kolel will be Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat, Dayan in Beis Din Agudas Harabonim and the Beis Din of Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Sgan Rosh Kolel will be Rabbi Shraga Homnick, renowned scholar and Magid Shiur in Crown Heights. The first year (5781) will focus on the topics of Mikvaos and Ribbis, with the curriculum focusing on the Gemara, Tur and Beis Yosef, Shulchan Aruch, and the Tshuvos and Psokim of the Lubavitcher Rebbes and Lubavitcher Rabonim throughout the generations. In addition to the study of the Halacha, the Mikvah curriculum will also include the practical aspects of building a Mikvah, which each carry serious Halachic implications, from the consistency of the concrete used for the Hamshachos, to the type of pipes used to bring water to the Mikvah, roofing materials and their placement, the type of tiles used inside the Mikvah, and even the material used as a plug to close the rainwater reservoir when not in use. The Kolel will be located in the Beis Gimpel Shul, 309 New York Avenue, and breakfast will be served every day to the Yungeleit after Shacharis. In addition to the Yungeleit studying in Kolel, the Kolel will also service the community with the Kolel Yungeleit studying with local residents every Sunday morning, and the Rosh Kolel will deliver a Shiur to sponsors every Motzoei Shabbos (during the winter months) on the topics studied in Kolel that week, following the Kolel curriculum. Thus, the sponsors will not only be partners with a Yungerman studying the topic, but will be able to converse with the Yungeleit on the topics they study. To sign up for the Kolel, email [email protected] or call (248) 247-4900. Bale batim who would like to join as donors so that the kolel can expand, please email [email protected] . The Kolel schedule will be as follows: Sunday: 8:15am Shacharis 9:15am-10:00am Breakfast & “Morning Kolel” study with

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I’m Handicapped And I Am Getting Married Tonight!

 PLEASE CLICK HERE TO HELP ME!  I am writing out of desperation as tonight is my Wedding Recently I found out the news …. My parents had  plan on how to pay for my wedding, it fell apart  at the last minute! I am used to going through adversity as I was born handicapped and went through many operations.   Through all the difficulties I went through, due to my disabilities and painful operations, I was overwhelmed with happiness when I got engaged My laughter turned to tears when I saw the pressure my parents are under to come up with money  PLEASE CLICK HERE TO HELP ME!  I am willing to take upon myself to pray under the chuppah for anyone who submits their name to me. I bentsch everyone who reads this that they should have nachas, good health, parnossah, good shiduchim and simcha. Thanks in advance ,Aharon Yoel,  PLEASE CLICK HERE TO HELP ME!  Tax Deductible Checks can be made out to Vaad HaRabonim Fund #5344 221 Regent Drive . Lakewood, N.J. 08701 Tax ID# 37-1456890  

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An entire Family Devastated Left with Nothing! after a fire consumed their home.

 Watch the heartbreaking video A Family of 13 was devastatedwhen there house went up in flames! A family of 13 has just had their entire life go up in flames. Their 11 children are left homeless and hungry, and they need your help to survive. The father is a תלמיד חכם who has dedicated his life to Torah, but his meager earnings have barely been enough to support his large family. Just scraping by, the family has learned to make do with the little it had, but now even that has been lost, as they have been dealt a devastating blow. Recently, a fire broke out and burnt down the family’s tiny home. Every single thing they owned was destroyed. They are now left completely penniless and cannot afford to purchase a new place to live, clothing or diapers, or even food to feed their children. They are literally homeless with nothing to their name. Imagine the trauma these poor children are going through…and they have no way to pull themselves out of it. But with your help, they will have a fighting chance! Let’s put a roof over their heads, get food on their table, and send them back to school! Please—let’s give this family a life! תזכו למצות! THEY NEED YOUR HELP NOW!CLICK HERE TO TAKE PART IN THIS TREMENDOUS MITZVAH! *This fund is endorsed by: מרן שר התורה הגאון הגדול רבי חיים קניבסקי שליט”א The Vaad HaRabonim Fund #5136

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Petira of HaRav Shaiall Zachariash ZT”L, Rov In Detroit For 56 Years

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Shaiall (Shaul) Zachariash ZT”L of Detroit. He was 87, and was Niftar from COVID-19. The Niftar was a close Talmid of R’ Yaakov Kaminetsky as he learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath from the age of 10, from there he continued his learning in Baltimore and became Musmach from Yeshivas Ner Yisrael, where he was a close talmid of R’ Yitchock Ruderman and R’ Dovid Kornglass. He was a Rov in Hunter, NY – Carmel, NJ (Vineland) – Toledo Ohio and then settled in Detroit. In Detroit he was a Rebbe in Yeshiva Bais Yehuda for over 25 years and a Rov of Congregation Shomrey Emunah for over a half a century, he was also very instrumental in raising the level of Kashrus in Detroit and also served as Rosh Vaad Harabonim of Detroit. He is survived by a brother in California Yekusiel (Jack) and by a sister Chana (Freida Gartenhaus). His children are Rabbi Avraham & Rivkah Schwartz (Flatbush), Rabbi Eli M. & Orah Jundef (Detroit), Rabbi Eli & Avigail Teichman (Lakewood) and Rabbi Avrohom Baruch & Chana Zachariash (Yerushalayim). His wife, Bracha Zachariash passed away approximately 2 years ago If anyone who has stories, pictures, etc. to email to: [email protected] Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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TONIGHT: Neighborhood Rabbonim Come out in Solidarity Against “Ezras Nashim” – NYC REMSCO Hearing

Tonight there will be an open forum hosted by the NYC Regional EMS Council to address the request for a new Certificate of Need (CON) allowing Ezras Nashim (aka Chasdei Devorah Inc.) to operate their own ambulance. If approved the request will then be forwarded on to the State of NY Bureau of EMS for final approval. Their CON requests to respond specifically within Boro Park and Kensington. Ezras Nashim, the organization founded by Judge Ruchie Freier of Boro Park, was originally created for the sole purpose of responding to females during times of labor and delivery and other similar types of emergencies. Judge Freier has stated that in addition to woman feeling uncomfortable calling Hatzoloh and being handled by someone that she may know, it is against the Halacha for members of the opposite gender to treat patients in such scenarios. In her attempts to gain traction and publicity she participated in the making of a movie documentary, entitled “93 Queen”. This documentary, though focusing mostly on Judge Freier and her ascent to the Judicial bench, has portrayed the frum community in general, and Hatzoloh specifically in an extremely negative fashion. The application for the Certificate of Need, as publicly available on the NYC REMSCO website is rife with negative comments about Hatzoloh and the community. In addition to the response from the Hatzoloh community there has been pushback from most of the Commercial Ambulance providers in the NYC area. The application documents, as required, the work done on behalf of Ezras Nashim to garner letters of endorsement from local hospitals and volunteers’ ambulance corps. Per the filing on the website, other than from a few political offices, there is not a single letter of support from any of those entities. Perusing the application makes it difficult to actually determine why their Certificate of Need is required. Much of the documentation is in support of Judge Freier herself, much less about the organization. It is hard to justify her claim of a response time of under 8 minutes as being an improvement over the documented typically less than two minutes Hatzoloh response. Her claims of rabbinical endorsements, as shown in the application, ring hollow. Ignoring the fact that none are local community Rabbonim, most endorse the concept in theory without actually endorsing the organization, definitely not the means being used to create one. After consultation with their Vaad HaRabonim, Hatzoloh has engaged a top law firm to go through the application and respond on technical grounds, demonstrating the absurdity of her requests. This is in addition to the compilation of the signatures of close to 50 of the local community Rabbonim, Roshei HaYeshivos, Dayanim and Rebbes decrying the attempt to use Tznius and Halacha to vilify Hatzoloh and all of the good they do for our community. There has been a request that ladies who have been satisfied with the exemplary care given to them by Hatzoloh should show up and have their voices heard. The hearing will be starting at 5:00 PM, tonight, at The Methodist Hospital, East Pavilion Auditorium, 2nd floor, 506 6th Street, Brooklyn NY, 11215. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live

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Israel Refused To Bury Mother Because Son In United States Refused To Give His Wife Get

Av Beis Din and Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Dovid Lau instructed a chevra kadisha to halt a planned Levaya of a woman whose son, a resident of the United States, refused to give his wife a ‘Get’, making her an agunah for 16 years. Rav Lau held up the levaya to take steps to release the woman from her Agunah state. The decision was made in cooperation with the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, also known as Agudas Harabonim. The Beis Din applied punitive measures against the husband several years ago to pressure him to divorce his wife. Among the restrictions laid down were denying burial rights to the man’s family. The son has not come to Israel for the levaya, fearing he would be placed under arrest by police, ordered by the beis din. However, he was not prepared for the Rabbanut to take such a dramatic step. Hours after the decision, the man said he will accede to give a Get. Since the the two no longer live in the same country, an agreement was reached between the man’s family and a representative of his wife that the former put up a bond pledging he will appear before a rabbinical court as soon as possible to grant the Get. *****PLEASE NOTE – YWN IS GIVING AWAY $5,000 CASH – JUST SIGN UP TO FOLLOW YWN WHATSAPP STATUS AND GET THE DETAILS!***** Make sure you are one of the more than 20,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts***** (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Levaya of Rebbitzen Raizel Faskowitz A”H, Last Surviving Granddaughter of The Alter of Novardok [PHOTOS]

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Raizel Faskowitz, A”H, wife of HaRav Chaim Boruch Faskowitz, zt”l, daughter HaRav Avraham Yofen, zt”l; Rosh HaYeshiva of the Novardok yeshivas in Europe; and the last surviving granddaughter of the Alter of Novardok, HaRav Yosef Yoizel Horowitz, zt”l. Rebbitzen Faskowitz was 97 years old. The Levaya in New York took place on Monday afternoon at 1:00PM at Sinai Chapels in Queens. Rebbitzen Faskowitz will be brought to Eretz Yisroel and the Kevura will be in Har HaMenuchos (Chelkas HaRabonim). Rebbitzen Faskowitz is survived by her son HaRav Moshe Faskowitz, shlita, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Madreigas HaAdam, and her daughters Miriam, Michelle and Bryndie. Shiva will be held at 171-16 69 Avenue, Fresh Meadows, NY. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (PHOTO CREDIT: YISROEL TEITELBAUM) (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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ABOMINATION: ‘Religious’ Members of Toeiva Community Supporting Jerusalem Parade

This is the sixth year in which the “’Religious Community’ – Religious Community for the Gay Community” will march in the Jerusalem Toeiva Parade R”L, in solidarity, fraternity and support for the toeiva community. The group was founded six years ago by a number of religious women from Jerusalem, who explain they were fed up with “the slanders and insults of rabbis and religious public figures against the gay community”. At first, a few women marched, but over the years the group grew, and today dozens of ‘religious’ men and women march, coming from around the country to the parade to support the cause. The group marches alongside religious groups (Chavruta, Bat Kol, and others), with chassidic songs no less and traditional prayer of the way organized by “Tag Meir”. Meanwhile, the “Rabbinical Alliance of America — Igud HaRabonim”, with a membership of over 950 Orthodox rabbis who serve as spiritual leaders of Congregations, Yeshiva’s and Communal organizations — representing the Jewish community of the United States, Canada, and overseas released a statement affirming its opposition to the planned “Gay Pride March” in Jerusalem. “The Torah describes permitted and forbidden relationships. In contrast, paganism symbolized by ancient Rome celebrated permissiveness and the breaking down of family values and societal boundaries. It is tragic that rather than Torah emerging from Zion and Jerusalem a Roman-style march should pass through it — generating a mockery of what Jerusalem and its residents have held sacred for millennia. “This march is associated with turning the Torah on its head by redefining and supporting that which is prohibited by the Torah. Controlling one’s desires is a cornerstone of the Torah, a prerequisite for acquiring wisdom and communing with the Divine. “Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht, Presidium Chairman of the RAA/Igud, calls on all people who treasure Scripture and tradition to protest peaceably this grave affront to the holy City of Jerusalem. All people are welcome in Jerusalem. However, Jerusalem is designated as sacred and cannot be the stage for protests against the Torah. The RAA/Igud supports the call of Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar to remove this march from the City of Jerusalem. “May the One who makes peace in the Heavenly heights make peace upon us and upon all Israel, Amen.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Standing Room Only Crowd As Teaneck Takes Stand Against Abuse And Addiction At Amudim Event

Striking back at the growing substance abuse and addiction crises that have hit the Orthodox Jewish community with stunning ferocity, Teaneck area residents came out en masse on Sunday night to learn more about these rarely discussed issues at an awareness event hosted by Amudim. Well over 600 men, women and teens flocked to Torah Academy of Bergen County where the standing room only crowd was riveted for more than two hours by a presentation that included hard hitting remarks that gave listeners multiple perspectives of this growing problem that has shattered families, and in all too many instances, claimed lives. While many in the Orthodox Jewish community have been reluctant to acknowledge the dual plagues of abuse and addiction, communal support in Teaneck was unanimous, with the Vaad Harabonim – Rabbinical Council of Bergen County and every shul and school in Teaneck endorsing the free event. Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, director of professional rabbinics at Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and rabbi of Congregation Beth Aaron, addressed the religious imperative that obligates rabbonim to take action in situations where lives may be at risk, noting that those who fail to do so have blood on their hands. Rabbis must be part of the process when it comes to understanding, preventing and responding to abuse and addiction, noted Rabbi Rothwachs, who urged the community as a whole to reevaluate its tolerance for addictive substances including alcohol, marijuana and e-cigarettes. Shedding light on how easy it is to become hooked on painkillers, Avi Shteingart LCSW/CASAC spoke about his own surprising encounter with addictive substances, finding himself dealing with difficult withdrawal symptoms when he began tapering off prescription opioids he had been taking for a relatively short amount of time following a serious accident. In addition to dealing with substance abuse in his own practice, Shteingart observed that more than half his clients are struggling with addictive behaviors including internet, pornography, sex, relationships, eating, gambling, spending and shopping. Stressing that addiction is a medical condition and not a sign of weakness, Shteingart spoke about the importance of providing children with safe ways of expressing their feelings in order to keep them from falling prey to addiction and the continuing need for communal support to help those who are suffering. In a dramatic moment, a survivor identified only as Ezzy invited Amudim’s executive director Rabbi Zvi Gluck, to light a candle in memory of the many who have lost their lives to substance abuse before launching into the gritty tale of his own battle with addiction. Marveling at how his odyssey of pain and suffering that took him through crack houses and nearly claimed his life could one day be of help to others, Ezzy spoke passionately for over 45 minutes to the spellbound crowd about his struggle, sharing the pivotal moment when he realized that it was sobriety, not pills or alcohol that held true happiness, and that acceptance is the key to overcoming personal struggles. Echoing previous speakers who addressed the importance of eliminating stigma, a disturbingly daunting barrier that prevents so many from seeking help, Zvi Gluck emphasized the importance of appreciating the real and present dangers facing our children and called on listeners to demand that their schools provide age appropriate awareness and education programs. Decrying the shocking

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The Ultimate Zos Chanukah Davening List

  LESS THAN 24 HOURS REMAINING Gedolim like Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a live intense and busy lives. Each day, the poor and suffering of klal yisroel flock to his home to ask for his blessing. Arguably no one has a clearer picture of the hardships of the Jewish people today. As he approaches his menorah, a crowd gathered behind him to hear the Rav make the bracha, he drops a coin into the pushka for Vaad HaRabbanim. However, how much can he alone do to provide for the poor families of Bnei Brak? How much can one man give? That is why the Rav takes time out of his intense schedule to do events like Vaad HaRabbanim’s Zos Chanukah campaign. His request in return is simple: He is calling on klal yisroel to chip in to help widows, orphans, and other families who are struggling to put food on the table. This year’s event is an epic union of three incredible prayer gatherings, all set to take place during the same precious moments of Zos Chanukah. The first: A minyan of kohanim will pray together during lighting time on Zos Chanukah, a time known to be powerful for prayer. Their location will be at the Kosel Hamaaravi in the tunnels facing the Kodesh Hakodoshim from which the Shechinah moved and where the miracle of Chanukah took place 2155 years ago. Secondly, Rav Chaim Kanievsky will pray personally for those who add their names to the list. Third, a group of gedolei Torah and their emissaries will also complete 1000 repetitions of the Sefer Tehillim, a labor which involves roughly 2,000 hours of prayer. These three events will take place during the same powerful moments, as the large group of holy people cries out to the heavens, on behalf of these poor families and all those who choose to help them. Names are being accepted here for a limited time.  CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR NAME CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FULL CAMPAIGN

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