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Search Results for: glass chupah

Chosson Transported To Hospital After Injuring Foot Breaking Glass Cup Under Chupah

A chosson was injured on Monday evening during his wedding celebration when he broke a glass by stepping on it under the Chuppah in a wedding hall in Bnei Brak. United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs who were called to the scene treated the groom at the scene prior to his being transported to the hospital. Volunteer EMT Baruch Goldberg, who was one of the first responders on the scene and provided first aid to the groom said, “The groom suffered a large and deep laceration in his foot and required immediate medical attention. I bandaged his foot at the scene after which he was transported to Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak for definitive care.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Chosson Injured While Breaking The Glass at a Bnei Brak Chupah

Once again, the story of a chosson who sustained a foot injury when he smashed the glass under his chupah. The latest story occurred in a Bnei Brak hall earlier this week, resulting in a United Hatzalah EMS response, and the chosson quickly found himself being treated in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital for a deep cut to the bottom of his foot. The hospital did what it could to expedite his treatment. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Bnei Brak Chosson Transported to Hospital After Cutting Foot Breaking The Glass Under The Chupah

A Chosson in Bnei Brak ended up visiting Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital during his wedding, as he cut his foot severely while smashing the glass under the Chupah. Hospital personnel understood the situation and treated him immediately, permitting his return to the wedding hall in under 30 minutes. The Chasunah took place in the Keter HaRimon Hall in Bnei Brak on Monday night. According to family, the glass, which was supplied by the wedding hall, was too thick, and it resulted in the chosson sustaining a deep cut to the bottom of his foot. One can only imagine the faces of personnel when both a chosson and kallah arrived in the emergency room. They were received immediately, warm and professional attention towards permitting their return to the wedding ASAP. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Yerushalayim: Chosson Injured Breaking the Glass Under the Chupah

A chosson getting married in Yerushalayim made an unexpected visit to a Terem emergency center immediately following the chupah after cutting his foot breaking the glass. The chosson, who was accompanied by his new bride, was brought to the clinic near Armon HaNatziv where he received prompt attention. He was sewn up and given a tetanus shot and sent back to celebrate his simcha. Terem officials admit that for them, it is not an everyday occurrence to see a chosson and kallah walk in dressed in their wedding clothes. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Tel Aviv: Chosson Injured Breaking the Glass Under the Chupah

A chosson injured his foot as he broke the glass under the chupah on Sunday night 11 Iyar in a chasenah hall on HaTzifira Street in Tel Aviv. Ichud Hatzalah responded to the call and the chosson was treated and able to continue with the simcha. EMT Yehuda Hildesheim explains the chosson had a deep cut in his foot but he decided he would only seek medical care after the chasenah, at which time he would go to a hospital to have it treated as required. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Chosson Injured Breaking the Glass at his Chupah

A chosson injured his foot when breaking the glass at his chupah on Monday night, the eve of 2 Adar II 5774, Ichud Hatzalah reports. The chupah was held in a Petach Tikvah hall. He was treated by a paramedic and EMTs that responded to the call. EMT Yoni Bashari reports “Together with a paramedic of Ichud Hatzalah we treated the chosson who cut himself badly while breaking the glass under the chupah. He was transported to a local Terem [private emergency clinic] for immediate care in the hope he will return to the chasenah.” (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rav Elyashiv zt”l on Weddings and Rav Yaakov Yishayahu Blau zt”l on Correcting a Kesuvah at a Wedding

[By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times] In honor of the wedding of the author’s daughter this evening, please find below some Psakim from rav Elyashiv zt”l regarding weddings.  Unless otherwise noted, these p’sakim were heard from Rav Elyashiv zt”l by either Rav Lipa Israelson or one of his brothers. THE WEDDING CHUPAH ________________________________________ MESADER KIDDUSHIN 1. One should only conduct a wedding under the auspices of a Rav or Talmid Chochom that is knowledgeable in matters of Kiddushin. He is clled the Mesader Kiddushin. 2. Someone who married a woman through a Mesader Kiddushin who is a Reform Rabbi r”l, should ask a shailah if there is validity to his Kiddushin and marriage. It is possible that he must perform a Chuppah anew. 3. There are those who have the custom that the bride’s father comes to greet the groom at his home in order to accompany him to the Chuppah. Similarly, the mother of the groom comes to greet the bride. However, with the agreement of both sides it is permitted to forego this custom. THE CUSTOM OF SHOSHVINIM 4. The custom is for two people to bring the groom to the Chuppah, one on the right and one on the left. They are called “Shoshvinim.” The wives of the Shoshvinim bring the bride to the Chuppah. The father of the groom accompanies him on the right, and his mechutan accompanies the groom on the left. The mother of the bride is to her right and the mother-in-law is to her left. The Shoshvinim also accompany the groom to the bedekin which is called the “Hinoma.” WHO ARE THE SHOSHVINIM 5. The common custom is for the parents of the bride and groom to be the Shoshvinim. When this is not possible, some have the custom for the Shoshvinim to be the father and a sister of the groom or bride, or a mother and a brother of the groom or bride. Similarly, the Shoshvinim could be any husband and wife, even if they are not the groom or the bride’s parents. 6. There is no problem if the Shoshvinim are from a second marriage, such as if the groom’s mother is married to a second husband, who is not the groom’s father. She can be on the left of the bride and her husband can be on the right of the groom, and vice versa. There is no problem with either way. Some, however, are careful about this. However, if there is a need to do it in this manner, there is no need to be concerned. *** Please Subscribe to an Exciting Weekly Parsha Sheet on the Topic of Emes written by the reviewer, Rabbi Hoffman***   Send an email to  [email protected] THE BEDEKIN 7. Before the Chuppah, the groom is escorted by the Shoshvinim ad the two witnesses to the women’s section, to the place where the bride is sitting. The groom covers the head of the bride with a veil or some other designated garment. This is called the Hinoma. According to many authorities, the covering of the bride with a Hinoma is called the Chuppah. 8. The bride and groom should have in mind that the covering of the veil on her head is a Kinyan of marriage just like Chuppah.

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Need a Creative Bar Mitzvah Gift? GENUINE Sadness for Our Temple’s Destruction

MAZAL TOV On Our Temple’s Destruction???Are we properly commemorating the loss of our Temple under the chuppah? doesn’t think so. New becher gift for Bar Mitzvah boys tries to instill a genuine feeling of loss and mourning for the churban, by building a connection and a true sense of loss with the glass that is broken at the We’ve all been there. Sitting at a nice restaurant, enjoying the company of family and friends, when the waiter accidentally drops a glass off of their serving tray.They makes a valiant effort to try to catch it, but to no avail. SHATTER goes the glass.MAZAL TOV! Cheers the patrons. It’s a common scene, but few people stop to think about its significance. Why are the restaurant patrons excited about this broken glass? Why are they all enthusiastically shouting mazal tov? This “custom” comes from the modern day chuppah/ marriage ceremony, where immediately after the bride and groom are officially wed, the groom smashes a glass cup with his foot, to commemorate the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash, the holy temple. While we acknowledge that the wedding day is still going to be one of the happiest days of this young couples’ lives, it is specifically during this joyous time that we make sure to take a moment to commemorate our losses as a nation, before continuing with the wedding festivities. It’s almost routine at modern weddings to hear the groom smash the glass, and have it immediately be followed by the crowd yelling out “mazal tov!” to celebrate the freshly minted couple. When the waiter drops a glass, this shattering sound is reminiscent to the end of the wedding, when the groom smashes that cup, and therefore the customers all joyfully shout mazal tov. This silly and admittedly flippant attitude is a testament to the lack of solemnity that we treat the broken glass under the chuppah, which is supposed to represent the temple’s destruction. While this lack of solemnity is a problem, there is a diagnosable reason for it, and luckily, a simple solution. The reason for the lack of sincere pain under the chuppah is simple- the glass that is broken is meaningless to the groom, the bride, and all of the guests.At the last minute, the caterer grabs an extra glass which nobody cares about, so while smashing the glass is supposed to remind us of our losses, it intrinsically has no value, and therefore does a poor job of invoking this proper sense of loss. That’s where The Becher comes in. The Becher is given as a unique gift for a new Bar Mitzvah, who is newly responsible and obligated to fulfill all of the mitzvot (commandments).This new Bar Mitzvah will say kiddush every shabbos and every yom tov, and he will use this special glass becher. He will say thousands of kiddush’s over the years, and every time this new Bar Mitzvah says kiddush he is becoming holier to Hashem, and more intertwined with the Jewish people. He will develop his connection to Judaism and to Israel through his weekly kiddush, and will look forward to using his new becher to fulfill this mitzvah.Many years later, after saying kiddush thousands of times, this new Bar Mitzvah will walk up to the chuppah on his wedding day.

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Halachically Speaking: Zecher L’Churban (Part 6)

Wedding T’nayim The minhag is to break a plate at the t’nayim as a zecher l’churban. The breaking should be done by any of the machatanim (usually the women). The minhag is to break a complete plate. Ashes on the Forehead Before going to the chupah, ashes are placed on the chosson’s forehead in the place where the tefillin are put on and the chosson should say im eshchacheich… Although some say the custom is to remove the ashes immediately after putting them on, it seems that most people leave the ashes on the chosson’s forehead. Some say that the kallah also gets ashes placed on her forehead. Some people do either the placing of the ashes or the breaking of the glass (see next paragraph), however, the custom of most people is to do both.  Breaking a Glass under the Chupah The custom is that the chosson breaks a glass under the chupah as a zecher l’churban. The glass is broken with his right foot. The reason why the chosson breaks a glass now and not the plate at the t’nayim, is because at the t’nayim his simcha is not yet complete. The glass is wrapped in a napkin in order to prevent the chosson from hurting his foot. There is no concern of b’al tashchis with breaking the glass because it is being done for mitzvah purposes. The seforim mention why a glass is broken by the chupah, and a plate (earthernware) at the t’nayim.   The glass is broken after the sheva berochos are recited. Today, many people sing im eshkacheich… before breaking the glass. Some poskim maintain that mazel tov should not be said immediately after the glass is broken because one is supposed to be remembering the churban at that time. Nevertheless, the minhag is to say mazel tov immediately after breaking the glass. Compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits who can be reached [email protected] Reviewed by Rabbi Ben-zion Schiffenbauer Shlita All Piskei Harav Yisrael Belsky Shlita are Reviewed by Harav Yisrael Belsky Shlita

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Maran Rav Ovadia on Remembering the Churban Bayis

In a weekly Torah sheet, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita discusses the minhag of a choson breaking a glass at the conclusion of a chupah, lamenting the fact the custom has become amusing rather than reminding us of the destruction of the Beis HaMikdosh. The Rav states this significant minhag in the case of many bridegrooms has become nothing more than frivolity and a testimony to one’s strength, one’s ability to smash the glass in a single stroke.   The choson smashes the glass into small fragments and the tzibur shouts “mazel tov” he writes, and the result is exactly the opposite of the intention of implementing the minhag. While the Rav states it would not be proper to eliminate the minhag, the actions of some compel one to think doing so might be preferable.   The Rav speaks of the minhag among sephardim, to recite “If I Forget Thee Oh Jerusalem…” while the cup is broken, suggesting the rabbi officiating at the chupah to instruct the choson to recite the posuk after breaking the glass, to enhance the significance of the act and to remind the guests of the symbolism surrounding the act.   The too-often-seen practice of jocularity and concentrating on the force exerted to smash the glass should be replaced by proper reflection of the churban and what the act, breaking the glass symbolizes. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Rabbi Avrohom J. Twerski, MD: The Need for Marriage Preparation

The sad state of affairs of the modern family has been widely described in the media: about half of all marriages in the United States result in divorce. This is not only tragic for the couple, but can be disastrous for the children. Yes, children growing up in a single parent home can be happy, but they have at least two strikes against them, And, as so often happens, when there are custody battles and the children become pawns in the parents’ contentiousness, they have three strikes against them. Traditionally, the Jewish family was a bulwark of stability. In recent years, the security of this fortress has eroded, and while the incidence of divorce in the Jewish community is not at the catastrophic 50% level, it is significant, and what is ominous, appears to be growing. There is no escaping the cultural influence. The secular culture and media today preaches a hedonistic philosophy of life: everything is for fun and pleasure. The closing line to the juvenile fairy tales, “And they lived happily ever after” is assumed to be reality. In actuality, however, with time, the stresses and hassles of real life take on a prominent place alongside the pleasures of marriage. The marriage relationship becomes increasingly characterized by the need for responsibility and tolerance. Responsibility? Tolerance? Where did these come from? Young people did not experience them, and they do not fit into their fantasy of blissful marriage. Finding their expectations unmet, one or both partners are disappointed, and begin to look for relief. Some might argue, “Our parents and grandparents did not have to take preparatory courses for marriage.” True. But in the shtedtl, and even in the United States when I was a child, the environment was not the toxic one that exists now. We are the beneficiaries of science, technology and medicine, and many of the hardships of life have been eliminated. Many young people feel that there is no reason why one should make any adjustments in life. In addition, the immorality in the secular world is epidemic, and we are not immune to its subtle effects. What about trying to fix the relationship? When I was a youngster, there were many things that were fixed. Not so today. If you take a radio into a repair shop and ask to have it fixed, they will think you to be crazy. You don’t fix something that’s broken. You throw it away and get a new one. We live in an age of “disposability.” Disposable cups, glasses, diapers, dishes, cutlery, pens, contact lenses and yes, even cameras. Why bother trying to fix something when it is so easy to throw it away and get a new one? Alas! This attitude has spread to relationships and even to the sacred institution of marriage. The spouse is not giving you all you expected? Exchange him/her for a new one. Many young people entering marriage do not even think of the awesome responsibility of bringing children into this complex world and giving them the best opportunity to achieve happiness. But there is hope. In order to save the sacred marriage relationship, we must educate young people about the true nature of marriage, how to relate intimately to another human being. It is related that the Steipler Gaon remarked that

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