The sad state of affairs of the modern family has been widely described in the media: about half of all marriages in the United States result in divorce. This is not only tragic for the couple, but can be disastrous for the children. Yes, children growing up in a single parent home can be happy, but they have at least two strikes against them, And, as so often happens, when there are custody battles and the children become pawns in the parents’ contentiousness, they have three strikes against them. Traditionally, the Jewish family was a bulwark of stability. In recent years, the security of this fortress has eroded, and while the incidence of divorce in the Jewish community is not at the catastrophic 50% level, it is significant, and what is ominous, appears to be growing. There is no escaping the cultural influence. The secular culture and media today preaches a hedonistic philosophy of life: everything is for fun and pleasure. The closing line to the juvenile fairy tales, “And they lived happily ever after” is assumed to be reality. In actuality, however, with time, the stresses and hassles of real life take on a prominent place alongside the pleasures of marriage. The marriage relationship becomes increasingly characterized by the need for responsibility and tolerance. Responsibility? Tolerance? Where did these come from? Young people did not experience them, and they do not fit into their fantasy of blissful marriage. Finding their expectations unmet, one or both partners are disappointed, and begin to look for relief. Some might argue, “Our parents and grandparents did not have to take preparatory courses for marriage.” True. But in the shtedtl, and even in the United States when I was a child, the environment was not the toxic one that exists now. We are the beneficiaries of science, technology and medicine, and many of the hardships of life have been eliminated. Many young people feel that there is no reason why one should make any adjustments in life. In addition, the immorality in the secular world is epidemic, and we are not immune to its subtle effects. What about trying to fix the relationship? When I was a youngster, there were many things that were fixed. Not so today. If you take a radio into a repair shop and ask to have it fixed, they will think you to be crazy. You don’t fix something that’s broken. You throw it away and get a new one. We live in an age of “disposability.” Disposable cups, glasses, diapers, dishes, cutlery, pens, contact lenses and yes, even cameras. Why bother trying to fix something when it is so easy to throw it away and get a new one? Alas! This attitude has spread to relationships and even to the sacred institution of marriage. The spouse is not giving you all you expected? Exchange him/her for a new one. Many young people entering marriage do not even think of the awesome responsibility of bringing children into this complex world and giving them the best opportunity to achieve happiness. But there is hope. In order to save the sacred marriage relationship, we must educate young people about the true nature of marriage, how to relate intimately to another human being. It is related that the Steipler Gaon remarked that