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Search Results for: arabs

Crime-Related Car Explosion In Central Israel City Of Ramle Kills 4 Arabs, Injures 8 Others

Four people have been confirmed dead and eight others injured after a car exploded near two stores on Herzl Street in Ramle on Thursday afternoon. The explosion triggered a fire that quickly spread to nearby shops. The explosion was first reported at 16:44 local time when MDA’s emergency call center received a report about a car that had exploded while parked in a residential area. In response, multiple MDA teams and ambulances were immediately dispatched to the scene, with the first team arriving within two minutes. MDA personnel treated 12 victims at the scene and transported them to Shamir Medical Center and Kaplan Medical Center. Among the injured, five were in critical condition after suffering from severe smoke inhalation. These included a 50-year-old woman, a 15-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy, a 5-year-old girl, and a 1-month-old infant. Despite continued resuscitation efforts, four of the critically injured victims—three children and the adult—were pronounced dead by 8:00 p.m. local time. MDA EMT Benny Cohen, who was among the first responders, described the chaotic scene: “I arrived to find a large commotion around a car that had exploded and caught fire. Several passersby were injured by the blast and shrapnel.” Cohen noted that the fire quickly spread to a nearby store, trapping people inside. Firefighters later rescued those trapped in the store and residential apartments above, but many were unconscious. MDA paramedic Liat Cohen said: “This is a very severe incident. Our teams treated people with moderate and mild injuries from shrapnel and blunt trauma and transported them to the hospital. During the firefighting efforts, we rescued five unconscious victims from the store and nearby apartments.” In the aftermath of the tragedy, tensions ran high outside Shamir Medical Center, where fights broke out among family members of the victims. Police intervened, arresting three residents of Ramle for disrupting public order and assaulting officers. Investigations into the cause of the explosion are ongoing, as authorities work to determine the full circumstances behind the deadly incident. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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IDF Reserve Officer Arrested For Forging Military ID Cards For PA Arabs

Israel Police officers on Monday arrested an IDF reserve officer for allegedly forging military credentials identity cards for six Palestinian Arabs. The forged cards allowed the Arabs to stay in Israel illegally for years under the guise of working in various positions for the army. The positions, such as recruitment officials for Bedouins to the IDF, did not exist. The Arabs, who are all members of the same family from Tulkarm, were detained for questioning. Over the past few months, the police, in cooperation with the military police, carried out an investigation, which began as a covert investigation, against the IDF officer. The investigation is still ongoing. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FULL INTERVIEW: VP Candidate Vance Calls For Israel To Quickly Finish Off Hamas, Join Alliance With Arabs To Counter Iran

Following his nomination as the Republican vice presidential candidate on Monday, Ohio Senator JD Vance immediately accused President Joe Biden of exacerbating the conflict between Israel and Hamas, claiming Biden’s policies were prolonging the war and hindering Israeli-Saudi relations. Vance, a freshman senator, asserted that a swift victory for Israel in Gaza is essential for forming a unified front against Iran. “Israel should win and end the war in Gaza as quickly as possible to enable the Israelis and the Sunni Arab states to form a united front against Iran,” Vance stated. Former President Donald Trump, officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate at the convention in Milwaukee, announced Vance as his running mate, solidifying Trump’s influence within the party. Trump’s choice of Vance, a former critic turned loyalist, was seen as a move away from traditional conservatism toward a more populist stance. In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Vance echoed sentiments that Biden had “surrendered the war on terrorism” by not adequately supporting Israel against Hamas. “What Biden has done is the worst of all possible worlds,” Vance said. “He has prolonged the war, Israel’s war to actually take out Hamas, but in the process, he’s made it harder for us to really move towards a sustainable peace.” Vance emphasized the need for a quick resolution to the conflict and the revival of peace initiatives between Israel and Sunni Arab states. Highlighting the significance of the Abraham Accords, Vance remarked, “Maybe the most important diplomatic issue of the Trump administration was the Abraham Accords,” referring to the 2020 normalization agreements brokered between Israel and several Arab nations. Criticizing Biden’s approach, Vance underscored the importance of a strong stance against Iran. “A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran, but not these weak little bombing runs,” he said. Vance praised Trump’s decisive action in ordering the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force, in 2020, arguing it brought peace by checking Iranian aggression. Vance also took aim at Biden’s energy policies, claiming they undermined American energy independence. “We’re sitting on the Saudi Arabia of natural gas in Ohio and Pennsylvania,” Vance asserted. “Joe Biden would rather buy this stuff from Iran than buy it from Pennsylvania workers.” However, it remains unclear what Vance referred to, as the US does not purchase oil from Iran and maintains sanctions against significant petroleum trade with the country. On the issue of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Vance reiterated his opposition to further US support for Kyiv, aligning with Trump’s “America First” policy. “I think what President Trump has promised to do is to go in there, negotiate with the Russians and the Ukrainians, bring this thing to a rapid close so that America can focus on the real issue, which is China,” Vance told Fox News. Vance’s isolationist stance on Ukraine does not extend to Israel, which he described as a crucial ally for the US, particularly in defense. “Israel is one of the most dynamic, certainly on a per capita basis, one of the most dynamic and technologically advanced countries in the world,” Vance said, highlighting the collaboration on missile defense technology. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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“DIRTY JEW:” Israeli MK’s Grandmother, 88, Assaulted By Arabs In Paris

The grandmother of New Hope MK Sharren Haskel was assaulted by Arabs in a Paris suburb, Haskel revealed on Wednesday. The 88-year-old had left her home for an appointment when two Arabs attacked her, punching her in the face, breaking her teeth, and knocking her to the ground. They then kicked her in the back while she lay helpless on the ground, yelling: “Dirty Jew, dirty old woman” and “This is what you deserve.” The woman, whose name was not revealed, filed a police complaint following the incident. “Antisemitism in France has been on the rise for a long time,” MK Haskel wrote on X. “Since October 7, it has become unbearable, and the government of France is ignoring it and allowing blood libels to spread against Israel, leading the Jewish community to suffer from violence, rape and murder.” Haskel urged Jews living in France and other communities abroad to move to Israel, saying she has little faith that French authorities will properly address the surging antisemitism. “The Israeli government must wake up and lead the fight against this exploding antisemitism,” she wrote. “Jewish communities around the world are an integral part of us, and we have a great responsibility towards them.” “There should be more civilian initiatives like the ‘Jew hate database’  in America. It is far more effective than anything I’ve seen until now in having a price tag against racism.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Elderly Israeli Man Robbed By Arabs And Left For Dead; IDF Searches for Suspects Amid Rioting

A brutal robbery occurred on Thursday afternoon near the entrance to the Arab town of Qalqilya, leaving a 70-year-old man severely injured. The victim was driving his vehicle when robbers violently pulled him out and left him wounded on the side of the road, escaping in his car. A passerby discovered the injured man and brought him to the Eliyahu Crossing, where medical teams provided urgent care. The man collapsed upon arrival and was treated by Magen David Adom (MDA) EMT Shai Cohen, who described the scene: “We provided medical treatment, including resuscitation and electrical shocks from a defibrillator, and after his heart resumed beating, we evacuated him in a mobile ICU to the hospital in serious condition and intubated.” Security forces are currently searching for the attackers. IDF forces entered Qalqilya to search for suspects, which led to riots breaking out, with rioters throwing rocks at the forces. The forces responded with gunfire, and at least one rioter was hit. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Jewish Mispallelim Enter Shechem, 1 Almost Lynched By Arabs

The IDF and Border Police canceled a planned entry of Jewish mispallelim to Kever Yosef in Shechem after a group of mispallelim entered the city on their own overnight Monday. Shechem, a known terror hotspot, is unsafe to enter at the best of times and even more so during the current tense security situation throughout the country. One of the mispallelim was attacked by Arabs who almost lynched him. He ran away and hid overnight and was rescued in the morning by the Palestinian police who transferred him to IDF forces. He received emergency medical treatment and was evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah for further treatment. The video below shows the Palestinian police rescuing the Jew: Following the incident, the planned entry of 12 buses of mispallelim to mark the Yesod She’Biyasod of Sefer HaOmer was canceled. However, a small number of mispallelim were allowed in, including bereaved family members who lost their relatives in the war and relatives of wounded IDF soldiers. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Jewish Shepherd Whose Mother Was Murdered On 7/10 Attacked by Arabs Near Mount Hebron

In an alarming incident on Tuesday, Yedidya Talia, a Jewish shepherd from the Talia farm located on Mount Hebron near Yatir, became the target of a violent assault by a group of Arabs. The attackers launched a barrage of rocks at Talia, causing him injuries to his head and shoulder. Despite the assault, Talia managed to alert security forces while also safeguarding himself and his herd of sheep. Upon arrival, security forces swiftly apprehended four of the assailants. Paramedics administered initial medical aid to Talia at the scene before transporting him to the hospital in moderate condition. A statement issued by the Mount Hebron council shed light on the circumstances surrounding the attack, indicating that the assailants took advantage of the absence of Bezalel Talia, Yedidya’s brother and farm manager, who was serving in the IDF since the beginning of the war. Talia expressed concern over the attackers’ familiarity with the area, noting that some of them had previously worked in the nearby town of Yatir before hostilities erupted. The incident comes in the wake of a tragic event on October 7, where Bezalel Talia’s mother, Marseille, the founder of the farm, was killed during a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha near the Gaza border. Marseille had gone to visit her grandchildren when the attack occurred, prompting Bezalel’s futile attempt to rescue her. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Likud MK Files Appeal To Supreme Court To Draft Arabs In The Name Of Equality

Likud Minister Dudi Amsalem on Sunday morning filed a petition to the Supreme Court against Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to draft Arabs to the IDF “in the name of equality” in response to the court’s ruling last week to freeze the funds of some yeshivos. He posted a video, saying: “Good morning Am Yisrael. My friend Attorney Motti Shimon and I are here today to file a petition to the Supreme Court regarding a draft law for Arabs. According to the law today, every Israeli-Arab is supposed to go to the recruitment center and the IDF decides whether to recruit him to the IDF or to national service. But that hasn’t happened since the founding of the state.” “Nevertheless, the Supreme Court, at a time of war, rushed to fall on the Chareidim and lomdei Torah.” “Every Arab who reaches the age of 18 and wants to study in a university – the State funds it. They also get scholarships and preferential treatment when they’re looking for a job. And three weeks after they begin university, they’re already protesting with a PLO flag against the State of Israel.” “But in the view of those who sit in this building [the Supreme Court], its the lomdei Torah who are at fault. I call it the ‘building of hypocrites.’ I want to see now what those hypocrites are going to do about the Arabs. I promise you – they won’t do anything.” “Why? They have a lot of hatred toward Judaism and Jewish tradition but without it, there’s no Am Yisrael.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FACES OF EVIL: Shin Bet Nabs Arabs Who Prepped 100 Explosives For Multi-Casualty Attack

It was released for publication on Monday that the Shin Bet, IDF, and Israel Police thwarted a terror cell last month in the Chevron area which was planning to carry out bombing attacks against IDF forces. The terrorists, residents of a village near Chevron, had manufactured 100 explosive devices by using online instruction videos. In addition, one of the leaders of the cell, Murad Markatan, was in contact with Islamic State operatives abroad, who assisted them in their evil plans. The cell members also had obtained improvised Carlo submachine guns and M-16 assault rifles which they planned to use for additional attacks against IDF forces stationed in the Chevron area. All the explosives were detonated by Israel Police sappers and the terrorists’ weapons were seized and confiscated. Serious indictments were filed against the four terrorists in the military court in Yehudah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BIBI BLASTS: Netanyahu Scolds IDF Over Drill Simulating Jews Kidnapping Arabs

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi has issued an apology for a recent military drill which simulated a kidnapping attack by Jews in the West Bank, sparking major backlash. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a scathing statement over the drill: “This fictitious scenario is detached from reality, undeserving and does an injustice to an entire and dear public, the residents of Judea and Samaria, at a time when many of them are fighting and also giving their lives in defense of Israel. I am not prepared to accept such insensitivity toward our brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria.” The blowback over the exercise forced Chief of Staff Halevi to apologize. “The IDF fights in all arenas, and in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank], forces face brutal terrorism in a complex environment. The exercise carried out yesterday was designed to prepare the forces to deal with a wide variety of scenarios, with the aim of improving their readiness,” explained Halevi. “However, the scenario in question should not have been practiced and is an error.” The Chief of Staff emphasized the commitment to accountability and improvement following the incident: “We will investigate and learn, and we are sorry to anyone who was hurt by this.” He also praised the dedication of troops in the West Bank, particularly highlighting the efforts of Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox and his team, who “work around the clock while risking their lives for the security of the residents.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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SICKOS: Palestinian Authority Claims IDF Carried Out Simchas Torah Massacre So It Could Attack Arabs

The Palestinian Authority released a statement alleging that Israel killed its own civilians on October 7, accusing the IDF of using helicopters to gun down its own civilians at the Supernova music festival, where more than 350 people were killed. The claim comes on the heels of President Joe Biden advocating for a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority to govern the Gaza Strip post-war, a proposal Israel has consistently opposed. Israel has highlighted the PA’s failure to denounce the October 7 attacks as a key reason for their rejection. The initial suggestion that an IDF helicopter involved in the festival near Re’im might have caused civilian casualties originated from an unnamed Israeli Police source in a Haaretz report. The claim was quickly amplified in the Arab press and on social media, often stripped of its original context. “Today, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something utterly preposterous. It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza,” Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu responded said in a video statement released Sunday. “It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth.” Abbas, “who in the past has denied the existence of the Holocaust, today is denying the existence of the Hamas massacre and that’s unacceptable,” Netanyahu added. “My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civil administration in Gaza does not deny the massacre, does not educate its children to become terrorists, does not pay for terrorists and does not tell its children that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel,” he said. “That’s not acceptable and that is not the way to achieve peace.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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BRUTAL LYNCH: Jewish Shepherd Seriously Wounded By Arabs In Binyamin

Two Jewish shepherds were injured on Thursday morning after Palestinian Arabs beat them with clubs and pummeled them with large sharp rocks while they were picking olives near the Rimonim intersection in Binyamin. One shepherd suffered a serious head injury and was knocked unconscious. Paramedics evacuated him and the second victim, who was lightly to moderately wounded, to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the Arab terrorists fled to the village of Dier Jarr. An initial investigation showed that the Arabs waited in ambush for the Jews under the cover of the olive harvest. Eliyahu Ochiyon, a resident of Kochav HaShachar, described the scene: “This was a very serious incident. When I arrived at the scene, I saw two injured shepherds, one unconscious and having convulsions.” “The terrorists who were holding clubs approached the shepherds under the auspices of an Arab harvest that was taking place near the intersection, suddenly emerged from among the olive trees and carried out a brutal lynching of the shepherds. These are dedicated shepherds, who live with their families on the nearby farm.” “The writing was on the wall in bright red. Recently, the residents of the area have repeatedly warned that the Arab harvest is a cover for planning violent attacks against Jews but the IDF ignored it and decided to allow this terrible disaster. Today we received its results in the form of dear Jews who were seriously injured.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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AGAIN: 4 Israeli Shepherds Attacked By Arabs With Clubs & Stones

Four Jewish shepherds were violently attacked by dozens of Arabs in pastures between the yishuvim of Ma’ale Michmash and Rimonim in Binyamin early Tuesday afternoon. The Arabs attacked the Jews with clubs and stones. “I was herding the flock of sheep near the farm and suddenly four masked Arabs ran towards me with clubs,” one shepherd said from his hospital bed. “I immediately called the other shepherds who reported to the army and ran to the scene. Within a few seconds, dozens more Arab rioters came running to the scene and just started beating me to a pulp with stones and clubs from all directions.” “There isn’t one place on my body that wasn’t hit. Another Jew who was with me was hit by a rock in the groin and the Arabs broke his finger with a club. The other Jews that came were also injured one by one. There were six times more Arabs than Jews and they came with a murderous glint in their eyes.” MDA paramedics called to the scene administered emergency medical aid to the Jews and evacuated them to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in light condition. Following the incident, three of the Arabs were arrested by Israeli security forces. Earlier this month, a Jew was severely injured when dozens of Arabs from Burqa violently attacked a Jewish shepherd in Binyamin. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FINALLY: 5 Arabs Are Arrested For Alleged Lynching Of Jewish Shepherds

Police and IDF forces overnight Sunday finally arrested some of the Arabs who were allegedly involved in the violent attack on Jewish shepherds in Binyamin on Friday night, two days after arresting two Jewish suspects for the death of one of the Palestinian attackers. A police statement said that “five Palestinians, including two minors, residents of the village of Burqa, were arrested for alleged aggravated assault and causing serious injury in the incident that occurred on Friday. The investigation of the incident continues and more arrests are expected.” According to witnesses, the incident began when hundreds of Arabs from Burqa approached a group of about 20 Jews in a threatening manner and threw explosives and rocks at them. A Jew was severely injured and opened fire with his licensed weapon in self-defense, killing one of the Arabs. Currently, the wounded victim, who is still in the ICU, and another Jew, who is suspected of obstructing the police investigation, are under arrest. Attorney Nati Rom who is representing the detained Jews, told Channel 14 on Sunday: “This is an incident that began with Arabs from the village of Burqua approaching the shepherds and throwing rocks and explosives at them. There were about 200-300 Arabs against 20 Jews. After the incident began, the two suspects arrived at the area, Yechiel Indor, who was carrying a licensed weapon, and Elisha Yered – neither has a criminal record.” Rom continued by saying that at a certain point, a warning shot was fired in the air which deterred the Arabs for a short time but when the Jews tried to flee the scene, they were surrounded by Arabs. Indor was hit on the head with a rock the size of a soccer ball that opened his skull and caused a cerebral hemorrhage and he opened fire in self-defense. “Anywhere else in Israel, this incident would have been defined as thwarting an attack – here there is a different way of viewing things. We see the briefings.” Yisrael Ganz, the head of the Binyamin Regional Council, told Arutz Sheva: “Mobs of Arabs attacking Jews in agricultural areas is nothing new. The shepherds suffered a brutal attack from the residents of the neighboring Arab village, putting their lives in clear mortal danger. The international community’s siding with the Palestinian Arab narrative is treacherous and distorts reality. The Jews in this region have the full right to defend themselves and protect the lives of others.” רועי הצאן של גבעת עוז ציון, חוזרים לשטח לרעות צאן אחרי התקיפה הקשה בבורקה במהלכה נפצע קשה תושב שבא לעזרת הרועים, נהרג פורע ערבי, גם עיזים של הגבעה מצאו את מותן במהלך התקרית. הבוקר שלושה ימים אחרי האירוע נעצרו לראשונה גם ערבים מבורקה לחקירה. — שיראל ללום נהיר🇮🇱 (@shirellaloom) August 7, 2023 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs Try To Lynch Jews On Shabbos, Palestinian Killed

A serious incident occurred in Binyanim at the beginning of Shabbos when dozens of Arabs from Burka violently attacked a Jewish shepherd from Oz Tzion with explosives, clubs, and rocks. A number of Jewish residents of the area ran to help them and were also violently attacked, with the Arabs throwing fireworks and rocks at them at point-blank range. One of the Jews was hit in the head by a rock and severely injured, suffering from cerebral hemorrhage and skull fractures. In order to defend himself, he pulled out his gun and shot a Palestinian, killing him The Jews alerted the security and emergency forces and the wounded victim was rushed to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. He underwent emergency surgery and is now hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Despite the fact that the injured Jew shot the Arab in self-defense, police officers are at his bedside in the hospital. The police also arrested another Jew who helped evacuate the victim to the hospital. Attorney Nati Rom from the Honnu organization said on Motzei Shabbos that “it’s a neis, my client was the victim of a serious attack. Miraculously and resourcefully, he and his friends managed to escape with their lives.” “I call on the Shin Bet and the police to track down the Arab lawmakers this evening and put them behind bars. This was an attempted murder of a group of Jews, a real lynching. My client acted according to the law, and as is required of any licensed firearms holder – to protect his life and the lives of other civilians.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: German Tourist Attacked By Arabs Speaks: “This Changed My View Of Palestinians”

Gerald Hetzel, one of the German tourists who was violently attacked by a Palestinian mob in Shechem over the weekend, spoke to Kan News about the frightening experience. “We felt very very afraid,” he said. “I felt really really endangered. I didn’t know if I would get out of it alive because they had so much hate against us.” “They surrounded us and we tried to explain to them in English – that we’re tourists, we’re from Germany, we’re both not Jewish so we’re not a target for them. But they didn’t understand, they didn’t really listen to us. They just screamed at us.” “They banged the car and then they took traffic signs and rocks that they were throwing at us. Someone pulled out a knife and stabbed the tires and also threatened my friend and tried to stab him. They were throwing rocks that were double the size of my head.” The Arabs smashed the windows, kicked the doors, and damaged the tires of the car. A Palestinian Authority police officer tried to help them but failed in quelling the mob, which was becoming bigger and angrier by the minute. Gerald said that the fact that the Palestinian police officer couldn’t help them – he didn’t have a car and he was unable for some reason to call for backup, made him feel completely helpless. Gerald continued driving and the Palestinian mob continued to follow them, throwing rocks and street signs. Fortunately, an Israeli Arab who was in Shechem signaled Gerald to follow him, leading them through side roads toward an IDF base next to Shavei Shomron. At a certain point, Gerald’s car came to a halt due to the damage tires and the Israeli-Arab took them into his car and drove them to the army base, where they were treated for minor injuries by IDF medics. Regarding the Israeli-Arab who saved them, Gerald told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “He didn’t know we were tourists from Germany. He thought we were Israeli Jews who had mistakenly entered Shechem and he decided to save us. He prefers not to be interviewed or be exposed because he has family in Shechem and he also does business there. I met him today in Jerusalem, we exchanged numbers. I thanked him so much for what he did.” Kan News asked: “Did this change the way you view Israel?” Gerald, who has visited Israel a number of times, responded: “It doesn’t change my entire view of Israel. I think Israel is a very friendly country, I met a lot of nice people in Israel. But it definitely changes my mind about Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority areas in Judea and Samaria. I was never a target there in the past.” However, Gerald was exposed to Palestinian’s virulent anti-Semitism on one of his trips to Israel in the past. “Already five years ago, I had an incident in Beit Lechem where I met three 16-year-olds  and they were very very nice. But they told me directly that if they see a Jew on the street, they want to kill him. I think it’s a big problem that they have so much hate in their education. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Arabs Hurl Firebombs At Hadassah Har HaTzofim Hospital

A preliminary indictment was filed on Sunday against four Arab teenagers for throwing Molotov cocktails and stones at Hadassah Har HaTzofim hospital. An investigation into the case was opened last month after a report was received of a number of suspects from Issawiya throwing firebombs at the hospital. The investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in two additional cases of throwing Molotov cocktails at the hospital and at a passing bus. “This is another example of how criminals and lawbreakers – at a relatively young age – don’t shy away from any means in trying to harm human life and property, despite the fact that this is a hospital that saves the lives of people in the entire region, both Jews and Arabs,” the police said. “A professional investigation and determined operational activity led to their arrest and the exaction of justice against them. We’ll continue in our resolute battle against anyone who tries to harm human life using Molotov cocktails or any other means.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Leftist Who Raised Funds For Huwara Arabs Apologizes To Yaniv Family

Yaya Fink, a left-wing activist who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for residents of Huwara, has apologized to the Yaniv family. After enraged Jews rioted in the town and set properties on fire following the murder of the Yaniv brothers, Fink launched a crowdfunding campaign for the residents of the town whose properties were damaged. Esty Yaniv, the mother of the kedoshim Hillel and Yigal, h’yd, expressed outrage at the campaign, calling it a “dark campaign for those who distributed pastries to celebrate the murder of my sons.” On Friday, Fink wrote: “Before Shabbat, I want to apologize to the Yaniv family. The fact that I caused you grief because of the crowdfunding campaign I organized for the innocent saddens me. “I would still do the campaign. I believe that דרכנו דרכי נועם ונתיבותינו שלום but it would have been more correct to start it at a later date. I assume that my apology won’t be accepted but I wanted to apologize anyway.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Dozens Of Arabs In Huwara Stone Jews On Leil Purim

Dozens of Arabs on leil Purim stood on the side of the main road in Huwara and threw stones at Israeli cars driving through the town. The cars of at least four Jews were damaged, including the uncle of Hallel and Yigal Yaniv, h’yd, who was on his way to Har Bracha to visit the bereaved family. “I was driving with my son to the Tapuach intersection and while passing through Huwara, I saw a crazed gathering of dozens of Arabs with stones and five Arabs nearby with baseball bats,” a Har Bracha resident said. “IDF soldiers were standing next to them, not doing anything. The cars in front of me were hit by stones. On my way back, the scenario repeated itself.” Another resident who was driving with his friends to Kriyas Megillah said they saw about 50 Arabs gathering in the center of Huwara and within moments, they were hit by stones. “We were hit by stones on the right side. We quickly continued driving and 50 meters later we were hit again on the left side. It was a miracle we weren’t injured, but the car was damaged. Later, we saw how the entire road was strewn with stones.” “Another Jew who passed by about 20 minutes after the incident found himself surrounded by Arabs who rammed his car. He had to shoot in the air to disperse them.” Later, dozens of Jews from the neighboring yishuvim came to the area and held a protest against the inaction of the security establishment. “The situation here is preposterous,” said Elkanah Pikar, one of the protesters. “A murderous terror attack occurred here just a week ago and the army doesn’t even consider taking harsh steps against the village that encourages the terror.” “Since the attack, over ten stoning attacks occurred here that were not responded to by security officials, who instead are busy pursuing the Jewish residents who are trying to protect their lives. The government and security establishment are simply abandoning us.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: IDF Forces Arrest Arabs Who Threw Explosives Near Beitar Illit

IDF forces, Shin Bet operatives and Border Guard officers carried out a special arrest operation overnight Tuesday in Yehudah and Shomron. Six Arabs suspected of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the road leading from Gush Etzion to Beitar Illit and Beit Shemesh were arrested in the village of Husan, next to Beitar Illit. The arrest of the suspects was made by soldiers of the 82nd Battalion – operating in the field in accordance with intelligence means. “This is a direct continuation of the general effort of the IDF forces to enable a calm and safe life for the residents of the entire region,” the IDF spokesperson said. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FACES OF EVIL: Arabs Rejoice In Front Of Chareidi Man At Shaare Tzedek Hospital

No matter how often it happens, it is jarring to see the inhumane celebrations by Arabs over the murder of innocent Israeli civilians, including women and children gunned down in front of their loved ones. Videos and photos of Arabs in Jenin, Ramallah and Shuafat celebrating terror attacks in Israel have become all too ubiquitous. A smaller but somehow almost more evil celebration took place in the heart of Jerusalem on Motzei Shabbos, when a group of Arabs expressed their glee over the terror attack in front of the lone Jew in an elevator in Shaare Tzedek Hospital – a Chareidi man. As Chareidi reporter Ariel Elharar succinctly wrote: “The face of evil.” It should be noted that several wounded victims of the Neve Yaakov terror attack are currently hospitalized in Shaare Tzedek Hospital. On Friday, minutes after word spread of the horrific attack, YWN published the following: ANIMALS: Palestinians Celebrate After Jews Are Murdered in Yerushalayim Terror Attack Hordes of animals celebrated the deaths of more than half a dozen Jews killed by a machine-gun wielding terrorist at a shul in Neve Yaakov near Yerushalayim on Friday night. Footage coming out of Palestinian strongholds and villages show dozens of twisted, terrorist-loving sickos singing, dancing, and handing out sweets, celebrating the demise of Jews and the martyrdom of the Arab terrorist. These animals – who want all Jews dead – are the ones that Israel is being blamed for hurting. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Chareidi Man Attacked By Arabs While On Vacation In Jerusalem

A Chareidi resident of Elad was on vacation in Jerusalem two weeks ago with his family when he was attacked without any provocation by two Arabs. Attorney Chaim Bleicher of the Honenu legal aid organization wrote a letter to the Jerusalem District police requesting the arrest of the perpetrators. “My client is a Jewish resident of Elad who was staying in a hotel with his wife and two sons and went to bring his suitcase from his car to the hotel,” he wrote. “Suddenly, and without any reason, two Arabs who spotted my client – who was dressed in traditional Jewish clothing – decided to attack and humiliate him.” “When they passed him, one of them pushed him on his shoulder and the second hit him on his head with a strong blow from which he collapsed and fell to the ground. The attackers laughed and called out something unclear from which my client only understood the words ‘Al-Yahud.’ The attackers continued on their way to Rechov Yaffo, while my client got up and sat down in order to recover.” “As a result of the attack, my client suffered from dizziness and pain in his head for several days. My client filed a complaint at the Rosh HaAyin station which was transferred to your station.” “My client has a video of the incident that was recorded on a camera of the nearby building and it was transferred to the police when the complaint was filed.” “This is a serious and shocking case in which a Jew is humiliated and beaten in the center of the city of Jerusalem solely because of his Jewish identity for ugly anti-Semitic motives. Due to the great importance of the war on terror, I’m requesting that you treat the attack in an appropriate manner and focus your intelligence and investigative efforts in order to locate the perpetrators.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Disturbing Phenomenon: Arabs Deliberately Collide With Chareidim In Old City

A new and disturbing phenomenon has been developing in recent months in the Old City of Jerusalem in which Arabs attack Jews, mainly Chareidim, by deliberately colliding with them with great force. Attorney Chaim Bleicher of the Honenu legal aid organization sent a letter to the state attorney’s office demanding the re-opening of a number of investigation files regarding the complaints of Chareidi Jews who were attacked by Arabs in this manner during the past year. The demand was submitted by Attorney Bleicher after he examined footage from police cameras in the Old City and determined that there was an identical pattern in all the cases – of Arabs encountering a group of Chareidi Jews in the alleys of the Old City, deliberately veering toward them and colliding with them with great force with the deliberate intention to harm them. In his letter, Attorney Bleicher stated: “During the past year, I handled four cases in which Jews were attacked on the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem…via a deliberate collision. This is a real phenomenon that constitutes ‘mild terrorism’ from a criminal point of view, but in fact, its consequences are severe when it comes to this sensitive area [referring to the large number of terror attacks in the Old City].” “Due to the special importance of the fight against terrorism, I would like to reopen the review of these cases, to treat the attacks with the appropriate seriousness, and to re-examine the extent of justice against the attackers.” “The goal of Muslim terrorism is to sow fear among the Jewish population and make life miserable for them in Israel and in our capital city of Jerusalem. Terrorists use a variety of ways to achieve their goals. Repeated and persistent attacks on Jews via deliberate collisions and other humiliations and assaults constitute an act of terrorism. These terrorists must be fought with great strength – without concessions and the closure of cases.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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3 Arabs Arrested For Humiliating Chareidi Youth, Posting On TikTok

Three Arabs were arrested this week for allegedly harassing and humiliating a Chareidi youth and posting a video of it on TikTok. The investigation began when the police received a video in which one of the suspects is seen pulling the payos of a Chareidi youth while they were in a Beit Shemesh court. Inciteful statements can be heard in the background of the video, such as “shooting with an AK-47” and “the time to fear.” The investigators located the victim and recorded his testimony and shortly later, arrested the main suspect, a resident of east Jerusalem in his 20s. Two additional suspects, two residents of east Jerusalem about 18 years old, were arrested shortly later, with one suspected of videoing the incident and the other of uploading it to the web. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TikTok Terror: 2 More Arabs Arrested For Humiliating Chareidim

The video of two Arabs forcing a Chareidi man to kiss their feet in the Old City of Jerusalem was not the only such video that has been posted on TikTok in recent days. On Sunday, the police received another video that was circulating on Arab social media in which a Chareidi man is seen being humiliated by an Arab suspect as he passed by on the street. In a quick investigative act by the Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office, the suspect, a resident of the Abu Tor neighborhood of east Jerusalem in his 20s, was arrested early Monday morning and transferred for questioning. He was brought to court later on Monday for a hearing on the extension of his detention. The police also searched for a suspect in yet another video posted on Tiktok of a Chareidi man being humiliated by an Arab. The suspect, an 18-year-old resident of the Ras al-Amud neighborhood of east Jerusalem, was arrested and transferred for questioning. He will also be brought to the court on Tuesday for a hearing on the extension of his detention. “Israel Police and the Jerusalem District in particular will continue proactive monitoring operations along with locating offensive posts on the various social networks, and will work to locate suspects in these humiliating and embarrassing acts and bring them to justice,” a statement from Israel Police said. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs Arrested For Forcing Chareidi Man To Kiss Their Feet, Posting On TikTok

Israel Police arrested two Arab residents of the Old City of Jerusalem for allegedly humiliating a Chareidi man and then posting a video of it on Tiktok. In the video, which was filmed in the Old City, the two are seen treating a Chareidi man in a demeaning manner, forcing him to kiss their hands and feet. As soon as the police received a report about the TikTok video, they began a search for the culprits. They quickly located and detained the suspects, Arab teens aged 16 and 14. The suspects were arrested last week and brought for a hearing in court, where their detention was extended for four more days. “A quick response by the Israel Police last night in the wake of a video that was distributed on the ‘TikTok’ network led to the detection and arrest of two suspects after they humiliated a man in the Old City of Jerusalem,” a police statement said. “The Jerusalem District of the Israel Police will continue to fight against crimes of abuse, violence, and humiliation and bring those involved to justice. Documenting such wrongful acts and spreading them on social media is even more serious, and the perpetrators were aware that documenting the act will only assist the police in gathering evidence, locating those involved, and quickly arresting them.” “The Jerusalem District Police is constantly working on locating and dealing with suspects who commit acts of violence, abuse, and degradation.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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OUTRAGEOUS: “Jail Is Hard For Them:” Judge Releases Arabs Who Tried Lynching Chareidi Family

Earlier this week, Supreme Court Judge Yitzchak Amit rejected the appeal filed by the prosecutor’s office against the decision of a Jerusalem District judge to release to house arrest three Arabs who attempted to lynch a Chareidi family in Beit Chanina on Chol Hamoed Sukkos. In the course of the attempted lynch, the mother was injured by shattered glass, the three small children were covered in glass, and the entire family suffered severe emotional trauma. As the family was on the way to their home in Neve Yaakov, dozens of Arab rioters blocking the road began throwing rocks at their car, smashed the car’s windows, and even tried to open the car’s doors. When a stone hit the window next to the mother, an Arab approached and smashed the window completely, and his friend stuck his hand in the car and tried to punch her head. A large stone thrown at the baby’s car seat hit the seat but miraculously landed between his legs. In his decision, Judge Amit wrote: “The defendants come from normal families, have not been involved in crimes in the past, detainment is difficult for them and they have probably internalized their lesson. The defendants are currently staying in Damon Prison alongside security prisoners. I myself am not convinced that this is of any benefit to the defendants and the interest of the State.” Attorney Chaim Bleicher of the Honenu legal aid organization, who is representing the family, excoriated the court’s decision, saying: “Murderous attacks against the citizens of Israel are repeated again and again, but unfathomably the courts release the same terrorists time and time again. It’s a shame that the courts favor the comfort interests of the terrorists over the security interests of Israeli citizens.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israeli Teen’s Body Returned To Israel After Druze Kidnap PA Arabs, Threaten Murder

The body of Tiran Fero, the Israeli-Druze teen who was snatched from his hospital bed in Jenin overnight Tuesday by armed Islamic Jihad terrorists, was returned to his family in Israel in the early hours of Thursday morning. Fero, an 18-year-old high school student, was critically injured while driving in the PA town of Jenin. Due to the critical nature of his injuries, he was evacuated to a hospital in Jenin where he was attached to life support. Terrorists in Jenin who reportedly thought that it was an IDF soldier who had been injured marched into the hospital and in front of his horrified relatives’ eyes, snatched the body, effectively killing him by detaching him from life support. Following the kidnapping, senior Israeli security officials contacted senior Palestinian Authority officials and talks began to arrange the return of Fero’s body. However, the terrorists demanded the release of Palestinian security prisoners or the bodies of dead terrorists held in Israel, a request that Israel unequivocally denied. Talks stalled and Israeli security officials prepared themselves for the possibility of a military operation in Jenin to retrieve the body. Meanwhile, the Druze community in Fero’s Israeli Druze-majority hometown of Daliyat al-Karmel became enraged, with thousands protesting in the streets and some blocking Highway 6, a main highway near the town. Druze citizens threatened to enter Jenin and retrieve Fero’s body themselves and some even threatened to murder PA Arabs if the body was not returned immediately. The threats heightened as armed Druze members kidnapped four PA Arabs from a nearby Arab village and posted videos of the bound captives being threatened with execution. All the Arabs have since been released. Video: A group of Druze Community armed members (likely ISF personnel) issuing a final warning to the "Jenin Brigades" to hand over the body of a Druze Community member killed in a traffic accident in Jenin City tonight. — Local Focus – Security Alerts (@LocalFocus1) November 23, 2022 The kidnappings and threats apparently facilitated the stalled talks and overnight Wednesday, an agreement was finally reached between the PA and Israel for Fero’s body to be returned. Many Israeli applauded the Druze community for their determined action, with one person commenting online: “We received a speed course on how courageous people who don’t wait for others to do the dirty work get up and take action. The Druze are our brothers but they don’t suffer from the disease of ‘morality’ and ‘what will the world say’…they know the laws of the desert in the Middle East and understand that the weak will be devoured.” Chareidi reporter Yossi Elituv wrote: “What did we learn from our Druze brothers tonight? Deterrence, and deterrence and again deterrence. Our Yishmaeli cousins don’t relate to peace songs. Only deterrence and fear can impel the murderous human animals to fear the price they and their families and all their immediate surroundings will pay. This is the language spoken in the Middle East even in 2022.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs In Husan Hurl Stones At Chareidim From Beitar, Molotov Cocktails At IDF Forces

As Arabs in Shechem held a mass funeral for the Lion’s Den terrorists killed in an IDF operation overnight Monday, there were “solidarity” riots in other Arab areas throughout Israel. Arabs in Husan, an Arab village right next to Beitar Illit, threw stones at Jews who entered the area for shopping as well as a Jew who was driving an Arab laborer, JDN reported. In the evening hours, IDF forces entered the village and groups of rioting Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at them. According to Palestinian reports, the IDF soldiers responded by opening fire. The Beitar Illit municipality has come out strongly against residents of the city entering Husan and risking their lives to save a few shekels. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs Burn Zara Clothing After Israel Branch Owner Holds Ben-Gvir Event

Arab-Israelis posted videos of themselves burning Zara clothing and called for a boycott of the brand after the chairman of Israel Zara hosted Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben-Gvir. Joey Schwebel, who holds Canadian and Israeli citizenship, held a parlor meeting for Ben-Gvir at his home in Ra’anana last week. Arab-Israelis claim that Ben-Gvir is “a racist who wants to murder Israelis.” The mayor of Rahat, a Bedouin city in the Negev, joined in by posting a video and slamming Zara for supporting “fascism.” Some Arabs even filmed themselves entering a Zara store and stepping on the clothing. Channel 12 News asked Schwebel for a comment on the issue but his office responded that it is “a private family matter.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs Enter Jerusalem Neighborhood On Shabbos, Throw Stones & Fireworks [Videos]

Dozens of Arab rioters from the village of Umm Tuba entered the Jewish neighborhood of Har Homa in western Jerusalem on Friday night and began hurling rocks and fireworks at Jewish homes and cars. Baruch Hashem, no one was injured in the attack, which occurred close to midnight. In recent days, Har Homa residents have reported multiple incidents of stones being thrown at their cars, with the incidents occurring near the entrance to Har Homa Gimmel, which is near Umm Tuba. Likud candidate and former UN ambassador Danny Dannon reacted to the report by stating: “Total loss of governance. Today it’s Har Homa – tomorrow it’s Be’er Sheva, Haifa and Tel Aviv. We must give power to the police and IDF soldiers and restore governance.” Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Aryeh King who is a right-wing activist called on residents to take their security into their own hands: “To residents of Jerusalem in general and the Har Homa neighborhood of Jerusalem in particular, I (again) call clearly and unequivocally: Don’t stand by and let the terrorists raise their heads!” “Go out and protect your neighborhoods, your homes, your vehicles, your families, and when the police arrive, let them do their job, but until they arrive [if they arrive], protect your lives and your property by any means at your disposal. The law is on your side. Morality is on your side. Values ​​and Zionism are on your side. And I and the entire Jerusalem City Council are behind you.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Lapid Panders To Arabs: “I’ll Amend Nation-State Law, Won’t Allow Jewish Prayer On Har HaBayis”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid is trying to woo Arab voters by chipping away at the Jewish identity of Israel. In interviews with two Arabic media outlets on Tuesday, Lapid that if he’s elected, he’ll amend the Nation-State law, which enshrines Israel’s status as the national home of the Jewish people. “I opposed the Nation-State law and I think it should be changed and a civil equality clause added to it,” Lapid said, adding that the law is “an insult to non-Jewish citizens of Israel.” Lapid said that when the law was passed in 2018, he said in the Knesset plenum that “the State will not humiliate its citizens.” Lapid also stressed that he won’t change the status quo on Har HaBayis, allowing Muslims to pray there but not Jews. “We will take care of the freedom of worship of Muslims at al-Aqsa, who can go up to pray,” he said. “We allow Jews to visit but not to pray. They visit under supervision to ensure that the status quo is not violated.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Jews Protesting Against Arabs Attack IDF Commander, Soldiers Near Shechem [Video]

A disturbing incident occurred on Thursday evening when Jewish residents of the Shomron physically attacked IDF forces. The incident began with a protest by Jews in the Hawara area, near Shechem, during which Jews took revenge on Palestinians for throwing stones at their cars earlier in the day by throwing stones at Palestinian cars, leading to clashes between Jews and Arabs. The Jews were protesting against the daily terror acts perpetrated against Jews by local Arabs. IDF forces, led by the commander of the 202nd Paratrooper’s Battalion, engaged in efforts to restore order and were violently attacked by a number of Jews, including the spraying of pepper gas. The commander and a soldier were slightly injured. The Jews involved in the incident fled the scene afterward but after searches by Israeli security forces, one of the suspects, an IDF soldier himself and resident of the Shomron, was located and arrested on Thursday morning. Further arrests are expected. In wake of the incident, the IDF issued a sharply worded condemnatory statement. “Violence against security forces is criminal behavior that requires judgment to the fullest extent of the law. The harm of IDF soldiers by settlers, who are protected by them, is wrongful behavior that we must denounce and act against vigorously.” It should be noted that the Jews who attacked the soldiers are a tiny minority who do not represent the thousands of law-abiding Jewish residents of Yehudah and Shomron who have great appreciation and respect for IDF soldiers. Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben-Gvir responded to the incident by stating: “First and foremost it is important to say – violence against IDF soldiers is always wrong, and has no place in any situation, ever – and I strongly condemn it. But the fact that the IDF spokesperson chose to issue a statement stating that ‘tonight there was a violent disturbance by dozens of settlers in the Hawara area, in which stones were thrown at Palestinian vehicles,’ without noting that previously stones were thrown at Jews by Palestinians, presenting a false one-sided scenario – is very serious.” “This is another testimony of the politicization that Benny Gantz is trying to introduce into the IDF. Gantz abandons the lives of the heroic settlers in Yehudah and Shomron, abandons the IDF soldiers and ties their hands in the fight against terrorism, and abandons the security of the State of Israel. The responsibility rests on his shoulders.” Former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated: “I strongly condemn the violence against IDF soldiers and call on the security forces to bring the perpetrators to justice. I also protest the attempt to tarnish a large community of settlers because of the wrongful act of a few. The absolute majority of settlers respect the law, serve in the IDF, and are deeply grateful to our soldiers who protect us all.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Hundreds Of Jerusalem Arabs March In Honor Of Murderous Terrorist

Following the elimination of Udai Tamimi on Wednesday night, a murderous terrorist from Shuafat who killed an IDF soldier 12 days ago and then committed another shooting attack on Wednesday evening, hundreds of residents of the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat joined a rally in his support. They gathered close to the Tamimi home to show their support for his murderous actions and his “martyred” death – in a display of glory to death and terrorism. The Arabs threw fireworks at the Israeli security forces deployed in the area. Huge rallies in support of Tamimi were also held in the Palestinian cities of Jenin, Ramallah, Beit Lechem, and other towns throughout Yehudah and Shomron. In the videos below, armed Arabs in Jenin chant slogans calling for jihad and the murder of Israelis: As the Arabs celebrated murder, IDF Major-General Yaniv Asor engaged in an act of compassion, visiting the family of Noa Lazar, h’yd, the 18-year-old soldier killed by Tamimi, to inform them of the terrorist’s death. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Arabs Hurl Firebomb At Bus Full Of Children & Babies On Way To Bnei Brak

Arab terrorists threw a Molotov cocktail at the 189 bus on the way from the yishuv of Emmanuel to Bnei Brak on Tuesday evening. The incident occurred as the bus passed by the Palestinian village of Azzun, near Qalquilya. Pinchas, 24, a passenger on the bus, told Arutz Sheva that the firebomb hit the side of the bus. “I felt the heat of the fire, it was frightening.” He added that the driver spotted the terrorists and tried to swerve to the side. “He almost lost control but thanks to his vigilance, he prevented a sure disaster since the Molotov cocktail could have hit the front of the bus and caused an accident.” “A child sitting in the front seat that was filled with glass shards fell off the seat due to the driver almost losing control – this actually saved him from the glass hitting his face.” Pinchas said the bus passengers were all Chareidi families returning to their homes in Bnei Brak. “Everyone was screaming and was in hysterics,” he described the harrowing scene. He praised the behavior of the bus driver and several passengers who calmed the others. “We continued driving until the checkpoint, where security forces were waiting for us after receiving a report about the incident.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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