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Search Results for: mispallel – Page 2

Parents Begging the Tzibur to be Mispallel for their Child

Edan and Liron Greyson are begging the tzibur to be mispallel for their son, Daniel Chaim ben Liron, who is hospitalized in serious condition, apparently the result of being shaken in daycare. The parents spoke to the media from Petach Tikvah’s Schneider Medical Center where Daniel is admitted. They praise the efforts of doctors but they are calling for tefilos to assist their son. The parents explain “We are asking anyone who sees this to please be mispallel for our son Daniel Chaim ben Liron, that HKBH will pull him through this. He remains in an ICU at present”. Dr. Elchanan Nachum, head of the hospital’s intensive care unit explains the child has suffered cranial bleeding and he is in serious condition. He is sedated and on assisted breathing, adding “There is a suspicion that he was physically injured. He is very serious and is receiving the appropriate care”. He arrived in the hospital on Monday, 20 Adar-I, and police believe a 53-year-old woman in his daycare center mishandled him. Today, Thursday, 23 Adar-I, the Petach Tikvah Magistrate Court extended the women’s remand by four days. Police believe the parents placed Daniel in daycare in a private home. At the end of the day, when they came to take him he did not appear well. They brought him to the hospital and his condition was serious. During questioning by police they learned 15 years ago the woman was convicted of using force against a 4-year-old who would not stop crying and began shaking the child. She said “I didn’t mean to hurt him”. The caretaker has since admitted to shaking the child and she is represented by attorney Shiran Golbari, who told the media her client admitted to her actions under duress. It is added the 80-year-old mother of the suspect was released from jail after police were satisfied she was not involved. There is a gag order on additional details of the case. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)  

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VIDEO: Skverer Dayan Joins Divers O Hudson To Be Mispallel For Recovery Of Body

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] The search for a missing New Square resident continued on Monday morning in and along the Hudson River. Today, the Skvrer Dayan, Hagaon HaRav Sholom Pollack Shlita joined the search teams on a boat to be Mispallel in the last known location of the missing person. Northeast Search and Rescue, a volunteer organization, along with New Square Emergency Services and Chaverim of Rockland launched two boats along with search dogs to try to find the missing man. Ramapo Police Chief joined the team prior to the launch in Edgewater, NJ to extend the gratitude of Supervisor St. Lawrence, the Ramapo Town Board and RPD for their efforts in trying to locate him. As YWN has previously reported, Its been more than a week since the body of a yid is still not recovered and not able to come to its final rest. Askonim are working day and night with private companies to look for the body, and have it brought to proper Kever Yisroel. Tragedy rocked the Jewish community in Rockland County, Friday Jan 22, when one of their own lost his life by plunging into the frigid waters of the Hudson River at the George Washington Bridge r”l. Despite astronomical expenses to locate the body, no expense has been spared. The most highly regarded engineering/diving firm in the country, underwater scanners and robots have been summoned to plumb the depths of the Hudson River in this effort, at the astounding rate of $10,000 per day! if you can donate to help out with the search, please visit (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Rabbi Pinto: My Body is Weakening – Please be Mispallel for Me

Speaking at a yahrzeit event on Wednesday night the eve of 4 Shevat, the yahrzeit the Baba Sali ZT”L, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto surprised many when he announced he is growing weaker, calling on the tzibur to be mispallel for him. With the Supreme Court recently rejecting his appeal, the rav will soon be entering prison to serve a one-year term as was agreed to in his plea bargain agreement. “My health is poor” said the rav, adding “The body is going and I grow weaker by the day and I will have to undergo difficult chemotherapy to fight off the cancer in my prostate and lymph nodes”. He called on the tzibur “Please daven to HKBH the healer so that I will merit seeing the small children grow in Torah and Yiras Shomayim”. Rabbi Pinto was addressing dozens of talmidim and followers in Beit Knesset Tiferet Yochai. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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13-Year-Old Struck By Car In Monsey Remains On Life Support – Please Continue To Be Mispallel

The following is a letter from the parents of Chezky Sklarz, the 13 year old Boy who was struck by a vehicle on Route 59 in Monsey nearly four weeks weeks ago. Dear all: With tears in our eyes we plead and beg you – please don’t stop saying Tehillim for our only son, 13-year-old Chezky, who was struck by a vehicle almost 4 weeks ago. He still remains in critical condition and is on life support. Please continue to daven for his speedy recovery. His name is Alter Shimon Yecheskel ben Rochel Chana. Thanking all of you in advance for your tremendous support in this horrifying situation. As YWN had reported, he was riding his bicycle around 8:20PM on Route 59 near Monsey Glatt when he was struck by a vehicle. He suffered serious injuries and was rushed by Hatzolah of Rockland to Westchester Trauma Center, where he was listed in critical condition and placed on a respirator. Alter Shimon Yecheskel ben Rochel Chana – bsoch sha’ar cholei yisroel. (YWN Monsey Newsroom)

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Minister Uri Orbach Asks the Tzibur to be Mispallel for his Recovery

Amid rumors regarding his medical condition, Minister of Senior Citizens Affairs (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Orbach released a message from Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim. Orbach has been hospitalized for a number of weeks. Some reports state he has a severe case of pneumonia while others report he is being treated for a hematological illness. The minister released a message to the media on Sunday 27 Teves, explaining he is now focusing on his health. He added he does not want visitors and that the tzibur should be mispallel for him bsoch kol cholei yisrael. On Sunday hospital officials reported a slight improvement but added the minister remains in serious condition. אורי שרגא בן פנינה(Uri Shraga ben Penina) The message on Orbach’s Facebook page read “At present I must focus immediately on treating my condition to get back to health. Thank you for your tefilos on my behalf”. Interestingly MK (Labor) Shelly Yacimovich used her Facebook page to call on her followers to daven for Orbach too. When asked what her connection is with Orbach, she explained “Uri and I were born in the same year, the same day and the same hour. We always maintained a friendship despite differences. This is true today too, after we both entered politics. We do not believe in mysticism but who knows, perhaps there is something. It compels me to think that there is significance. At times, he takes the words out of my mouth. I may be non-religious but join the calls to daven on his behalf”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Maran HaRav Shteinman: To Be Mispallel for HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Finkel

Amid concerns for the health of the Rosh Yeshiva of Mir Brachfeld, HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Finkel, Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita called on talmidim to be mispallel for the rav. The rav fell on Shabbos and fractured his leg. He is scheduled to undergo a complicated surgical procedure in Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Rav Shteinman instructed the tzibur to be mispallel for the rosh yeshiva and recite Tehillim following mincha in all shuls. The Vaad Yeshivos has called on talmidim to be mispallel as well. The tzibur is asked to be mispallel for Aryeh Leib ben Chanah Leah bsoch kol cholei yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Tzibur Asked to be Mispallel for Stabbing Attack Victim Yissocher ben Michal

Doctors at Tel Hashomer Hospital report the border police seriously wounded in the stabbing attack near the Haganah Street train station in Tel Aviv is out of surgery. The soldier, Almog Yissocher ben Michal is in need of tefilos as he condition is very serious. He was attacked by a lone terrorist who stabbed him a number of times before fleeing the scene. The terrorist, an 18-year-old resident of PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Shechem has been apprehended and he is in custody. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Rav Amar Is Mispallel at the Tziyun of the Rashbi Ahead of Election

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita, a candidate to become the next Chief Sephardi Rabbi of Yerushalayim, visited the tziyun of the Rashbi on Tuesday, 27 Tishrei. The rav was mispallel and took part in an upsherin as seen in the photos. The polls in the Jerusalem Chief Rabbinate race open on Tuesday at 16:00 until 19:00. Rabbi Amar is backed by the Bayit Yehudi party and Jerusalem City Hall. He is the official dati leumi community candidate for the Sephardi Chief Rabbi post. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Rashbi Yeshiva Media Office)  

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Please be Mispallel for the Wounded Soldiers

Following are names of IDF soldiers wounded in battle. Please add them to lists to be mispallel for their recovery bsoch kol cholei Am Yisrael. גיל בן מיכל אוהד בן אליס גנון מרדכי חי בן ברכה יהודית ישי דב בן נרי עמוס בן סיגל אוהד בן רות בן ציון בן רחל איתי אהרון בן אילנה משה אלעד בן עיתיאל יונתן שמעון בן גיטל יוני בן שרה אביעד בן סימה ארז בן שרית דוד ילחק בן סוזי רמי בן רמונד עובדיה בן רויטל דניאל מנדס בן מרים יונתן שמעון בן מסעוד מור מרדכי בן שרית נריה בן חוה שקד בן אורה אליאל בן אריאלה אליהו בן חוה ארד ליאורה ליאל בן אילנית שוהם בן יפה פלורה יעקב בן לאפו מיכל בן פרידה יואב בן גילה   There are 55 wounded soldiers and officers in hospitals nationwide at this time. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Children Who are Ill are Mispallel for the IDF Soldiers

Dozens of children who are battling cancer R”L began to recite Tehillim on behalf of IDF soldiers operating in Gaza. They began reciting Tehillim prior to the ground forces incursion. The children were made aware of the situation by Lev Malka volunteers working with them. Some of the children are admitted to oncology wards in hospital around the country while others are at home recuperating. Lev Malka CEO Rav Aharon Aberman said “As we learn the tefilos of the children can penetrate the Shar Shomayim, especially the tefilos of those children undergoing yisurim for their emunah and bitachon is immeasurably stronger. יהי רצון שהתפילות יתקבלו ולא ישמע שוד ושבר בגבולנו”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Chief Rabbi Lau: To be Mispallel

Chief Rabbi David Lau said the soldiers operating in Gaza are shluchim of all of Am Yisrael and we must be mispallel for their safety. The rav calls on Am Yisrael around the world to be mispallel and recite Tehillim for the success of the operation and the safe return of the soldier. “They are shluchei mitzvah of the entire nation towards returning peace and quiet to Am Yisrael and we must be mispallel for their safety”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Uri Yifrach Is Mispallel At Maran Rav Ovadia’s Kever

Hundreds of mispallalim arrived at the tziyun of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L on Thursday ahead of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. Among the mispallalim were Mekubal Rav Binayahu Shmueli, HaGaon Rav Reuven Elbaz, Rav Mordechai Malka and Mr. Uri Yifrach, the father of one of the captives held by Hamas, Eyal Yifrach. In addition to the tefilos Mr. Yifrach spoke to the tzibur present, stating “I think at this troubling time we feel that our Eyal belongs to all of Am Yisrael along with Gilad and Naftali…they are the sons of Am Yisrael”. This led to many of the mispallalim beginning to cry at the emotion of the moment spread. “All of Am Yisrael cries and all of Am Yisrael is pained on their behalf, the holy boys. There is a zechus to these tefilos. See how much Am Yisrael is united and has awakened in the merit of these holy youths. We call on the entire nation to unite, to love. We wish to see all of Am Yisrael unite in their emunah” R’ Uri concluded. Needless to say to say there was not a dry eye as the tefilos continued. Names for Tehillim: 1. Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah 2. Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim 3. Eyal ben Iris Teshurah (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo courtesy of JDN)

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HaGaon HaRav Gross Heading to be Mispallel at the Kever of Lapid’s Great-Grandfather

HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Gross Shlita, Gavaad Chanichei Yeshivos is set to leave Eretz Yisrael on Monday evening, 8 Adar II 5774 at 19:00. The rav will be flying to be mispallel at the kever of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Shmelka Klein ZT”L, who is buried in the eastern Ukraine. YWN-ISRAEL reported that a number of rabbonim were planning to be mispallel at the kever on 9 Adar II, the tzaddik’s yahrzeit in the hope of zechus avos preventing the passing of the chareidi draft law. Rav Klein ZT”L is a great-grandfather of Yesh Atid leader Finance Minister Yair Lapid, as reported. Rav Gross is expected to return after 12 hours. Rav Gross is accompanied by his rebitzen and two gabbaim. He will be reciting special tefilos for the removal of the gezeiros facing bnei yeshivos. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: 10,000s are Mispallel at the Kosel for R’ Chaim Ovadia Shlita

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Tens of thousands of mispallalim from many areas in Eretz Yisrael were on hand at the tefilla at the Kosel on Sunday night on behalf of Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Chareidi radio reports placed the crowd at 30,000. Doctors at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Monday morning 26 Tishrei 5774 report the gadol hador remains in serious/stable condition, with slight signs of improvement. Among the rabbonim present were Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, Rabbi Reuven Elbaz, Rabbi Binayahu Shmueli, and Rabbi David Batzri. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Deputy Minister Rav Ben-Dahan is Mispallel for Maran R’ Ovadia

Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs (Bayit Yehudi) Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan was in Hebron on Monday, 19 Tishrei 5774, using the visit to be mispallel on behalf of Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Rav Ben-Dahan explains he was visiting the holy city together with other MKs from Bayit Yehudi and they were all mispallel on behalf of the gadol hador, reciting Tehillim on the gadol hador’s behalf. Ben-Dahan decided to share “a secret” with the media, explaining that Rav Ovadia was mesader keddushin for his chasenah. He added that when he met with the gadol hador a number of weeks ago surrounding the tensions that existed with his party “he did not sound well.” “One had to speak extremely loud for him to hear. It was difficult for him to speak and his words were difficult to understand. I sat opposite him and understood his words by listening and reading his lips. He was seated in a wheel chair.” “The last time I saw him was at the coronation of his son. I shook his hand and as is his minhag, he gave me a chopcha and smiled at me.” The tzibur is urged to continue being mispallel for מרן רבי חיים עובדיה יוסף בן גורג’יה לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Admorim Being Mispallel for Maran R’ Ovadia

The Sanzer Rebbe Shlita cried out to his chassidim explaining “we all need Rav Ovadia!” The rebbe shlita told his chassidim during chol hamoed they must be mispallel for the gadol hador. At a simchas beis hashoeva tisch on Monday night, the Rebbe spoke of the need for all of his chassidim to continue being mispallel on Rav Ovadia’s behalf. Tefilos have been ongoing in yeshivos throughout Eretz Yisrael today, Tuesday, 20 Tishrei 5774 on behalf of the gadol hador, Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita. The Boyaner Rebbe Shlita arrived at Hadassah on Tuesday morning and recited Tehillim outside the intensive care unit. The tzibur is urged to continue being mispallel for מרן רבי חיים עובדיה יוסף בן גורג’יה לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Deri: The Tzibur Must be Mispallel for Maran Rav Ovadia Shlita

Shas leader Aryeh Deri is calling upon the tzibur to increase tefilos for Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Deri explains that while the gadol hador’s condition remains stable, the tzibur must continue being mispallel that his kidney function should continue. In an audio interview with Kikar Shabbat, Deri explains he consulted with the rav’s physicians, who state the gadol hador is stable but they are concerned with his diminished kidney function. Deri quotes the doctors saying that if the rav’s kidney function improves over the next 24 hours, then we may be optimistic but if chas v’sholom this is not the case, then the options are far less pleasant. Deri calls on Am Yisrael to increase tefilos and tehillim on behalf of the Torah giant, stating that Am Yisrael is in need of this Gadol Hador and the tzibur must do what it can towards assisting in his recovery. Deri spoke of the late Lelover Rebbe Shlita, who spoke of the significance of the tzibur accepting upon itself to refrain from speaking during tefilos. He calls on the general public to undertake this and really make the change. “I am confident if many people take this upon themselves and do it, we will see a complete recovery in Maran in the coming day” he added. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Chief Rabbi Lau is Mispallel at Kever Rochel

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau was mispallel at Kever Rochel accompanied by the mora d’asra of Alon Shvut, Rabbi Aaron Pearl and the head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, David Pearl. The rav explained he feels “happy and proud” as he started his day by affixing a mezuzah in Modi’in and then traveled to Kever Rochel. He added that while Rochel cries for her children, “today she has reason to be happy too since her children are returning home and settling the area, nachlas avos. He added that the area of the tziyun is “our land from the avos, and I am davening to HKBH that we should all be granted a Shana Tova accompanied with happiness, tranquility and of course the redemption.” The rav made a point of giving his bracha to the commander of the border police at Kever Rochel and his troops, praising their mesirus nefesh and their always on call status to keep the holy site available and safe for mispallalim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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VIDEO: Maran Rav Ovadia: Continue Being Mispallel For Me

[TWO VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita on Thursday morning, 4 Menachem Av 5773, called on the tzibur at large to continue being mispallel on his behalf. The rav was discharged from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Yerushalayim on Sunday, 29 Tammuz 5773, following surgery on his back to repair a fracture. While the rav is back at home and recuperating, he asked for the continued tefilos of Am Yisrael. The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף בן גורג’יה לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device. THE FOLLOWING VIDEO IS CHACHM OVADIA’S DAILY HALACHA SHIUR FOLLOWING SHACHARIS – THURSDAY MORNING: Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Thousands are Mispallel in Amuka

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Thousands of mispallalim traveled to Amuka to be mispallel at the tziyun of Yonasan ben Uziel on his yahrzeit. The ישועות בעמוקה organization organized the tikun of 1,000 shofaros led by HaRav Yechiel Abuchatzera Shlita, beginning at 4:00PM. Organizers advertised that the tikun has a special segulah for many seeking a shidduch and have been unsuccessful. YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: News 24)

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1000s of Children Were Mispallel Against the ‘Gezeira’ on Erev Shabbos

In response to the call of the Shevet Halevy HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita and Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita, thousands and thousands of tenokos shel beis raban took part in erev shabbos tefilos around Eretz Yisrael. Children around the country called upon HKBH אבינו מלכנו בטל מעלינו כל גזירות קשות. The children recited tehillim as instructed by the gedolei hador while in many yeshivos, learning is ongoing around-the-clock with the realization regarding the severity of the gezeira that may compel avreichim to abandon the beis medrash to enter the IDF or a state-approved national service program. HaMevaser reports that roshei yeshiva who consulted with Rav Shteinman were instructed to arrange for the around-the-clock learning for three days. The report adds that this is being done in yeshivos abroad as well. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rav Ovadia: Be Mispallel For Hosni Mubarak

In his weekly Motzei Shabbos address Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita mentioned the good relationship he maintained with deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. “I am not a politician. My intentions are L’Shem Shomayim. I will share something with you” the rav explained. He went on to explain that 28 years ago, when he was the chief rabbi of Israel a conference of engineers was held in Egypt to discuss making a road that would facilitate travel. The road as planned however would run through a Jewish cemetery. The rav explained that he traveled to Egypt with Aryeh Deri to address the situation regarding the planned roadway. The rav called upon the Israeli ambassador in Cairo to arrange a meeting with the president. “He agreed to meet and he greeted us warmly, with the honor extended to a king”. The rav explained how he told Mubarak that the planned road would compromise the kevarim, asking that the roadway be rerouted. Mubarak explained that doing so would entail significant additional costs but because the chief rabbi made the request he would accommodate him; and so he did. Rav Ovadia added there were other matters as well, which he cannot disclose, simply stating “whatever I asked he simply nodded his head and so it was”. “When the meeting ended they all left and I found myself alone with Mubarak. He turned to me and said ‘Rabbi, please give me a bracha. I believe in your bracha’. I placed my hand on his head and gave him a bracha. May it be His will that you rule for many days”. Rav Ovadia explained this occurred 28 years earlier and Mubarak ruled for over 30 years, adding this is not a regular occurrence and he believes the bracha was heard in Shomayim. Rav Ovadia explained just how Mubarak brought honor to his country as he became a leader who was respected around the world. “He prevented wars and is a man of peace, one who loves Israel and now he has fallen.” As such, with Mubarak literally on trial for his life, Rav Ovadia called on listeners to be mispallel for the ousted Egyptian leader who he feels was always a friend of Israel. “May Hashem give the judges wisdom and understanding towards recognizing his accomplishments and may they rule that he is innocent. Then we must daven that he has a total recovery for it is a mitzvah to daven for those who love Israel”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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1000s Were Mispallel At Kever Shimon HaTzaddik On The Yahrzeit

Thousands of mispallalim visited Kever Shimon HaTzaddik during night as today, 29 Tishrei is the yahrzeit. HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Yosef Shlita arrived, accompanied by Jerusalem’s police chief, with the rav lighting a candle and being mispallel amid many many visitors. A hachnasas orchim was set up near the kever too, located in the eastern area of Yerushalayim known as the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood. Baruch Hashem, despite much opposition, the few brave families that have made this area their home continue the battle for the resettlement of areas of the Jewish capital, with more and more dati leumi couple seeking to move in towards creating facts on the ground by the growing Jewish presence. Tragically, governments of Israel, including the current administration, continues to view this area as “East Jerusalem”, giving credibility to claims by the Arab world that there is some imaginary dividing line between either side of the Jewish capital that chas v’sholom would legitimize claims by any nation other than Am Yisrael that they have rights to the area. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: 3,000 Jam RCCS Dinner to be Mispallel for Cancer Patients

PHOTO LINK BELOW: On Tuesday night, over 3,000 members of the Williamsburg community jammed the Ateres Avraham hall to give support to the hundreds of cancer-stricken patients being helped each year by the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS), and to be mispallel, together as one, for all Cholei Yisroel throughout the world. The emotional recitation of Tehillim was led by Harav Yaakov Chanon, a special shliach from the Eideh Hachareidus in Yerushalyim. The Dinner was sponsored by Reb Yisroel Yaakov Hirsch, in memory of his father, Reb Avraham Abba Hirsch z”l who was niftar this past year. Avraham Abba z”l, together with his entire family, were the mainstays of RCCS throughout the past decade. The assemblage heard several inspiring speeches, most notably from Harav Shmuel Dishon, the guest speaker, as well as from RCCS president, Reb Hershel Kohn. Awards were presented to noted askanim, Yisroel Roseman, patient liaison in NYU, and Mendel Kolman, veteran Williamsburg Hatzalah member. There was barely a dry eye in the house when Hamazamrim with soloist Mutty Illowitz introduced, by song, Shmuel Kohn, a recent cancer patient who publicly thanked RCCS for being the messenger to save his life. He exclaimed that he received treatments in four hospitals in three states; New York, New Jersey, and Indiana, and RCCS was there with him every step of the way. YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Please Be Mispallel For Pollard

As the minutes tick by until the end of the presidency of President Bush, all Yidden should take a moment out of their busy scheduled and say some Tehillim for Yehonosson ben Malka [Pollard]. Be Misapallel that the Melech Malchei Hamilachim, should put into the heart of President Bush to grant Pollard clemency, during the presidents last day in office. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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CLOSED & SHUTTERED: Meron Is Officially Under Military Closure Until Next Monday

The IDF spokesperson announced on Tuesday evening that the commander of the Home Front Command, Maj.-Gen. Rafi Milo, signed an order imposing a military closure on Meron following the passing of the Meron Law, which legislated emergency regulations at the site on Lag B’Omer in the wake of numerous Hezbollah attacks of the site in recent months. The order went into effect on Tuesday at 11 p.m. and will remain in effect until Monday, May 27 at noon. “The Home Front Command clarifies that entering the Meron area is strictly prohibited and asks the public to be vigilant and refrain from entering the area and that any access to the closed area is in accordance with the permits issued by law,” the IDF spokesperson stated. “Arriving in the closed area without prior coordination and approval endangers public safety and human life.” A B‘Chadrei Chareidim reporter filmed mispallelim dancing at the site on Tuesday evening prior to the enforcement of the closure:   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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HaGaon HaRav Elya Brudny Travels To Israel For One Day To Visit Lev L’Achim’s “Soldiers of Klal Yisrael” [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Hagaon HaRav Elya Brudny, the Rosh Yeshivah of Mir Yeshivah in Brooklyn and a Chaver Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel of America, traveled to Eretz Yisrael on Wednesday for just 12 hours to provide chizzuk to the incredible Lev L’Achim organization, an educational outreach organization which works to share the beauty of Torah with secular Jews in Eretz Yisrael. Arriving in Eretz Yisrael on Thursday morning, HaRav Brudny davened Shacharis in Be’er Yaakov at one of the hundreds of Lev L’Achim schools around the country. HaRav Elya spoke briefly to the boys in Hebrew, complimenting them on their beautiful davening. He then related a shmuess that the Rosh Yeshivah of the Mir, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Shmulevitch, z’tl, said based on a midrash in Parshas Matos. “When Moshe Rabbeinu led Bnei Yisrael in war, he took 1,000 men as soldiers from every shevet, along with another 1,000 men from every shevet to daven for the soldiers. In a Jewish war, there’s a mispallel for every soldier. The mispallelim are mekayeim the world.” HaRav Brudney stressed to the boys that through their tefillos, they are serving as soldiers and bringing yeshuos to Klal Yisrael. Afterward, HaRav Eliezer Sorotzkin, the head of Lev L’Achim, said a few words, stressing that out of the 157 Lev L’Achim locations and over 300 schools, the boys were zocheh that HaRav Brudny davened with them. One of boys then gave a moving bracha to HaRav Elya as a representative of all the talmidim. HaRav Brudny then visited some of the classrooms to witness firsthand the pure tefillos and limmud Torah of the children, who without the incredible work of Lev L’Achim, would be in secular public schools. The Rosh Yeshivah will be one of the speakers at the massive Lev L’Achim Asifa in Binyanei Hauma, where he and the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel will deliver Chizuk to thousands of Avreichim who learn with non Frum men and children. Watch the moving videos below. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Report: No Lag B’Omer Event In Meron This Year, To Be Declared Closed Military Site

About three and a half weeks before Lag B’Omer, the IDF recommended that the Lag B’Omer event not take place this year due to the numerous Hezbollah attacks on Meron in recent months, Ynet reported on Wednesday morning. This past Motzei Shabbos, Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets toward Har Meron and rockets fell on the roads leading to the tzion of the Rashbi. In recent months, hundreds of rockets have been launched at the Air Force control base on Har Meron. The Meron site is expected to be declared a closed military site over Lag B’Omer, May 25th-26th, to be enforced by Israel Police and military police. An official in the war cabinet told Kikar H’Shabbat: “There won’t be a hillula this year on Lag B’Omer in Meron. No one will take the risk of rocket launches at Meron while thousands are celebrating there.” Kikar also reported that senior officials in Netanyahu’s office sent messages to the Jerusalem Ministry and the Religious Services Ministry that they should not prepare for the hillula as it will not take place due to the security situation. A similar message was also delivered by Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs. An IDF spokesperson stated in response to the Ynet report: “In accordance with the latest operational assessment, the IDF recommended to the relevant authorities the cancellation of the Rashbi events on Har Meron which would take place on May 25-26, 2024. There are no further changes in instructions for the home front.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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הודו לו: Residents Of Romema & Kiryat Belz Thank Hashem For The Nissim

Mispallelim at shuls in Romema and Kiryat Belz on Pesach thanked Hashem for the incredible nissim – the ones that took place during Yetziyas Mitzrayim along with the nissim of Erev Pesach 2024, when a potential massacre was averted b’chasdei Hashem. Three residents were lightly injured in the attack. They were treated at the hospital and released before Yom Tov. HaRav Isaac Fried of Hidabroot went out in his car an hour before licht bentching with a loudspeaker and requested that residents thank Hashem at their sedarim for the open nissim they experienced. The gabbai of the Nachlas Akiva shul in Ganei Geulah, next to the site of the attack, said that the residents feel that the neis occurred in the zechus of the Yeshivas Bein HaZemanim at the shul, which this year included morning seder, afternoon seder, and night seder. Hundreds of lomdei Torah filled the shul from the start of Bein HaZemanim – ותורה מגנא ומצלא. (YWN’s Jerusalem Desk is keeping you updated on the first day of Chol Hamoed in Israel.)

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Shomrim: When Every Second Counts, Staten Island Counts On Them

A terrified mother searching frantically for her missing 4-year-old son. A shocked business owner finding his store ransacked by thieves. A traumatized teen who was just assaulted in a dark alley by a stranger. An anxious mispallel worries about suspicious individuals hanging around his shul. These are just a smattering of the broad range of incidents Staten Island Shomrim responds to each and every day – quietly, without fanfare, and with the utmost professionalism. Staten Island Shomrim, whose members had been part of the broader NYC Shomrim network, launched as a separate branch of the organization as the Staten Island community grew – and with it, its needs. Since its inception, Staten Island Shomrim has become the trusted go-to for residents experiencing non-medical emergencies and other urgent matters. From burglaries to assaults, suspicious person reports to missing persons cases, Staten Island Shomrim is there to respond to any situation that arises. With a crew of deeply dedicated and highly trained members, they are always prepared to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Whether it’s day or night, rain or shine, Staten Island Shomrim is on call, ready to assist those in need. What sets Staten Island Shomrim apart is their commitment to going above and beyond for the community. They understand that emergencies don’t operate on a schedule, which is why they are available 24/7, willing to spend as much time as necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. Even if it means sacrificing hours on end, Staten Island Shomrim members are there, providing a reassuring presence and lending a helping hand whenever it’s needed most. Funds are now urgently needed to bolster their high-tech radio and communications systems, vital for swift and effective response in critical moments. Similarly, expanding its surveillance camera network is paramount, providing crucial insights and aiding in time-sensitive situations. Additionally, funds are essential for acquiring equipment to address diverse challenges, including assisting flood-affected individuals, conducting search-and-rescue missions, purchasing and maintaining patrol and off-road vehicles, and paying Shabbos Patrol expenses. These are just a few examples of the myriad expenses necessary to uphold Shomrim’s selfless and tireless work. Your contributions are invaluable in empowering Shomrim to continue its mission of safeguarding the community. Staten Island Shomrim isn’t just an organization – they’re an integral part of the neighborhood fabric. Their presence brings peace of mind to residents, knowing that there’s always someone looking out for them and ready to step in if trouble arises. By supporting Staten Island Shomrim, we’re not just investing in security – we’re investing in the strength and resilience of our community. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference in their ability to continue serving the community effectively.

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BD”E: Petira of The Seagate Rov, HaRav Yekusiel Yehuda Meisels ZT”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Meisels zt”l, the longtime Rav in Seagate, who was niftar at Maimonides Medical Center on Sunday night at the age of 95. Rav Yekusiel Yehuda was born in Wodzisław (Veitz) to the town’s rav, Rav Tzvi Hersh and Henya Zissel, the daughter Rav Chaim Yaakov Teitelbaum, the Av Bais Din of Limanowa  and the son-in-law of Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum. As a child, he studied in the yeshiva of his grandfather, Rav Dovid Dov Meislish, in Oehel. In 1944, while studying in the yeshiva in Oehel, he was captured by the Nazis and sent to a ghetto. He managed to escape and return to his parents’ home in Wodzisław, from where he was taken along with the Jews of the town and family members to Auschwitz, where he was placed in the “children’s camp.” On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, he was taken with other boys his age for selection – all were sent to their deaths, but he miraculously survived. In one incredible incident, the young Yekusiel Yehuda on Sukkos risked eating a Kezayis in a makeshift sukkah built by his father in the camp. He was caught, severely beaten, but again miraculously survived. He survived the Holocaust along with his father, the Veitzene Rav zt”l, and emigrated to the U.S., settling in Crown Heights, where he married the daughter of Rav Binyamin Chaim Feldman. After his marriage, he was appointed the Rav of Seagate, where he at first led a small Kehilla, “Kehal Yereim” (“Rabbi Meislish’s Shul”). Over the years, the Kehilla grew by leaps and bounds, with hundreds of families coming under the influence of the beloved Rav. In recent years, his son Rav David Dov, a tremendous Talmid Chacham and Mechaber Seforim in his own right, serves in his stead. A Mispallel of the Rov related to YWN that many years ago, the Rav suffered a terrible tragedy when his youngest child (a daughter named Raizel) fell out of a window after leaning on its screen, and was tragically niftar on Hoshanah Rabba. Despite the awful loss, the Rav displayed incredible Gevurah in his Shul on Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah, displaying zero Aveilus and was B’simcha the entire Yom Tov. Only after Simchas Torah ended, did he break down crying. Among his children is his son-in-law, the Dushinsky Rebbe from Yerushalyim. He leaves behind a beautiful Mishpacha of Rabbonim and Admorim. Levaya details will be published when they become available. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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GOOD QUESTION: MK Eichler: “Why Aren’t There Any Bomb Shelters In Meron?”

As Israel’s north continues to suffer daily attacks from the Hezbollah terror organization in southern Lebanon, UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler posed a question to Religious Services Minister Michoel Malkieli (Shas) during a Knesset session. “Tens of thousands of people visit the Rashbi site in Meron but there are no bomb shelters there, which endangers the mispallelim, especially in the current situation,” Eichler said. “I want to ask – when will mobile bomb shelters be installed there?” “Your question is justified,” Malkieli responded. “Although the installment of bomb shelters is not within the authority of the Religious Services Ministry, the director-general of the National Center for the Development of the Mekomot Hakedoshim appealed to the Defense Ministry at the beginning of the war and was informed that there’s a shortage due to the situation in the south. Later, he appealed again and has not yet received a response. We will appeal to the Defense Ministry again until bomb shelters are installed.” MK Eichler added: “In principle, my question is directed at the Defense Minister but I know he is busy during the war so we posed the question to the Religious Services Minister, who is responsible for the Mekomos HaKedoshim. I suggest that the Knesset, together with the Religious Services Ministry and the Defense Ministry, act on the issue. What should not happen is that they close the place. Therefore, we must do everything possible – a bomb shelter system, not just one or two – and also ensure that the red alert sirens operate as needed. This is part of freedom of religion and tefillah, and we must do everything possible to ensure the safety of mispallelim.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Why Did Rav Shmuel Salant Zatzal Jump Out the Window on a Motzai Shabbos?

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman Rav Shmuel Salant zt”l, (1816-1909) was the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim and was a well-known gaon and tzaddik. On Motzai Shabbos – he jumped out of the window of Shul (see Shalmei Todah, Chanukah p. 266). Why did he do so? The Maaseh Rav (The Vilna Gaon) Hilchos Chanukah 237 states that on Motzai Shabbos Chanukah it is essential to light as soon as possible so that the main time to light not be lost.  One time one of the mispallelim at the Gra delayed Maariv so much that the Gra told him he should even light Chanukah candles before reciting the Havdallah. And now the inciden: One Motzai Shabbos there were people taking a long time at Maariv in Shmoneh Esreh.  Rav Salant did not wish to further delay the Chanukah lighting.  He had an open window next to the Mizrach Vant where he sat.  He went pack and leaped out of the window in order to ensure that he not delay past the zman of tichleh regel min a hshuk! The author can be reached at [email protected]

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HaRav Zilberstein’s Grandson: “2 Yishuvim On Gaza Border That Remained Safe – Shomrei Shabbos”

In recent days and months, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein has constantly stressed during his drashos, shiurim, and sichos about kedushas haShabbos and the terrible punishment for those who are mechallel Shabbos or lend a hand to chillulei Shabbos by not acting against them. The Rav even promised before Yom Kippur that those who take it upon themselves to regularly study hilchos Shabbos “will have a good year, a year full of yeshuos in ruchniyus and gashmiyus, a year that Hashem will fulfill all the wishes of his heart for good.” On Monday, it was publicized on the Siach Yitchak hotline by HaRav Zilberstein’s grandson, HaRav Chaim Malin, that according to reports, there were two yishuvim in the Gaza border area where the residents were largely spared from harm by Hamas terrorists – Kibbutz Sa’ad and Kibbutz Alumim – the only two yishuvim in the area that are Shomer Shabbos. Kibbutz Sa’ad is right next to Kfar Aza, where a massacre occurred. A video of the terrorists arriving at the gates of Kibbutz Sa’ad can be seen below: Additionally, the frum residents of the moshav Yachini, which is near Sderot, had requested in the past to close the main gate of the moshav to traffic on Shabbos. Following a debate on the matter, the non-frum residents of the moshav agreed. According to reports, the Hamas terrorists came to the moshav but when they saw that the gate was locked, they continued to other areas to carry out their murderous spree. HaRav Zilberstein was very moved by the reports and instructed that the stories be published, quoting the passuk:”הודו להשם קראו בשמו, הודיעו בעמים עלילותיו, שירו לו, זמרו לו, שיחו בכל נפלאותיו” HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein said on Sunday after davening at the neitz minyan that he couldn’t sleep all night “due to this paper.” The paper, which he showed to the mispallelim, lists the names of the missing and their families. HaRav Zilberstein said: “People came to us in the middle of the night, devastated and on the point of emotional collapse, and described their suffering and grief due to the lack of information about their loved ones and asked us to daven for their safe and sound return.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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