Landmarks Panel Clears Way for Ground Zero Mosque

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has denied a request to grant ‘landmark status’ to 45-47 Park Place in Lower Manhattan. Plans to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque at the building will likely proceed.

Opponents of the center include many family members of 9/11 victims who say the mosque is too close to ground zero.

The vote was 9-0.

A part of one of the planes that destroyed the World Trade Center twin towers landed in the building on September 11th.

Members of the audience shouted “Shame on you!” at the commission after the vote.

Opponents of the plan will continue their fight with lawsuits.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

13 Responses

  1. I say we get a shteibel factory right next door (the loudness from our continued tefilos will drive them crazy)
    if the goyim want they should get a building too and ring their bells all day (the shteibel’s noise will counteract the other building so we wont hear it)

  2. I would say that I’m surprised… but, I’m not.

    I mean, we do have a president name Barack Hussein Obama. Americans have a short memory.

  3. While we often speak of London, Paris and other European cities of becoming very Muslim, this is a reminder that NY is also heading in that direction.

    I work in NYC and see tons of muslims now on a daily basis – definately more than I used to.

  4. This proposed mosque is just a few blocks from the Agudath Israel headquarters located on 42 Broadway in Lower Manhattan.

  5. Plenty Moose613. The President has NOT spoken out against this mosque which would suggest he is at least lending his tacit approval to the project.

  6. #7 – it doesnt (did I say it did?)

    The fact that AMERICANS can vote a quai-muslim into office, and then erect a mosque over looking the burial site of 3000 fellow Americans is what is shocking about the short term memory of some people…

  7. 9-

    2,602 died in the World Trade Center that day. Not all of the victims were Americans. In fact, some of them were Muslims.

    Also, there is no direct sight line between this community center and Ground Zero. I doubt that it’s “over looking” the place.

    Remember, this is a new building for a congregation that already has a location 4 blocks away. This isn’t a group of Muslims who decided to move to Lower Manhattan for no reason. They already exist there as part of the community, and were presumably as affected by the horror of September 11 as their neighbors were.

  8. I find it incredibly interesting what the editors of TYW decided to cut out of this article as they prepared it for posting. As a public service, here are some of the more interesting bits:

    “Any attempt to derail this development because of its future uses would at its core be un-American and a violation of all of our first amendment rights,” said City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, in a statement. “The leaders of this organization are free to act just like anyone else in America, just like anyone else who wishes to open a house of worship and a place for cultural and religious education and expression. Whether you’re in favor of this center or not, we must remember that one of the most important founding principles of our great nation is freedom of religion and freedom of religious expression.”

    Backers of the project are pledging to include a memorial to the victims of the terror attacks as part of an effort to allay opponents’ complaints that the mosque’s location is insensitive.

    Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, told The Wall Street Journal that the center’s board will include members of other religions and explore including an interfaith chapel in the building.

    Charles Wolf who lost his wife, Katherine, on September 11, 2010 supports the mosque and Islamic cultural center.

    Wolf says, ” There has already been a prayer space for years in that building. The only people who are against if are people who don’t live in the neighborhood.”

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