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Segulah for Parnassah – Parshas Hamon

Reb Mendel M’Riminov said that saying Parshas Hamon (Shenayim Mikroh V’Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas B’Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah. Click HERE for the complete text of Parshas Hamon.

12 Responses

  1. The Mishna Berurah in siman aleph says in the name of the Tashbatz in the name of the Yerushalmi that a segulah for parnasah is to say parshas haman EVERY day (no mention of shnayim mikroh v’echod).

    The Tashbatz ends off “v’ani areiv” I guarantee it.

  2. To Who Knows, it doent look like u know the Mishna Berura only quotes the yerushalmi no mention of the tashbatz.The tashbatz is in siman 256.Look in the artzos hachaim from the malbim, bshem th Rabenu Tam whoever says Parshas hamon shnayim mikro vechod targum muvtach lo shlo techsar parnosos

  3. With do respect to YW
    Why do u publish these NONSENSE comments
    to tzee cleeg u should never close a Chumash again becase u r closing hashems name.
    zeit ous di bist take zeier kleeg……tzee kleeg

  4. This is also brought down in the Rabbeinu Bechaya on this week’s parsha. The Shevet Mussar brings down in the name of the Mekubalim that it should be said daily twice with the Targum.

    It is interesting that the portion of Mon everyone received was exactly the same whether one collected a lot or a little. This is a great lesson in today’s 12 hour work schedule that no matter how hard you work the amount you are supposed to receive is the amount you get. You need the hishtadlus of a normal work schedule and your Torah learning should not suffer in your seal to become rich.
    Additionally, the Mon teaches us that we must worry about today and Hashem will take care of tomorrow, unlike the attitude many have of trying to accumulate enough wealth for six generations.
    It is interesting how many will say this parsha thinking about wealth for the future rather then saying it and concentrating on the chessed Hashem does by feeding us today.

  5. getzel…you are too quick to criticize others’ comments…I did see a shayla regarding mechikas hashem on computers… your comparison to closing a chumash is absurd!! unfortunately, i dont remember where I saw the shayla brought down…zit ois DI bist nisht zeir klieeg!!

  6. In the 22 years that Rav Menel was Rebbe in Riminov, not one family living in that town lacked Parnasa.

    We should all be Zoche to the same thing

  7. All I can say is that the moment after I finished it, an order (albeit not a very large one) came in to my business. Coincidence? I doubt it. Thanks for posting this!

  8. Another known (daily) segula is to say the Igeres Haramban. I do this, and KE”H things are OK. You can read it online on Rav Amnon Yitzhak’s Shofar Website.

    Also, how ’bout this opportunity (that occurs three times each day): Be mechaven when you say פותח את ידך ומשביע לכל חי רצון during Ashrei. The halacha says that you have to repeat this posuk if you weren’t mechaven, as stated openly in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Siman 14, Seif 2.

    I was also told (and I do this weekly), that reciting Veyiten Lecho on Motzoei Shabbos is a great segula for parnasa.

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