Preparedness Drill in Laniado Hospital in Netanya

A major preparedness exercise was held this week in Laniado Hospital in cooperation with the IDF’s Medical Liaison Unit, which is responsible for maintaining an open information channel with hospitals during times of emergency. The unit is made up of medical personnel, rabbonim and military commanders.

In the event of an emergency, the unit is updated by the hospitals and if soldiers are among the wounded, unit representatives respond to the hospital. They begin efforts to locate a soldier’s family, also arranging to put concerned parents in touch with their children.

This week’s training exercise simulated a war in which wounded were transported to Laniado, as was the case during the Second Lebanon War as well as following the many terror attacks that were carried out in Netanya.

The ‘wounded’ during the three-day exercise were brought to Laniado, and the Medical Liaison Unit did its job, connecting between the hospital and the families of the injured. The exercise was designed to evaluate the hospital’s ability to accept large numbers of IDF soldiers and the performance of the liaison unit vis-à-vis the parents and families of the military personnel.

Hospital officials and IDF commander are in agreement, the exercise was a success and the liaison unit proved its capabilities in times of emergency. The hospital was showered with praise from the military.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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