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80 Percent of Sderot Residents Suffer from a Form of Hysteria

Psychiatrist Dr. Adriana Katz, who oversees care for hysteria victims in Sderot, reports there have been hundreds of hysteria victims in the city. She explains healing the victims is not an easy task, and some may suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) for the rest of their lives, but to date Baruch Hashem, the number of people who fall into this category appears low. She did state that about 80% of Sderot residents suffer from some level of hysteria as a result of years of rocket attacks.

When asked about the long-term prognosis, she explains they have not had enough time to study the victims, pointing out that rockets continue to fall and there hasn’t been a period of time during which there has been a cessation of attacks.

Dr. Katz adds the ongoing IDF operation helps the victims, giving them hope that Israel is taking control and that rocket attacks may end.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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