Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Tuesday ruled that the state will not appeal a Jerusalem court’s controversial decision to allow the sale of Chametz during Pesach. The legal brief which was published endorses the recent court ruling that authorized the selling of Chometz items on Pesach, as long as they are not on public display outside or in the shop window.
Mazuz noted that the State Prosecutor’s Office did not intend to appeal the controversial ruling, as it fell in line with the State’s stance.
Mazuz wrote: “The ‘Bread Law’ was not aimed at prohibiting, and does not prohibit, the selling or consumption of Chometz on Pesach. The law bans business owners from publicly displaying leavened goods.”
Shas leader Eli Yishai on Sunday promised that Shas would continue to fight against the court ruling. “Shas will not give up on this even if it means going against the government,” he said.
7 Responses
and this is the “JEWISH” state.
g-d help us all!
As I said in my previous post, this is the state of affairs in Israel. Anything to show America and Europe that they are like “everyone else” and disregard religion, because it is “archeic and out of date”, they are more “enlightened and know better”. This is probably the furthest the “High Court” has gotten as far as Torah is concerned. Now we know where we are headed….
There a story about an Arab who was in jail over Pesach and saw the prison guard eating bread on Pesach. The Arab said to the prison guard “don’t you know that you can’t eat bread on Pesach?” To which the prison guard, “Oh, that’s old stuff, we don’t do that anymore…..” Something to that effect. The Arab responded to him, “Well, if you don’t care about your religion and things are dear to you, then we won’t care about you either”. And so it has been ever since… Nebach. May we merit to see the Geula very soon! Amen!
The Attorney General’s deciding not to appeal the Hametz Law ruling is baffaling. Why the Prime Minister’s Office has not directed an Appeal nor has the matter been legislatively fixed are distressing. Especially when nearly three quaters of the country observes Passover to allow this ruling to stand is yet another example of the disconnection between the State and the Nation.
For the Sake of the Torah’s , the Nation’s and G-D’s honor demand the necessary fix or get out of the government.
An individual who eats chametz knowingly is judged for KAREIS. If an entire Jewish state votes for wholesale selling of chametz, could the state itself be CHAYEV KAREIS, RACHMANAH LITZLAN??
We must daven VERY HARD this yom tov and hope Hashem will give us time to correct this horror of a govt. If those who are responsible get this punishment — they earned it.
Maybe a Jewish state, but certainly not a Torah state for which we need Moshiach!
Better to be a Torah Jew in USA under the goyim than a Jew in the Zionist state.We hope for the return of Eretz Yisroel to the people of the Torah under the law of Hashem.
Mah Nishtano ha’goy hazeh(Yisroel) micol ha goyim??