Levaya Of Rebbitzen Rivka Wiesenfeld A”H

candle3.gifMisaskim has informed Yeshivaworld of the tragic Petira of Rebbetzin Rivka Wiesenfeld A”H of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Rebbetzin Wiesenfeld was a tremendous Askan in the community who helped thousands of families with her medical advice and connections. She was Niftar last night – after being struck by a vehicle while going to a Chasunah at Ateres Shlomo Hall. The Levaya will be held at 1:00PM today at Beis Hatalmid 82nd Street at Bay Parkway.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

24 Responses

  1. She was such a special person. So intellegent and really helped alot of people with her intellegence. When I was expecting she was the first one I called to help me decide on what Dr. I should use.

  2. Boruch Dayan Emes. It should be noted that Rebetzin Weisenfeld is a granddaughter of the Chofetz Chayim ZTL and the wife of Horav Hagaon R’ Gershon Avrohom Weisenfeld ZTL a noted Talmid Chochom from Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud as well as the mother & mother-in-law of many noted Talmiday Chachomim. May she be a Mailitz Yosher for her Mishpacha & all of Klal Yisroel.

  3. the rebbitzen was the wife of harav gershon wiesenfeld ztl who was one of the founders & rosh hakollel of yeshiva gedolah dpassaic.the rebbitzen was the daughter of rav mendel zaks ztl her mother ol’h was the daughter of the great chafetz chaim.her brothers are harav hagoen rav hillel zaks shlit’a rosh yeshivas chevron & kiryat sefer.harav yisroel meir zaks from flatbush.harav yaakov yohoshua zaks from yerushalayim.the rebbitzen was involved with chesed day & night.she was famous for medical referals which me & my family will be forever thankful.may she be a melitz yosher for the wiesenfeld family the zaks family the entire world of chesed & all of klal yisroel

  4. I am so saddned by this tragic news…
    Rebbetzin Wiesenfeld was a true tzaddeikes, who raised a family of outstanding Bnei Torah and Imachos b’Yisroel. I know one of her daughters very well and she is a true testament to her mother’s amazing influence. Rebbetzin Wiesenfeld’s home was ALWAYS open to those in need -of a kind word, a Shabbos meal, or help of any kind. This is a tremendous loss not only to the family but to all of Klal Yisroel. May she be a melitz yoshar for all of us.
    Please post shiva details if available. Thank you.

  5. oy.. the famous tzaddeikes of bensonhurst..she went thru many tzorres in her life and still made such an incredible impact on klal yisroel. Her husband r’gershon was one of the gedolia hador who was nifter at a young age. oy..what a loss for all of us.

  6. Baruch Dayan Emes. I am one of the many people she helped. I am sorry I never told her how many people I was able to help based on the advice she gave me, and the direction she led me in when I did my own research. My deepest sympathies to the family, and HaMakom yenachem eschem b’soch she’ar aveilei Tziyon v’Yrushalayim.

  7. 14016941602 then press 2222 wait to confirm then press 1 .press 6 to mute yourself so everyone can hear.p.s. no need to identify yourself at the prompt

  8. clarification:a male is a mailitz yosher, a female is a melitza yishara. may the rebetzen be a melitza yeshara for all of klal yisroel.


  10. She also did an enormous amount of chesed, organizing packages of food for needy families. I had known her for the past 28 years and I never saw her NOT in an upbeat mood. She always had a smile and never sat still..always moving around doing something for someone else. She was truly a special person. She will be sorely missed by many.

  11. Hogoenim Rav Hillel & Rav Yaakov Yehoshua Zaks Shlit”a are sitting shiva in Eretz Yisroel In Kiryat Sefer, Kiryat Yeshiva Knesses Hagdolah,Rechov Chafetz Chaim.

  12. a special sader in Mishne Brura will be learned Fridays in the memory of Rebbitzen Weisenfeld, the granddaughter of the Chofetz Chaim, in a kollel in yerushalayim. for donationns please call her grandson, m. paley at 97225002874 or mail to 12\26 zichron yaakov st., Jerusalem, Israel 94421. Tizku Lemitzvos!

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