Yerushalayim: Tznius Hashgocho established

eliyashiv.jpgAccording to Ynet News, the Tzibur Hacharedi in Yerushalayim has established a new Tznius Bais Din to grant kashrus certificates to women’s clothing stores.

The Bakehila newspaper, reported over the weekend that an assembly of Rabbonim gathered at the home of Rav Eliyashiv Shlita, and decided to establish the Tzinus Bais Din.

Representatives will examine the garments sold in clothes stores and will grant kashrus certificates to worthy vendors.

17 Responses

  1. are people too stupid to determine what clothing is tznius, and what is not? this is not food kashrus, where one is not aware of the ingridents or processing – this is clothing – go into the dressing room, try it on, and look in the mirror – if it does not look *right*, then take it off –

    the notion of giving a hashgocho to a store misses the point that clothing that is suitably fitted for one person may be too *tight* or *short* or *revealing* for the next – (we have all witnessed the phenomon of men and women trying to wear clothing that does not fit properly b/c the man or woman tries to wear clothing that fit when he was a bochur or before the lady’s body shape changed)

    Edited by Site Moderation Panel.

  2. This is a wonderful idea that ought to be replicated in chutz l’uretz.

    They should also have woman on the streets enforcing (thru reminders) tziniusdika dress.

    We suffer today from a terrible machla of lack of tzinius.

  3. Insane. More extremism to assist our youth in going off the derech. When going into a food establishment one needs to rely on a hechsher because there is trust involved, when buying a skirt cant one make mature decission on their own?


  5. Moderator, why did you edit my last comment? I thought it was a good idea – rather than give blanket hashgocho to what is in the store, appoint a “mashgiach” or “mashgicha, for the women” to act as a review to tell a customer whether the garment fits properly, i.e., is too short or fits too tightly, I think that is a good idea because simply saying, “the clothing in this store is kasher,” what stops a girl from buying clothing that does not fit her properly?

    EDITORS NOTE: You had not written “Mashgicha”

  6. I notice that YW has Rav Elyashiv, Shlita in its photo of this news item. I was wondering how Rav Elyashiv and the other Rabbonim on this “panel,” would go about determining how an item would look on a particular woman? Are they going to view a runway show put on by the store owners? What’s to stop a women from going into to one of these stores and buying a dress two sizes too small? How can that be stopped? What if a dress looks tight, but a very thin woman buys it and it fits her Tzniusdikly?
    Personally, I think that this is something that needs to be left up to Klall Yisroel themselves. Will there be a Hashgacha given soon on whether a man may wear a gray or staw hat? Will there be a Hashgacha soon on whether a man can wear a poloshirt? Where does it end? We are adults with brains and Yiras Shamayim. Give Klall Yisroel some credit.
    And believe me, those people that are already dressing untzniusdikly will not be shopping in any of these stores anyway, so it won’t help one drop.
    This item amazes me if it is really true.

  7. this idea will only be good for one reason – the stores that have hashgachas obviously will have more religious and closed up clothing so a lady wont have to go sift in a million stores to find what she wants.

    As far as needing a rabbi though to tell you if the clothing you are wearing is tziniut or not thats ridiculous. If you dont know if the clothing that you are wearing is or isnt tziniut , then it ISNT. and someone else made the point that what fits one doesnt fit another and that is true as well.

  8. I think that women should know what is right and proper to wear and shouldn’t want to wear clothes that reveal too much. However, there will always be some that are swayed by current trends in the goyishe velt. There was a worldwide asifa for women on the topic of tznius yesterday. I think there should be an asifa for men on the topic geared especially for them, because apparently some men are unaware of what’s right and wrong in Jewish women’s dress, judging by the way their wives go about, even in a Yeshivish community, such as Lakewood.

  9. Joseph

    so any woman walking on the street should be stopped by the holy Tznius police, ok. And if she’s found to be “in violation” of Tznius, what should we do? Screeam at her? embarrass her in public? make her go home and change?

    Will you ask your wife to be an inspector?

  10. In the US, what is needed more than hashgacha is more clothing that is tzniyusdik. Especially outside of the Ihr haKodesh (New York (:-)), it is virtually impossible to find tzniusdikah clothing for women.

    Even the “frum” goyim in the US are objecting to the pritzusdike clothing.

  11. In the Midwest, Sears and JC Penny always had lots of clothes (not super stylish, but good price) for my daughters and grandkids.
    Mr. Shazam, Rav Akiva Eiger did not look positively on any city but Yerushalyim being called Ihr Hakodesh (:-))

  12. I think everyone here is missing an important point. As I understand the hashgocha is not being given on clothing, it is being given on the establishments. As everyone know there are stores that take care and pride to provide clothes that are tsniusdik in every sense. Not just hemlines, necklines, etc, but in the complete appearance of the clothes that they carry. Unfortunately other stores try their hardest to make clothes which are not tzniusdik, in design, color, tight fitting, etc., appear as such.

    It is for this that we need hashgocha, so we know which stores are trying to provide their customers with appropriate clothing, and which stores are trying to do the opposite.

    The hashgocha is for those of us who care, not those of you above who think that the Tznius police will check your closets.

  13. This thread is being CLOSED.

    Well over 100 comments were submitted – with the most vile forms of Lashon Hara directed at Gedoley Yisroel, Nivul Peh etc etc.

    That might be acceptable at other websites, but not on Yeshivaworld.

    For all those who are not smart enough to understand what this article meant, it is simple. There will be Hashgocho’s issued to stores which only carry approved clothing. Then, people who are shopping can make their own decision where to shop.

    What’s too difficult to comprehend that statement?

    WHERE in this short three paragraph story does one find a HINT that a “tznius police” is being set up to beat women who don’t wear what is proper?


    HOW does one have the GALL to question what Rav Eliyashiv wants to do?

    HOW does one have the CHUTZPA to equate Rav Eliyashiv with the Taliban??

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