Agudah has issues with X-ray machines

xray machine.jpgThe Agudath Israel of America has raised concerns with U.S. authorities about X-ray security machines. In a release Wednesday, the Orthodox organization said it was not satisfied with Department of Homeland Security assurances that “cloaking” software made the images less explicit.

“For many passengers, however, the religiously observant among them, ‘less explicit’ may fall far short of an acceptable standard of modesty,” Agudah said.

It said the department was demonstrating a willingness to cooperate, noting that the Transportation Security Administration several years ago agreed to provide separate rooms for searches involving the removal of wigs or hats out of respect for the modesty of religious travelers.


9 Responses

  1. i dont understand this story.
    what concerns? about what? explicit images of what?
    are we talking about x-raying luggage or people?


  2. It seems like there is some confusion on this.

    The X-Ray technology in question doesn’t just display skeletons and metal objects; it reveals a picture that is not unlike a black and white nude photo of the individual.

  3. Sayit:
    X-rays done for medicine purposes, diagnostic and otherwise, are done with full knowledge and consent, and for a purpose. They also show internal views of limbs and organs, for which I don’t think there are any gezeiros about tznuius.
    This technology in essence creates an image of a person walking through it as though their clothing were reomved, with no heterim of refuah.

  4. I thought when you went through that metal doorframe it only picked up if you were wearing metal. No one ever said it was an x-ray machine. What if someone were pregnant, it would not be safe. I can’t believe it is an x-ray machine for people. When the luggage goes through there are lead flaps which hang down in front and back of the machine over the revolving belt so people do not get exposed.Therefore it cannot be that the standing frame that you walk through is an x-ray machine. It doesn’t make sense.

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