Experts Working to Understand Mystery Bug in IDF

An array of experts are working to identify and understand the bug that claimed the life of IDF soldier Private Kurei Separk, 19  z”l, who died last week after over a month of hospitalization.

YWN-Israel reported a second soldier is infected, paralyzed from the waist down, and it now appears there are 17 other soldiers from the same base with the same infection, however Baruch Hashem it appears a non-fatal strain. Military medical experts have announced they are not concerned with a plague, explaining the non-fatal strain of the bug appears in 30% of the general population. It is reported that two other soldiers from the same unit arrived at a hospital on shabbos, and they received antibiotic therapy and were discharged.

Yet another soldier arrived at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa yesterday, Sunday, also receiving antibiotic therapy and also discharged.

The 17 soldiers infected are receiving prophylactic therapy, with military officials adding that during their treatment, they are continuing with their regular military duties.

Chief Medical Officer Brigadier-General Dr. Nachman Ash has launched an investigation, reporting the Egoz soldier who was paralyzed remains in Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv, and it is uncertain if his current condition will reverse itself.

It is being reported that the infection of the Egoz soldier and the soldier who died is the same, albeit different strains, with officials still reporting there is no connection between the cases.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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