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Akko: Simchas Torah Will be the Test

Politicians continue to make their way to Akko as they are working to stabilize the situation in the racially mixed city. On Wednesday, Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz made an appearance. Sheikh Darwish, the founder of the Israel Islamic Association also visited and made public calls for tolerance and peace.

Earlier in the week, Jamal Toufiq, the Arab driver who sparked the rioting on Yom Kippur, was released to house arrest by police.

Northern District Police commanders are pleased with the relative calm but warn the situation is still a fragile one. In addition, one senior unnamed officer in the northern district quoted by the daily Yisrael HaYom stated that Simchas Torah will be the real test.

He explained that when the Jews are holding hakofos on the street, dancing outside, this will be the true test to see if peace and mutual respect have returned to the city.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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