Prof. Gilon Encouraged with Maran Rav Chaim Ovadia’s Progress

ovHadassah Ein Kerem Hospital’s Professor Dan Gilon told Kol Berama Radio on Wednesday morning, 28 Tishrei 5774 that he is pleased and encouraged by the fact Maran HaGaon HaRav Chaim Ovadia Yosef Shlita opened his eyes and recognized family members who were present.

Gilon told host Mordechai Lavi that yesterday there was a continued slight improvement in the rav’s condition but today, Wednesday, that improvement was more apparent. “He is making progress and we are pleased”.

The senior physician confirmed the rav opens his eyes and responds to those around him. He explains this is far more significant than many may believe. He is optimistic as the medical team continues to aggressively monitor the gadol hador’s condition.

When asked if he can determine at this stage that there was no neurological damage to the rav, he stated, “we are being very cautious but yes, this is a possibility”.

Gilon stresses that “we must have patience” because in such cases, recovery may be a slow progress. At present he explains there is a positive trend, which they all are hopeful, will continue.

When asked if in the future the rabbi will be discharged to his home, he responded that “We remain hopeful but this is in the future, not at present.” He stated that in his opinion, this is not a case that a patient spends the remainder of his life in a hospital, and he believes and hopes the rabbi will be released at a future date.

Prof. Gilon stresses that Rav Chaim Ovadia cannot speak because he remains connected to the mechanical assisted breathing device.

The tzibur is urged to continue being mispallel on behalf of
מרן רבי חיים עובדיה יוסף בן גורג’יה לרפואה שלימה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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