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Israel: Terror Fatalities Down 55 Percent in 2012

According to information released by the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet), there was a 55% decline in terror-related fatalities in 2012 as compared to the previous year Baruch Hashem. Ten people were killed in terror attacks HY”D in 2012 as compared to 22 HY”D in 2011. Six of those killed were civilians and four security personnel.

Most of the deaths were the result of Gaza/Sinai based terror. Six of the dead (4 civilians and 2 security personnel) were killed as a result of rocket fire from Gaza.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Perhaps the individual terrorist attacks are down, but what about the rocket attacks. It looks good in print to say terrorist attacks are down, but if you count each individual rocket attack as a terrorist attack, and believe me, they are, then terrorist attacks are UP!!

    Let us not be miss lead by statistics, figures don’t lie, but liars figure!

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